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Gloomy article. Opinions?

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If the system is to be reduced in size and maintenance then it is logical that the difficult and expensive to maintain canals will be the first to go.


Why not send a direct question to Richard Parry = the font of all knowledge?

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It's published as if by a reporter, but written by a " boat resident", so really just a letter to the editor, presumably by a NBTA bloke. Same old stuff. Doesn't say anything about the iniquity of marinas making you buy a licence , though, so it's obviously rubbish.

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Lost me when we got to the fee increases. Having said that the Pennine canals are closed most of the time already. Three years in a row we have had to divert to alternative routes when trying to return along the L&L from summer cruises. 

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36 minutes ago, Midnight said:

Lost me when we got to the fee increases. Having said that the Pennine canals are closed most of the time already. Three years in a row we have had to divert to alternative routes when trying to return along the L&L from summer cruises. 


So closing them won't make any difference, will it?



The CRT maintenance budget wouldn't need to be spread so thinly then, would it. 




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2 hours ago, nb Innisfree said:

Or "Kayley" as my satnav used to say. 


Keighley neighbours?

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4 hours ago, MtB said:


So closing them won't make any difference, will it?


 Not much really.   Although up here we dream that Parry & Co get the boot and someone takes over who knows how to manage a navigation authority.


And here is next year's catastrophic failure, long term stoppage and £M+ repair. 

Notice Alert

Leeds & Liverpool Canal
Location: Culvert 80, Newburgh
Starts At: Bridge 36A - Sewageworks Footbridge
Ends At: Bridge 37, Windmill bridge
Up Stream Winding Hole: Winding Hole - Appley Bridge
Down Stream Winding Hole: Bridge 1, Junction Bridge

Tuesday 2 January 2024 08:00 until Tuesday 2 January 2024 16:00

Type: Navigation Closure
Reason: Repair


Update on 02/01/2024:


The Trust has removed this work from this year’s winter works programme while we review the scope and cost of the project.

The forecast cost has increased significantly from initial estimates.

We will look to deliver this work in a future winter programme and will monitor the leak in the interim.


Original message:


A stoppage is required to carry out some repairs to culvert 80. We will also be doing some wash wall repairs at Douglas embankment.

You can view this notice and its map online here:

You can find all notices at the url below:

Edited by Midnight
Edited to add next year's major stoppage
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Simple ...do less and less for more and more ,and waste $10 million on consultants ......it seems these guys getting $1 million salaries and bonusses,should be able to make decisions without consultants ...but no.

  • Greenie 2
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5 hours ago, john.k said:

Simple ...do less and less for more and more ,and waste $10 million on consultants ......it seems these guys getting $1 million salaries and bonusses,should be able to make decisions without consultants ...but no.


As you are aware I'm not a great fan of C&RT but I do think that any 'C&RT Knocking' should be based on facts rather than headline grabbing falsehoods.


C&RTs employment cost (salaries by employee numbers)




They are not particularly highly paid executives compared to other similar sized companies.


Personally I think there are far to many 'Chiefs and not enough Indians' but that is another matter.



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According to my West Yorkshire-born better half, it's "Kite-ly". 

But meanwhile back at the article, this is what some of us foresaw back in 2012 when Cam-moron had his big idea. 




Edited by Machpoint005
to correct the date
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3 minutes ago, Machpoint005 said:

According to my West Yorkshire-born better half, it's "Kite-ly". 





But meanwhile back at the article, this is what some of us foresaw back in 2010 when Cam-moron had his big idea. 


Always been known as Keith-ley if you're from Cleckhuddersfax ;) 

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We took our boat to Keithley.

Under the road bridge and moored up. Within an hour we had stones thrown at us...abuse....and threats of violence.  Then the hot hatches started up. 


Rather than press on....we "upped" the road bridge and then took ages reversing back to the winding hole....during the rush hour.


No....I didn't like it much 😕 

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I had a machine made there .....asked an ex resident ,and he said Keith-ley  or maybe Keech-ley.......but in the kind of choked throat vernacular of the area.....anyhoo ,the place has an interesting history .......a century of extreme decline from 200 odd mills to one thats a museum...........so the scrotes having been emancipated from the mills now have lots of time for chucking rocks...........not a new thing ,though......in the 1913 Moulders strike ,stone throwers broke 5,000 windows in Hattersleys South mill.

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I can recommend Cliffe Castle Museum in Keighley. It is an extravagant millowner's house, with displays showing a couple of rooms, plus local industrial history, stuffed birds and animals, local geology etc. The café is excellent.

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