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Midnight last won the day on September 2 2014

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About Midnight

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Yorkshire
  • Occupation
    Full Stack Developer
  • Boat Name
  • Boat Location
    West Yorkshire

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  1. I thought you just logged into the router to change channel. I can with the Huawei B535. I'm just not sure how to know which channel is best.
  2. I pulled into a marina last year for diesel and asked if I needed to fill out a declaration. "Yes" he said "but just sign it Donald Duck". "How do you know my name", I says
  3. Wow scary as - stay safe Alan
  4. My beloved Prestolite AV28 died last year. Regrettably parts are no longer available. I hope you have better luck.
  5. I'm afraid nobody is listening.
  6. There were warnings about both Toddbrook and Middlewich. C&RT's inspector warned about Middlewich years before the collapse. Then C&RT blame it on a paddle left up.
  7. The difference better decisions would make to some boaters would be very helpful and wouldn't cost that much. Take Plank Lane as an example. Wigan flight as another. And if you want serious silly decisions consider the avoidable costs of: 'wait until it fails' - Toddbrook and Middlewich aquaduct. There are other examples.
  8. No matter what I say you would challenge it. Meet me sometime for a beer and I will give you many examples of where improvements could be made and of inept management decisions. If you were honest you could probably come up with a few yourself, but you prefer to criticise anything that doesn't fit with your own view. You seem to be one of the few who are happy to just accept the shocking state and decline of the system and content to blame the government. You don't understand the concept of smarter working calling it BS, so whats the point in debating further? Please put me on ignore then you won't need to respond to my posts and the world will be a better place.
  9. You are an obnoxious, childish, bullshit merchant who claims to know everything about anything. You cry when someone offers an alternative solution. You fling subtle insults then pretend you're innocent. You are indeed the world's leading troll. As others have previously said you are indeed a dick. Please put me on ignore. And before you respond my dad is bigger than your dad!
  10. Now who's flinging insults? You may wish to put me on ignore as my next response to you will make you cry 'foul' //GFY//
  11. Not until I'm in post otherwise Parry will steal my plan and take all the credit 😜
  12. I'd go with that
  13. But it's not just the system that's a shambles it's the management too. Need someone who understands waterways and is prepared to bang heads together to get the organisation working smarter. Now back to my question to you. Where exactly is Parry doing a good job?
  14. Doesn't stop you repeating endlessly your point of view either. Other points of view are available. Tell me exactly where Parry is doing a good job. The C&RT is a shambles and an embarrassment. You cannot pretend otherwise.
  15. Just looked at C&RTs notices page there are TWENTY EIGHT stoppages today. And some on here think Parry is doing a good job.
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