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TheBiscuits last won the day on March 30 2024

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    Good Times

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  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  2. You could use the change to restore the canal
  3. And that there's a shore power connection on the mooring, although I didn't know that when I posted.
  4. Pictures or it didn't happen ... 😁
  5. True, but they are (important) implementation details - Lady G was suggesting avoiding the idea entirely.
  6. Why? As long as it's a weatherproof shore power cable it would be the correct answer. Just like all the marina based boats on shore power hookup.
  7. Not really, we've had it before where someone says I have an XYZ model inverter and an ABC model washer so someone else buys the same model number of inverter and washer and they don't work. I'm not disputing for a second that yours work together, I'm just pointing out to anyone else who buys the same kit won't be guaranteed that they'll play nicely together!
  8. Your machine works with your inverter. Doesn't guarantee that the same model of machine will work with the same model of inverter! They're odd like that, especially the digital washing machines.
  9. I used to have a GRP with no outboard. It had an inboard diesel ...
  10. Fair enough. The first time I did a night cruise on my current boat, the ridiculously bright "power on" green lamp on the Beta control panel got insulation tape stuck over it!
  11. The forward facing white is a legal requirement, although usually ignored - another unenforced BW byelaw. The Bridgewater Canal specify that the tunnel lamp is not acceptable for this, and also require a white stern lamp and red/green navigation lights. BW/CRT only require a forward white but if you have nav lights there's nothing to stop you using them.
  12. Exactly this, although I do add a "forward facing white light" so I can be seen coming - a weak bike light strapped to the bow that doesn't even try to light anything up ahead. I'd disagree with this, the absolute worst are super high power head torches or bike lights on the towpath, closely followed by idiot boats who have football stadium lights on a sensor - the ones that completely blind you just as you're trying to steer round their boat!
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  14. The fuses will obviously still work, but I'd be tempted to tape the damaged covers back over them, or substitute something (plastic food packaging?) for any completely missing ones. If you're not thinking about battery work it would be very easy to contact them with something conductive. Then the electric might escape ...
  15. That's why he ran the engine for a few hours, presumably while doing other stuff on the boat, then physically removed the battery and took it away to charge it...
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