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IanD last won the day on November 4

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About IanD

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    Great Haywood

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  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  2. And just note that though it claims to also be able to charge your batteries, the small print says this only applies to LA not LFP -- which seems to be a major omission nowadays...
  3. I didn't say I agreed with it (or donate to them), but it's undoubtedly a lifeline for some people who've been dropped in it through no fault of their own. It's a bit like donating to charity, except to an individual not an organisation. And also used by spongers who think other people should give them money instead of them coughing up. Like most other things in life, it works both ways, good and bad... 😉
  4. Anything invented after WWII -- or in severe cases, WWI...
  5. It's the modern way of raising money via online donations from a large number of people, who are each happy to contribute a small amount to somebody who has (apparently) been dropped in the sh*t... If you don't approve of it, don't donate... 🙂
  6. The Vetus e-pod is not steerable which removes one of the big plus points of a pod drive, has a hub so will be prone to blockage (and difficult to clear), and if the prop gets damaged on the canals by a pice of debris (e.g. wood) it costs more than £2000 to replace.
  7. If the thing emitting the sound -- the generator here -- is reasonably small (near-fild vs. far-field) then measuring from 7m away will give a reading 17db lower than 1m away -- the difference between 56dB/7m amd 72dB/1m is 16db, so in theory the Honda is slightly (1dB) quieter, but this difference is too small to be noticeable. The quality of the sound (what frequencies dominate) will make a much bigger audible difference than this, some gennys just sound nastier than others, a smooth lower-frequency sound is less annoying. From walking past various gennies, Hondas seem better than most for this...
  8. Really? What was "Some of us have forgotten more about narrowboats than you will ever know" then, a helpful encouragement to learn more?
  9. But you can break the Third Law ("You can't get out of the game") by selling your boat... 😉
  10. You can -- and do -- on CWDF though... 😉
  11. It *still* seems that many posters on CWDF would rather complain about or insult other posters than either watch YouTube or go boating... 😞
  12. At least that one has a steady beat, unlike an idling Bolly... 😉 (yes I've played along to one, it's an "interesting challenge"...)
  13. But at terrible risk, according to some -- who every time this subject comes up posts a horror story about boats going over a weir...
  14. Normal recommendation for your purpose is 8mm chain and 14mm nylon rope, or anchorplait if you can afford it. There are plenty of threads on CWDF discussing anchors, if you have an hour ot two to spare... 😉
  15. Nice boat, nice sound, nice box, nice playing... 🙂 A Bolinder is more of a challenge... 😉
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