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Everything posted by Midnight

  1. A few issues fixed fairly quickly. Perhaps C&RT really have turned a corner. Credit where credit due!
  2. We could go on like this for ages but how about you just let me have my opinion and I let you have yours. It was silly to insist (you said it twice) I hate Parry when I've said many times "It's where the buck stops". I still think you're an okay chap but probably better to engage over a pint rather than a forum. Let's be honest you have ruffled a few feathers on here, maybe I have too.
  3. You are now getting confused Where did I brag about fundraising? @beerbeerbeerbeerbeer asked "why" and I said " P155 poor management! ... " My beef is stoppages not fundraising. C&RT has failed to meet it's key objectives, fiddled the books and made promises it hasn't delivered. If I had time I would analyse the current stoppages and see how many don't require £millions. C&RT engage in non-essential events and pointless promotion when they should redirect those costs to those stoppages which could be fixed without £millions or even £thousands. You say the government demand C&RT spend on promoting to the public but the visitor figures (??) show huge success so why keep spending? Lets other's organise fun runs, walks & fishing classes. Others already promote the canals on youtube and facebook without the need for sponsored ads. And how essential is a poet laureate? Yes I agree it won't save £millions but it will fix a few of those 20+ current stoppages and make our lives easier. The so-called super-duper expensive coms system for Standedge isn't good money spent when so few boats a week are allowed through and the HNC is closed more than it's open anyway. (How many boats have been through the tunnel this year?) How about this for an idea, Let's go back to 3 boats on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, then that might justify a super-duper coms system. I don't know whether a change would help (neither do you) but I do know it's getting worse under Parry & Co I didn't insult you I called it as I (and others) see it, I don't hate Parry it's just where 'the buck stops' - simples!
  4. When we met I thought you were okay just a keyboard warrior but you really are quite silly, arrogant, pompous and aggressive aren't you. You have strong opinions, but other opinions are available too. You seem to be very insecure. Just allow others to express there views without the snide remarks and insults then you won't get so many comments like this. I will answer questions when they are sensible, but you ask ridiculous questions like 'what would you do? ' Life's too short and I do not answer to you.
  5. No I try to avoid it - it's always bad news You really don't get it, do you?
  6. Who gives a toss what Parry is paid the man has failed and therefore should be retired 'to spend more time with the family'. I can't think of another job were you can fail to meet objectives, fiddle the accounts and fail to deliver on promises made and still keep your job.
  7. The 'How' isn't the issue. Failure is failure and Parry has been a disaster for us boaters. I'm not saying anyone else could do better but I'd like to see someone try. With 10 current stoppages in Yorkshire alone and only12 in the rest of the country, they couldn't really do any worse for those of us up here. (I did note the Lawsonford Lock posts, where people on here were not a quick as you to excuse C&RT.) It's a bit like those who blame the conservative government for CRT's funding troubles. They don't take into account covid, two wars, global downturn etc., but the conservatives have failed and no doubt will be replaced and that's what should happen. IMO it should also happen to Parry & Co.
  8. Me "whinge about Parry & Co" .... ...as if I would 😆😆😜
  9. Does any boater dare risk coming to God's own country now?
  10. I think the orange restrictions overlay the red stoppages
  11. Again!!!! One might think Parry & Co are useless, but I couldn't possibly comment.
  12. Does EE allow WIFI calling? I think 500GB would be fine but i can't find an EE 500GB so maybe have to get this one or switch to Three https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unlimited-Data-Sim-Card-Business-Grade/dp/B0D14SYZRJ/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3PABWCSURSTVO&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gei-xWA19bh--XmnFPXB7zK4oRwqZ80DmjXrhhbZ4nheJzKN1NLmTNi8lzvisAUxdCSq2SNyTZ6cHrRKZNB7hrn_HpIR3dL_Poiu8G5BShAk-orSsP01JUmrduYytwdqIqAhMJYrd0K6umtmXnz_GBIDGbLFucfVyzfAW4gNQtG1jfeYQZ1IPKoql6DN1s8ZfNOxBdQYLMqox2Mdf88U-6jehlAMnWF-UTl6ERWRCBY_VAWuZkA_gokzpw93JyMbPY340ibC6oGHmcxXYWRsuEnttROoTEltgTqjmYNHexg.hZ2FbMq4j8oxqPpkgnm467cog0aFdO-DOJBfP4z_Mb4&dib_tag=se&keywords=Scancom+EE+Unlimited+5G+Data+SIM&qid=1715117455&s=electronics&sprefix=scancom+ee+unlimited+5g+data+sim+%2Celectronics%2C94&sr=1-4
  13. My router's data sim agreement with O2 ends soon (£30 per month unlimited). I have been happy with the coverage. Last year we did a big trip from Yorkshire down to London and back and only a couple of days with a poor signal. We changed our phones to O2 last October which would mean a small discount. So should I renew or are there better options available?
  14. We stayed two nights in Paddington last year. Highly recommended but I think the charges have increased from £12 a night.
  15. Sad but true. I met couple from Goole today who are selling up because they are sick of getting held up by stoppages.
  16. Have the Yorkshire management team been transferred south?
  17. That's a very cynical view considering this post is in praise of CRT getting things right. Are you a negative creaking gate or just Midnight bashing? Can you remind me of any post I put on NBW?
  18. The technical bod from McDuff (anodes) told me anodes do very little until the blacking breaks down. Midnight's hull sides and baseplate are gritblasted and two-packed - my anodes are 20 years old and still going
  19. No I totally agree. My whistle-blower said they will not close the Huddersfield because Standedge tunnel is a heritage site. They won't close the Rochdale but they may discover a major fault that will take a very long time to fix.... on the Littleborough side. The only time I heard that had happened was when they closed the summit because Punchbowl Bridge has a bit of masonry missing and they couldn't decide who owned it - the bridge not the masonry. I think at least one forumite would know more about it than me.
  20. Good point but suggest you get tin helmet ready as IanD will be along any minute to explain why you are wrong - oops already commented 🤣
  21. Sorry I just spotted this. First may I apologise, we do have a few in the Club who worry beyond belief about security. Your best option is to contact membership@southpennineboatclub.co.uk The current membership secretary, Linda, is very friendly and will invite you to call down and show you around. There's a bit of a process to join but the rewards are significant. Low-cost moorings, dry dock to die for, diesel at cost and a good social scene. The Club is self-sufficient so you will be expected to contribute to maintainance and administration. Hope this helps.
  22. "Looking back over the past weeks many such quick fixes have been undertaken, that surely shows the trust is making an effort to keep the navigations open for boaters." I'm not entirely sure it is "Sarcasm" in this instance, maybe Tom is getting soft in his old age.
  23. Well that didn't take long trout, fly spings to mind. "I REALLY must congratulate Canal & River Trust on its new repairs system." Praise from Victor Swift is praise indeed.
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