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1st ade

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1st ade last won the day on April 24 2016

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About 1st ade

  • Birthday 18/03/1963

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    South Midlands
  • Interests
    Scuba Diving
    Photography (both above and below water)
    Folk Music (Show of Hands)
    Engineering (Mechanical, electrical, electronic and web)
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  1. (Have not hidden the other figures as open to all...)
  2. Which is why the Mods work as a team - it's rarely a "one person" decision. Which can't be done with a team of volunteers... 🙂
  3. The Mods have had a long and hard think and much online discussion (and every time we think we've got somewhere, another posting pops up; including, but not limited to, those above...). The consensus is: - (as has been mentioned in the thread) potential legal issues if The Forum say "Tony (or any other member) is the definitive authority on..." Stifling discussion (and it is a discussion forum) Much more work to administer (for the Mods) Our feeling is that we don't need a change, just a robust attitude to the T's and C's. If an experienced member gives advice and the questioner ignores it; not our problem. If an experienced member and the questioner engage in a (polite) "oh yes it is" / "oh no it isn't", well, that's (sort of discussion). If either party start using questionable language (which could include reference to age, gender etc) then it's not a technical decision to step in, it's back to T's and C's (provided someone reports it!) Thanks All - Keep up the good work - The Mod Team
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  5. A young boy playing a pipe as he walks out of town? Alternatively (for those of a Pratchett disposition), a cat called "Maurice"...
  6. Tony I agree, and, if it came down to a "no, you're wrong, that's only for the 13 diode alternator" we would ask.
  7. The Mods exist for a reason - if any member believes that another member is breaking, bending or stretching the rules of the forum, please use the "report" option hiding under the three dots top right of each post (on a PC, the option may be in a different place on a mobile) rather than making public accusations. This includes, but is not limited to, accusations of "AI Plagiarism", offensive language, "spam" and many other categories. The Mods may appear slow to react, but we have access to tools and other options not available to members. If we are slower than you would wish, it is because we talk to each other behind the scenes to reach consensus agreement rather than a Mod working alone. Thank you for your understanding - The Mod Team
  8. Gentlemen (and ladies)... Could we possibly stick to the original post - while the Mod's consider whether to hide the whole thing (which would be a shame at a technical level) or unpick every response for quoiting and re-quoting things better left unsaid... Thank you - on behalf of "The Mods"
  9. Plates will be in one of the cupboards... The OP has (wisely) blanked out the Index Number
  10. I'd lay a small sum of money that the key lies on a single source - my Ford Alternator works with my Ford ECU (and my Ford Air Con) to manage the charge correctly, but when I floor it and ask for full chat away from the lights the Alternator, Aircon and ECU talk to each other and agree a plan - Adding a Ford Alternator to a Canal Boat will follow the basics but won't have this "no, after you" that you get in a single vehicle with parts from a single manufacturer.
  11. C'mon! We've had HDMI (for video) for far longer, and between manufacturer's... Turn on the Blu-Ray to play a CD, the TV comes on (It's a CD, no pictures...). Turn the TV off, the Blu-Ray goes off... Turn on BT-Vision - it turns the TV on (because HDMI supports that) but doesn't switch the TV over to BT Vision... Turn on Sky - It turns the TV on (as above) - it would switch the TV to the Sky input but by then the TV has gone to it's "no input" menu On a more practical level, I spent hours (many years ago) debugging a link between two telecoms providers as one had assumed a six-digit decimal number was padded with zero's and the other had assumed it wasn't - if only we had standards...
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  13. Thinking outside the box a little (and something for @magpie patrick to think about in his copious free time...) there must be at least some locations where chargers are accessible by both road and water - thinking maybe a supermarket car park with adjacent canal could have chargers lined up along the boundary and offer both cars and boaters two hours free parking / mooring; provided they shop at the store! Either could also charge while they shop. Someone will now say the connectors and charging technology are different...
  14. That's roughly what we found when we borrowed @magpie patrick's boat for a long weekend - the Severn was running hard and we ended up with the situation where the engine was (literally) boiling and we were making progress, if we eased off a bit the engine was happy, but we were holding our ground, no more. Running hot water out the taps made not a lot of difference. We were lucky that another boat had sufficient capacity (and would not accept a reward) for "breasting up", getting us upstream to a convenient pub and making sure we were secure.
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