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nb Innisfree

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Everything posted by nb Innisfree

  1. Daughter's got a chocolate lab, 8yrs old now, very intelligent when it suits her, very thick when it doesn't! She's gorgeous, there will be lots of tears when she's gone.
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  3. Bought our first one in '84/'85 after attending a grim fire scene, very unusual to have one in a house then & not seen for sale to general public. When they became cheaper some time later and I decided to fit one in each bedroom (TV in each) my colleagues thought that was over the top, and that was from firefighters, funny how attitudes are fixed by convention.
  4. Hats off to whoever thought of them in the first place
  5. https://youtube.com/shorts/rqMZu_bRndY?si=aAGexb_AA6AT1gjA
  6. We had a folding ladder thing as a boarding plank, 3m long, with chequer plate, pinned to boat & shore, moored where we fancied.
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  9. Yes ok whatever, I'm getting too long in the tooth to listen to you splitting hairs and commenting on something you seem to know nothing about.
  10. You're stating the obvious there. ETA: It sounds to me as if you're suggesting I preferred someone died rather than be called out to a false alarm, if so then you're very naive, I've dealt with enough death to want to see more.
  11. I've been at busy stations and quiet ones, makes no difference, when called out we went, day or night, whether we liked it or not, in any case quiet stations welcomed some action but not time wasters. It doesnt wastes time just for one station as others have to be mobilised to provide cover, and sometimes while attending a spurious incident a genuine caller has to wait longer for help which can be life threatening. Yes I've seen some decisions made by senior ranks which in retrospect were a bit iffy, fortunately no comebacks but that's the nature of the job. ETA: It's really exciting when you sit on the toilet for a much needed dump only for the bells to go down mid drop and after a perfunctory wipe to then find it was a waste of time. Return to station jump in the shower for a quick splash and then the bells go down again, great fun.
  12. Very true but if we want a fire service that responds to every alert then we need a much larger one.
  13. I spent 28 yrs as a full time firefighter and attended a few incidents where someone had dialled 999 because their smoke alarm had gone off, we were an emergency service not an advisory one, 4/5 firefighters one appliance, someone once said after we responded to a smell of smoke that it was ridiculous, why couldn't you send a man with a van instead, where a "man & a van" would come from is anyone's guess as we were on minimum manning anyway. Folk must think there are lots of spare hands on call 24/7 just to check things out. Innocent ignorance.
  14. Innisfree had low level CO indication, caused by smoke curling down into mushroom vent when wind was blowing from astern, longer chimney sorted it.
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  17. Patient observation, at a certain angle and level of light I could see very small amounts of smoke coming in through the vent occasionly. ETA: Also I tried running our Villager without the slide in/out baffle plate but found the higher temp around the exit to the flue baked the deposit so hard I had to raise the flue enough for me to use a hammer and small chisel to remove it, a major faff. Instead I reinstated the baffle plate and made it a regular job to remove and clean it before any deposit on top didn't pile up enough and bake hard to prevent plate sliding out.
  18. FWIW we occasionaly had a low level CO alarm on Innisfree, turned out to be smoke curling down back into a mushroom vent, only happened when wind was blowing straight down the boat from astern, cured by fitting a longer chimney (3')
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  21. Actually it was worse down south, in Sheffield I recall it being worse than before but not remarkable, I saw the weather map on telly and the worst of the snow from Siberia? was laid at an angle from the NE down to the SW just clearing Sheffield, but we were still 'ard!
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  24. Some time in the mid '50s I have a clear memory of walking to school one day and having to navigate between snowdrifts higher than my head (4'?) The wind had blown the snow into a natural maze, being able to walk on dry asphalt most of the time as I zigzagged a route across roads and pavements, it was so surreal and I Ioved it!
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