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mrsmelly last won the day on May 13

mrsmelly had the most liked content!

About mrsmelly

  • Birthday 23/06/2016

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Beautiful Ceredigion
  • Interests
    Pubs, Restaurants and going to the beach.
  • Occupation
    Lazy git
  • Boat Name
    Downgraded to a house.
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Veteran II

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Community Answers

  1. The utter fool who was in charge in Wales packed in recently. Thankfully, his short lived replacement had sense to realise 20 made no sense. Many miles of 20 zones in Wales were/are in absurd locations. Soon to be binned. Many millions of council tax thrown away
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  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
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  6. I used to live aboard on my first liveaboard boat there in 1973 onwards 🙂 One of my little girls now owns a house directly opposite that length of moorings. Small World innitt. I used to live aboard on my first liveaboard boat there in 1973 onwards 🙂 One of my little girls now owns a house directly opposite that length of moorings. Small World innitt. I used to live aboard on my first liveaboard boat there in 1973 onwards 🙂 One of my little girls now owns a house directly opposite that length of moorings. Small World innitt.
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  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
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