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Dispute at Pillings

andy the hammer

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Oh no, that really wasn't what I meant at all sad.png I maintain that I am not in any way commenting on people, merely posting pictures of animals of my blog.


It's OK Lynne, no-one is suggesting that you were



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Merely suggesting that you read between the lines.


Have you read post 55 yet on page 3?


You might like to seek out the posts on PL evicting his own parents from the site next !


.That aside...What a scoop for your paper if you were to interview those concerned ...Victims of PL!


..It would be nice to read a true account of what the situation of disputes with the C&RT are about as well.

Edited by Dangerous Dave
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Merely suggesting that you read between the lines.


Have you read post 55 yet on page 3?


You might like to seek out the posts on PL evicting his own parents from the site next !


.That aside...What a scoop for your paper if you were to interview those concerned ...Victims of PL!


..It would be nice to read a true account of what the situation of disputes with the C&RT are about as well.

... except I'm not a paper, nor particularly interested in scoops! I only went for a cup of coffee. I'm sure if you were to contact the Loughborough Echo they may be interested though.

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So Paul Lillie is a shape shifter now...Either a Stoat or weasel!!


Known also as a shark around the holiday home perhaps

And the difference between a stoat and a weasel????? One's weasely recognised and the other's stoatally different. Sorry!!!! frusty.gif

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Do we know if today's monetary instalment has been honoured?



Reckon that we will have to wait until Thursday morning canal side to get it Straight

And the difference between a stoat and a weasel????? One's weasely recognised and the other's stoatally different. Sorry!!!! frusty.gif


Weally...Maybe it was Woy then!


I once saw a Stoat or Weasal down the lane opposite the Sewage treatment works dragging a full size rabbit into the hedge!


Wonder if Lynne noticed the rats under the decking outside the caff!

Edited by Dangerous Dave
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Reckon that we will have to wait until Thursday morning canal side to get it Straight


Weally...Maybe it was Woy then!


I once saw a Stoat or Weasal down the lane opposite the Sewage treatment works dragging a full size rabbit into the hedge!


I think that would have to be a stoat, can't see a weasel being big enough. They're quite small & skinny.



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Why Thursday?


Thought the deadline for payment was tomorrow?


Roy Rollings said


"The first payment has been made today, with the remaining two scheduled for Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th April."


So two payments should have gone through by now, with the third by tomorrow.


And if not, then come Wednesday, boats will only be able to leave.

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There may be no official residential moorings, but the local authority is paying housing benefits(mooring fees and annual licences - probably BSS test cert fees as well) to at least 6 residents. I wonder why the council tax hounds havn't picked up on this yet.

You know full well that the Hounds know...

Dear Kevinl, Glad you got the impression from my blog that the surroundings at Pillings are nice: Disputes aside it is a lovely peaceful place. Lynne

So long as the wind blows in the right direction...that sewerage farm's close after all. It might look nice but...

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Just to clarify, I'm sure from Lynne's blog that she was just an innocent visitor describing what she observed, only vaguely aware that the marina had some sort of financial problem, and not in any way connected with Pillings Lock and its management.


I found it amusing that amid all the controversy her article about the site focussed heavily upon its wildlife, but why not? The whole point of a blog is to write about what interests you and hope people like reading it. Lynne, probably without realising it, wrote in the tradition of Jane Austen whose novels written during the Napoleonic Wars hardly mention them at all. Or Mervyn Peake, who wrote Titus Groan in quiet moments during his service in WW2.


Only someone either directly involved with the situation at Pillings Lock, or with an interest in accounting, company and canal related law, or the potential impact of the behaviour of Matt Steadman and Paul Lillie upon the long term finances of the Canals and Rivers Trust would want to give up sufficient time to read the entire topic. Trust me on this Lynne!

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Only someone either directly involved with the situation at Pillings Lock, or with an interest in accounting, company and canal related law, or the potential impact of the behaviour of Matt Steadman and Paul Lillie upon the long term finances of the Canals and Rivers Trust would want to give up sufficient time to read the entire topic. Trust me on this Lynne!


Point of order M'lud.


It's "Canal and River Trust", not "Canals and Rivers Trust".


I too though it was the plural version when the name was first chosen but it seems my memory fails me. Either that or some revisionism has been imposed on us.



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Point of order M'lud.


It's "Canal and River Trust", not "Canals and Rivers Trust".


I too though it was the plural version when the name was first chosen but it seems my memory fails me. Either that or some revisionism has been imposed on us.




Its forward planning (to save having all the signs and stationary re-printed) when - in the near future - due to financial cut-backs there will only be one canal and one river left navigable.

  • Greenie 1
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my mum use to tell me not to talk to strangers as there are bad men out there

So after such a long thread,

Is PL a good man or bad man??



Is Pillings a nice place to have a boat?

Is Pillings a nice place to visit for holiday,could we not have a free week or two

Aparently if we're not 100% happy! Or think we shouldn't have to pay we don't have to!


Ie,Likewise if you take out a annual mooring, you don't have to pay either!


Surely that would make PL a nice man.?

If he's a nice man, isnt it okay to talk to him then?



Edited by bigcol
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Soon, I suspect Pillings will be so difficult to fill that prices will plunge and it will become the 'paper mooring' of choice for all discerning bridge hoppers.


No-one will actually dare to take or leave their boat there, but the low prices may well suit some of us just perfectly who like CCing locally...






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Reckon that we will have to wait until Thursday morning canal side to get it Straight


Weally...Maybe it was Woy then!


I once saw a Stoat or Weasal down the lane opposite the Sewage treatment works dragging a full size rabbit into the hedge!


Wonder if Lynne noticed the rats under the decking outside the caff!

I didn't, but I am aware that rats love decking, whether that's beside a canal or in our own back gardens!

You know full well that the Hounds know...


So long as the wind blows in the right direction...that sewerage farm's close after all. It might look nice but...

Yes, I walked past the sewerage farm, and even took a picture of it for the blog, lest my readers might think I was misleading them in some way, but a) I'm not a good photographer, and B) the sun was in full shine, so the structures are way too dark and c) I don't have any whizzy computer programme like photoshop to manipulate my photos, so I didn't put it in.

I shall have to modify my use of points: This software interprets b followed by ) as a smiley wearing sunglasses, which, while kinda appropriate given I was talking about the sun, isn't what I meant. And for some reason or other, it won't let me edit the post. Probably an IE11 issue ...

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Just to clarify, I'm sure from Lynne's blog that she was just an innocent visitor describing what she observed, only vaguely aware that the marina had some sort of financial problem, and not in any way connected with Pillings Lock and its management.


I found it amusing that amid all the controversy her article about the site focussed heavily upon its wildlife, but why not? The whole point of a blog is to write about what interests you and hope people like reading it. Lynne, probably without realising it, wrote in the tradition of Jane Austen whose novels written during the Napoleonic Wars hardly mention them at all. Or Mervyn Peake, who wrote Titus Groan in quiet moments during his service in WW2.


Only someone either directly involved with the situation at Pillings Lock, or with an interest in accounting, company and canal related law, or the potential impact of the behaviour of Matt Steadman and Paul Lillie upon the long term finances of the Canals and Rivers Trust would want to give up sufficient time to read the entire topic. Trust me on this Lynne!

Thank-you so much for your comments, Peter X! I believe you have hit the nail on the head! I was simply an "innocent [but very stressed] visitor" looking for some way of off-loading my angst about the lengthy job interview I'd just been through [i got the job BTW]. I'm sure like a lot of people I skim-read the local paper and remembered seeing something about money being owed, but not being a boat-owner, not being a regular customer and not knowing anything more than that which the newspaper headline told me, I headed off to Pillings with only the selfish thoughts "I need a strong cup of coffee and CAKE". From narrowboat holidays in my youth, I was familiar with the BWB, but had no idea it had been replaced by C&RT, had no knowledge that this forum existed, and certainly had no understanding of how deep the Pillings issue had become.


You are so right about blogging too: I write about what interests me, or what has made an impression on me, and hope that people with an interest in Loughborough will also find something of interest to read on my blog. I think what is often forgotten (and I'm as guilty of this as the next blogger) is that a blog is potentially available to the 7+billion people who inhabit the world (provided, of course, they have the necessary IT infrastructures, no censorship etc.) so although the focus may be on one aspect, it is quite possible that one's post might reach an unexpected audience.


You are also quite right to suggest that I naively wrote in the tradition of Jane Austen and Mervyn Peake: I don't expect I shall ever see the names Lynne Dyer, Jane Austen and Mervyn Peake ever again in the same sentence, but it was nice while it lasted!


Thanks for reassuring me that I don't need to read the whole thread: Whilst I sympathise with everyone affected by this issue, and find the whole thing somewhat interesting, it is not currently central to my life.


I must away now for I have a blog post to write: If you're interested in Handel, Jennens, Snibston Discovery Museum and an international supermarket in Loughborough, then do pop along for a read. Posts are published at 8pm each Sunday evening.



PS Jane Austen / Mervyn Peake would never have allowed such a spelling mistake as "their" instead of "they're" to get through to the final publication, so I am grateful for the impetus to look back at my post, and have now corrected said spelling mistake #mustremembertoproofreadbeforepublishing

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I don't have any whizzy computer programme like photoshop to manipulate my photos.

Gimp. No I'm not being rude, Gimp is an open source (in other words free) image editor, just as good as photoshop, in fact better than photoshop (IMO) & not just cuz it's free.


My preferred (cracked) image editor of choice though is still Paint Shop Pro 8, very old & easy to use cuz it doesnt have too many features.

Edited by Ssscrudddy
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Gimp. No I'm not being rude, Gimp is an open source (in other words free) image editor, just as good as photoshop, in fact better than photoshop (IMO) & not just cuz it's free.


My preferred (cracked) image editor of choice though is still Paint Shop Pro 8, very old & easy to use cuz it doesnt have too many features.

Oooh, sounds good! I shall ask our home network administrator (!) if we can download this Gimp software! I so agree about choice: Too many features can be off-putting. In my world, why I have to choose between 100 different washing machines that between them have 1000 different washing programmes, when all I need are 4, I have no idea! I don't think you can buy photoshop as a one-off purchase any more: Monthly subs are so much better for the software companies, don't you think?! Reminds me of those unused gym memberships ...

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Somehow along the line i thought it odd that Lynneaboutloughborough was so responsive to a post soon as the link was mentioned on this thread yesterday and continues to do so.

The content of her blog/articule elsewhere ,pictures and all appear to run along the lines of what has been discussed on here originally..Bridle

path .sewage farm and so on.

I was starting to get paranoid that Lynne was another PL/RR/CSH clone,but Peter X seems convinced that Lynne is kosher.


Likewise the suspicions of Pillingsmoorer being PL or near enough by many on here ,twigged my thoughts that he/she is in fact scamming us.

Holiday home (?) overseas,flat in London..Wonder if he has a house or two in Mountsorrel ,Range Rover,BMW soft top vehicles.

Then i remembered that a member of the PLMLF informed me that Pillingsmoorer is a mature guy with white hair,small dog and moors on J block..


Help i am getting paranoid..lol!

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Dear Berth Holders,

I am pleased to inform you that the new Network Access Agreement is now in place and full payment has been made. Connection to the canal will remain open and available for use, the threat of a blockade is no more.
Can I once again thank you for your patience whilst we have been dealing with this, I fully understand how difficult it has been for many of you. If you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch.


Roy Rollings
Pilling`s Lock Trading Ltd
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