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Princes meatballs


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6 hours ago, LadyG said:

In the co op,.on the tinned shelf.

There are two varieties, gravy or tomato. Princess do some good tinned foods, this one was cheap, £1.40 and tasty.

I generally don't eat processed meats, but made an onion gravy and spuds, by sweating a red onion, garlic, spuds and some ripe tomatoes.

Brilliant flavours, though the meatballs were pretty much left on the plate. I think I'll try it with dumplings on top next time, super winter fare ready in twenty minutes. Plus ten mins prep

Sorry,but I think Princes stuff is awful.The meatballs don't taste anything like meat, their meatpaste doesn't taste of anything, and their corned beef... is slimy and undercooked.

Why not buy low fat mince, you can make lots of dishes with it.Mince onion, mash and carrots, curry, spag bol,spicy mince and rice, burger lots of possibilities.

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I just finished the 4 Gro bean burgers. In oven for a little bit with a couple of bacon rashers very nice. 


Better than expected. 



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Just now, sueb said:

Low fat mince is horrid. It is dry and stringy.

Exactly what I was thinking. Taste free and orrible. Mince from the butcher is just mince, if you buy it from a supermarket they do the labeled fat amount stuff. The mrs always buys the orrible low fat stuff but if I have to buy some for the dog or even us I buy the highest fat level they have on sale 😁 it has some flavour. Any low fat meat offerings are usualy also low flavour.

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In Scotland the local butcher would buy one beef bullock for his customers,  and if you were watching the pennies you bought the mince off his tray, it was good quality but cheaper than "steak mince" which he minced for you as you waited. It was lean.

Nowadays you never even see a butcher never mind ask for a pound of steak mince.


Just now, LadyG said:

In Scotland the local butcher would buy one beef bullock for his customers,  and if you were watching the pennies you bought the mince off his tray, it was good quality but cheaper than "steak mince" which he minced for you as you waited. It was lean.

Nowadays you never even see a butcher never mind ask for a pound of steak mince.


There is an upside to modern retail butchery:  butchers live longer, they all used to die young (heart attacks).

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1 hour ago, David Mack said:


When I was growing up my mother regularly served us Fray Bentos steak and kidney pie and I loved it. And I recall also enjoying it occasionally when living a bachelor life in a bedsit in South London after graduating. But I tried one recently and was very disappointed. Which made me wonder whether it was the pies that had changed or my taste.

As a student sharing a flat in Ilford in the mid 60s we had Fray Bentos pies often. Every time I saw them in the shop I mentioned it to my wife so she bought one last year. What a disappointment.

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3 minutes ago, pearley said:

As a student sharing a flat in Ilford in the mid 60s we had Fray Bentos pies often. Every time I saw them in the shop I mentioned it to my wife so she bought one last year. What a disappointment.

The wife, the pie or the ageing?

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I eat tinned stuff at least twice a week, and I've tried numerous brands- and I think Princes is really poor stuff, in general. 

I still keep one of their chicken curry pies as an emergency option, but they contain very little actual meat. 

The meatballs I tried were dreadful- both the sauce and the 'meat'. 

After trying 3 or 4 of their products over the last few years I've mostly abandoned the brand as being basically inedible garbage, but being sold at similar prices to far better products. 

I've learned the hard way about some awful brands that lurk on the shelves of supermarkets. Bramwells is one that has consistently disappointed, although arguably Princes is even worse. 

I personally believe these sorts of manufacturers use the lowest quality animal parts that can still be legally labelled as meat (and the other ingredients are not much better)- and it appears that they don't even bother to try and hide the awful taste with a half-decent sauce. 

These have become (mostly) the foods of poverty, ignorance and desperation, and should not be trifled with by those who are still fortunate enough to have an alternative. 


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I thought Princes was just tuna. 


Never look at the tinned section in the shops apart from tinned mackerel which I buy with voracity. 

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10 hours ago, LadyG said:

In Scotland the local butcher would buy one beef bullock for his customers,  and if you were watching the pennies you bought the mince off his tray, it was good quality but cheaper than "steak mince" which he minced for you as you waited. It was lean.

Nowadays you never even see a butcher never mind ask for a pound of steak mince.


There is an upside to modern retail butchery:  butchers live longer, they all used to die young (heart attacks).

You don't shop in the right places if you never see a butchers! 


Was our first port of call when we got home yesterday to the local farm shop and butchery.


Got to pick up the half a pig and half a sheep we ordered next weekend. Get the garage freezer stocked up again 

34 minutes ago, LadyG said:

Thirty million people can't be wrong, or can they?

Yes they can.

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