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bizzard last won the day on June 5 2020

bizzard had the most liked content!


About bizzard

  • Birthday July 16

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    bishops stortford
  • Occupation
    retarded mechanic
  • Boat Name
    lady olga
  • Boat Location

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Veteran II

Veteran II (12/12)



  1. Most folk on here have survived smoke, smog, smoking, traffic fumes for years. Most children are not fit anymore, eat rubbish grub, have very little excercise and just sit at home playing tablets and smartphones or hang about with mates all doing the same, I was at relatives at Christmas and all of them played with them all the time, even taking them to the dinner table with frequent stops to play with them. Conversation was almost zero.
  2. Lots of frustrated pillocks around here with stupidly expensive powerful very fast cars, frustrated cos the speed limits are 30 and 40mph, chugging about in indirect gears. They're a blasted nuisance cos they're big an wide jamming up the roads and car parks.
  3. The stupid modern low profile tyres can get their wall chopped on the wheel rim driving over jagged potholes, it's happened twice in our rough back lane. They also give a more harsh jogging ride than the older deeper profile tyres. The reason being that low profile tyre pressures are roughly 10 psi higher than the old type that rode along much smoother in and out of pot holes without much problem.
  4. It's wise if there's a strong side wind ablowin to exit the lovely calm of the bottom of an empty lock at speed for fear of piling up on a lee shore on the way out as the cross wind hits you.
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  7. I remember that Elvis Presley used to be on the RCA record label.
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  9. Someone here cooked and ruined all 5 of the boats cabin batteries. The boat already had four very large panels on top, he added another and that cooked the batteries. It happened during the 40 deg heatwave. I had nothing to do with it. I think solar panels will wear out the sun eventually.
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  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
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