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Cheshire cat

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About Cheshire cat

  • Birthday 29/05/1958

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  1. I think we are about to reach grounhog day. Richard Parry and colleagues have been betting on managing to persuade the new government to up their support. If it doesn't happen then closures and sale of assets seems to be the only options.
  2. I'd try Dave Freeman. I believe he pulls BMC engines out of boats and replaces them with Beta products so he may well have what you need lying around.
  3. I was looking at Debdale wharf's video on zinc spraying and they are using a vernier to measure the depth of pits. Does anyone have recommendations or even any idea what the proper name is for such a tool? I tried "Allen gauge" on Ebay and it came up with nothing. I've found one. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/115330576728?epid=1666609117&itmmeta=01J2BC2DG3VT66X8D0SFHV2GKN&hash=item1ada3cf158:g:~xoAAOSwJ6JiTUt~&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0MhXVabNglZh5DNRKUvPFxn9ygwp%2FShKXwhINAvAkhZ7HoX%2F6SINe6sJGu5DYH6tuDUvuM0Fh3qYlXW4EEe5zEeHMG9rYq%2FzcepmzVqkhj1cxPXYLNqP36EyOiFmOlozw6cVlzDKCozQCM3k5wkNAa3OH33kXH17CzibBNVbU9PHajK9AckrfWHNzGWojBK6F59XCwHmSy%2B5PkaXMrCUOxxXvHDpPjJ7aMRJKgDzNDOIHtI1i3anjqhBas2eWZyRo%2FAqLCpJTcZy2XwP997mz8k%3D|tkp%3ABFBMktiJ7JJk
  4. Sikkens is good stuff but be warned it's £40 a tin
  5. It's all about head ruling heart or vice versa surely. Why do you want to throw money at it? Not quite a parallel universe but in the MG world a restored car is worth less than the cost of restoring a car ripe for restoration. But if you add in the amount of time you won't be down the pub who knows how the balance will tip
  6. It's only taken eight years. I wouldn't be surprised to learn half the trustees are no longer around 🙄
  7. It is growing back to what it was pre-covid. A shame the Lancaster flypast couldn't take place. I like the way they get the vehicles to parade. I'm suprised some of them at least don't overheat.
  8. Interesting that they need a road closure permit to do the maintenance but everything is OK if it fails in the open position. I would have expected that Cheshire East demand they close it using brute force.
  9. They aren't having a lot of luck really. Do they know that Arthur has got a pet Albatross? Alton posted a video on Facebook yesterday of the whirlpool in question. It wasn't dissimilar to those that form next to ground paddles on locks. I hope the volumes of water are less than what rushes in to a lock.
  10. These people made ours. In the grand scheme of things it would only be a minor detour from your route to Kelpie. 😁 https://www.interiorcurtaincentre.co.uk/ They let you take samples away and expect you to return them They don't do port hole blockers though.
  11. Once the new comms solution is up and running there's no need for rendezvous points. I think the photograph is not of Stanedge. It's not that wet in there.
  12. I had a cycle permit around the turn of the century. I was able to download a pdf from the BWB website and print it off along with the terms and conditions that I implicitly agreed with. I never had anyone ask to see it.
  13. It's looking good for June 14th. The lock gates and the towpath have been reinstated. Still heavy machinery on the offside but I presume they will disappear and the Hera's fencing be removed by Friday. That will just leave some landscaping to do on the offside.
  14. As an aside, a lot of ply came from Russia before they decided to annex Ukraine. Once that supply line dried up there was a lot of scrabbling around to find alternative supply. Consequently the quality of stuff that is out there is very mixed. Once joiners had wised up to the situation some suppliers were left with stock they were finding difficult to shift. Not sure if this situation has been worked through the system but take care. I have used Richard Potter in the past. https://www.fortimber.co.uk/index.htm See Sheet mayerials page 3 for faced ply prices. They used to sell Phenolic ply (waterproof deck board) in several thicknesses but currently only stock 18mm. That suggests to me that there are still supply issues.
  15. That's good news. We just need to worry about the stoppage to replace the beam once it has been made. How long is a brief closure I wonder. 24 hours?
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