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I don't care that you don't care :) And if Rusty69 doesn't want to partake in the manly sport of hair pulling (toe hair as im not a werido) i'll some how manage to sleep at night (no i wont....i'll stand outside his home ready to pounce and give him a raspberry in his belly button).


The vents were previously blocked by me back in September and i have just reblocked them again (reblocked is a real word so there)


There is only so much i can do with with the boat and those things i do myself (no one answers the texts or emails i send requesting for money)

All the crew are still alive and well (blooming vets has my money as proof).


If i have to coat myself in stern gland grease and wrestle each and everyone of you who says im sat here twiddling my thumbs, day in and day out i blooming well will (just need notice in order to save up for more grease).


Im sad seeing my fantastic pain job ruined (£36 i will never get back). But the vents are the least of my worry's as long as the inside of the boat is rain proof, which i (fingers crossed and lick a haddock) think it is for now.


I have a whole encyclopedia of things to finish before Feb which is not that far away :(


Free lettuce for everyone (who cashes my cheque)


I don't care that you don't care smile.png And if Rusty69 doesn't want to partake in the manly sport of hair pulling (toe hair as im not a werido) i'll some how manage to sleep at night (no i wont....i'll stand outside his home ready to pounce and give him a raspberry in his belly button).


The vents were previously blocked by me back in September and i have just reblocked them again (reblocked is a real word so there)


There is only so much i can do with with the boat and those things i do myself (no one answers the texts or emails i send requesting for money)

All the crew are still alive and well (blooming vets has my money as proof).


If i have to coat myself in stern gland grease and wrestle each and everyone of you who says im sat here twiddling my thumbs, day in and day out i blooming well will (just need notice in order to save up for more grease).


Im sad seeing my fantastic pain job ruined (£36 i will never get back). But the vents are the least of my worry's as long as the inside of the boat is rain proof, which i (fingers crossed and lick a haddock) think it is for now.


I have a whole encyclopedia of things to finish before Feb which is not that far away sad.png


Free lettuce for everyone (who cashes my cheque)


I'm not going to read all 62 pages again, but I'm pretty sure that nobody ever said that you've been doing nothing then twiddling your thumbs, day in and day out.


I've been only reading postings with encouragements, and praises for the way you write about your luck.


Don't waste your time and money writing text messages and emails requesting for money, as chances are pretty low on being succesful.


I'm playing the Loto and have done so for more then 30 years already with no luck at all (so far), but if you don't play, you'll have no chance of ever winning, and I know that my chances are very close to next to nothing, but I continu and live in hope.


My only income is an extremely low retirement pension, which is partly due to my own fault, but more because of an administration that lost some very important papers, of which they can't find a trace anymore, and the only people that would have remembered are fast asleep in little boxes.


If I ever win some money in the Loto, I can attack the administration in court, and with the help of a good (expensive) lawyer, there would be a fair chance that they'll have to pay me everything I should have received.


But once I've the Loto money, there's no more need to fight for the money I don't need anymore, and I'm sure I can find more pleasant things to do with it then going to court and paying a lawyer.


My actual retirement pension isn't enough to even pay for my fixed expenses, and because of that the last little bit of savings I have are melting like snow in the hot sunshine.


But don't forget that you and me, with our lack of money, are still MUCH better off than loads of other people that haven't even a (dripping ?) ceiling over their heads.


If I were you, I wouldn't wait for Rusty69 to do your favorite manly hair pulling sport, just walk the towpath with the farting pup, and ask if one of the other boaters that may be present near you, are interested in doing some sport with you, and with a bit of luck, they can possibly help you sorting your technical problems with all these "thingies" too.


Good luck,



  • Greenie 1






walk the towpath with the farting pup,

Quote of the day! We demand a video (with sound)

I find myself singing that expression to the tune of "Pass The Kouchie On The Left Hand Side" (Musical Youth/ Mighty Diamonds).


Quote of the day! We demand a video (with sound)

I find myself singing that expression to the tune of "Pass The Kouchie On The Left Hand Side" (Musical Youth/ Mighty Diamonds).

Oh, well done!

I've got an ear worm now!!!!


Quote of the day! We demand a video (with sound)

I find myself singing that expression to the tune of "Pass The Kouchie On The Left Hand Side" (Musical Youth/ Mighty Diamonds).


That would be good, aslong as it is without the smell, oh pardon, I meant to say parfume.


She looks a lovely puppy anyway.




Sometimes you have to take things apart in order to fix them.


Sometimes the taking apart is a lot easier than the putting together.


Sometimes the taking apart is more difficult than the putting together.


So it is with leaky mushrooms. There's only a few ways they can leak, and it's important to find HOW they're leaking.

1) Heavy rain hits the base, and bounces back up inside the mushroom. (Not common, and only for a short time: the amount of water coming in is an annoyance, but nothing more, if it's noticed at all)

2) (Most common) Water runs across the roof, or runs off the top of the mushroom, meets the edge of the mushroom vent, and finds its way between roof and vent, appearing as drips inside.

3) Water gets through the roof somewhere else and finds its way out at the mushroom vent. (not common, but possible with a wooden roof)


Silicon won't help 1). Cure there is just screw the mushroom top down a bit.


2) is the most common. Cure is remove mushroom vent complete (i.e. base as well) This is the difficult bit. How difficult depends how they're fixed. The fixings (machine screws or self tapping screws) may need drilled out. In this case, easiest way to proceed is grind remains off flush with the roof and make new holes. I prefer to tap them for machine screws, but self tapping screws will do. (My preferred self tappers have a drill point on them, so that, in theory, they'll drill their own hole, but it's much easier to drill a pilot hole first.) The drilling will need an electric drill, which you probably don't have, but I'm sure one of the forumites who enjoy your hospitality (maybe I should re-phrase that?) can bring one. Once you're sure that it'll all go together easily, put a ring of Sikaflex or similar around the mushroom base, so that it'll be trapped between the base and the roof, lay mushroom in place and secure with the screws, which benefit from a dab of grease on assembly. When the vent is tightened down, there should be a continuous ring expelled from the base,which can be tidied up in a couple of days when it's properly set, or wiped round with a wet finger immediately.


After that, they won't leak and you'll be looking for things to use the rest of the tube of Sikaflex on, even after doing four.

Posted (edited)

Good Morning Max

I have just updated since my last posting...

I am a tad concerned over the mushroom vents but do see why you blocked them...please ensure some ventilation gets into your boat or you and your wonderful companions will be at risk of suffocating...

On a dry spell it would be perhaps an idea to try and sort the vents out one at a time as suggested above...perhaps start with one thats not above the bed.

As to perceived waste of money..no you didn't..u merely applied temporary protective coating to your boat which will keep her protected over the winter months...I have a cupboard full of similar products used on Horror House..one day I will dispose of them when I am sure there is no part of this property that quite possibly may need another application of something it didn't need in the first place.

Most boats list one way or t'other depending on ballast ..I do not think its abnormal but Im sure others can advise better than me.

You will get there...

Take care


Edited by patty-ann

Max. Please unblock those vents.


They are not put there for the laugh. They are there to provide ventilation which is important on a boat.


If they leak fix them properly.


We look set to be having a few dry days so no time like the present cheers.gif


When I first visited Max on Water Orchid many moons ago, well it. Seems that long ago, I seem to remember,bet suggesting to Max to carefully scrape out all the old sealants around the mushrooms and the small round solar topped vents, and carefully resealable all around the vents where they touch the roof and then a small line around the solar bits.


Max, I don't think you were listening. Bathroom sealant I have to assume in for interior use. But in moderation. You have caked far too much on and have left it a bit hit and miss. Best action. Take it all off again, take another deep breath and control your squinty thing and apply a thin line of exterior sealant around all the joints. You could even get a good finish by wetting a finger and running your wet finger around the sealant to ensure you have no gaps.


Hair! Maybe a bit late now, but in the spring when they come to cut the grass lay on the tow path and hey preto, a haircut. But if I were you, I would let it grow, get all these niggerly issuessorted, as that is what they are, and wash your hair as and when.


I'm not feeling too well at the moment so I will pass on my thoughts to youto make me feel a little better.




You have done remarkably well, considering!, and come the spring with little efforts you will become a very happy Boater.


Enjoy winter, we do. If I wasnearer and able I'd come and visit to sort you out!!!


Martyn. (Remember me?)


Hi Max, you'll surely hate me even more after reading this, but I don't care, as I think that it has to be said.


After 2.5 months of boatownership and 62 (hilarious) forum pages, I think that you still don't know much at all about your boat.


Everytime I read on here about problems, old ones and new ones, and I'm afraid that you don't take all the good advises very seriously.


Now you're at a stage were you're playing with your health (life ?) .


It's more then time to do something about it, blaming everything on the helpful forummembers that didn't warn, or tell, you about this, that and the other doesn't get you any closer to a boat in better, and safer condition.


Don't forget that you're also responsible for 3 other living/loving creatures, even if you don't care enough about yourself.


Please try to become at least a bit more sensible, and continu to write your funny stories from a dry boat, with a dry bed, where it's nice and warm and with plenty of ventilation of fresh air.



In general, forum members (myself included) did a lot of helping and warning about a myriad of potential pitfalls which lay ahead. These were largely ignored in favour of a gung-ho dive right in approach which is certainly endearing but doesn't actually get to grips with the serious realities of boat living.



If I ever win some money in the Loto, I can attack the administration in court, and with the help of a good (expensive) lawyer, there would be a fair chance that they'll have to pay me everything I should have received.



Some solicitors have free sessions where people can discuss the merits of a potential case. If they think you have a strong case they might take it on as No Win No Fee.


Another option, (if you can use a residential address maybe not possible for full time on a boat?), is to look at adding Family Legal Insurance to the Home Insurance policy (£20 to £30 a year), if the terms read like you could use it to fight your case.



Some solicitors have free sessions where people can discuss the merits of a potential case. If they think you have a strong case they might take it on as No Win No Fee.


Another option, (if you can use a residential address maybe not possible for full time on a boat?), is to look at adding Family Legal Insurance to the Home Insurance policy (£20 to £30 a year), if the terms read like you could use it to fight your case.

I had family legal insurance on my home policy and despite being in the right they would not take on my case..I ended up with the help of a friend researching law and taking them on myself..I was vindicated but did not receive ££..remember you don't get full costs awarded. Im going through another injustice ATM and again although I have all the evidence I'm not going to benefit financially.

Perhaps it does work for some..they gave advice over the phone but the leg work I did. It would be interesting to know if anyone has actually benefitted from home insurance legal help.


On another note...

Yooohooooo Max...U OK?

Posted (edited)


Some solicitors have free sessions where people can discuss the merits of a potential case. If they think you have a strong case they might take it on as No Win No Fee.


Another option, (if you can use a residential address maybe not possible for full time on a boat?), is to look at adding Family Legal Insurance to the Home Insurance policy (£20 to £30 a year), if the terms read like you could use it to fight your case.


Thanks for these suggestions eye high skipper, but there are a few additional problems to this case, just to name 2, one is this is concerning a Dutch administration and I left the Netherlands in '79, 2nd. I haven't got a home insurance that could help me, and even if I would have had one, that would have been a French one, and they would surely never bother attacking a Dutch administation.


So my hopes are still a winning of some money playing the Loto, and be ever so careful with the spending of my last savings.


Saying that, I still have lots of stuff stored in 2 lock up garages that I've been renting for ages, if I have a couple of good moments with a surplus of energy, I will have to spend some time in there, taking photos of the stuff that I could possibly sell, if possible even empty at least one to start with, to reduce my outgoings by not having to pay the rent anymore, this will be far from easy for me, as I'm a real horder.


At a later stage, I could possibly sell the boat I've been living on for the last 12 years, which should fetch some decent money, and move onto a small Dutch barge that I have aswell.


Thinking about it, that would surely be a more likely solution than waiting for my luck in the Loto.





Edited by bargemast

I had family legal insurance on my home policy and despite being in the right they would not take on my case..I ended up with the help of a friend researching law and taking them on myself..I was vindicated but did not receive ££..remember you don't get full costs awarded. Im going through another injustice ATM and again although I have all the evidence I'm not going to benefit financially.

Perhaps it does work for some..they gave advice over the phone but the leg work I did. It would be interesting to know if anyone has actually benefitted from home insurance legal help.


On another note...

Yooohooooo Max...U OK?


I paid £25 for Family Legal Insurance which gave me £100k cover (£80k plus VAT). I had something I wanted to try use it on and they told me I had a case and could trigger it. However if at any time a Barrister thought I had a 51% or more chance of winning I had to proceed with my own funds, if their £100k had been exhausted. It was a complicated case with a firm who could choose to fight it abroad. The costs could have been a runaway train, capable of bankrupting me! So I bottled it and didn't proceed.


Thanks for these suggestions eye high skipper, but there are a few additional problems to this case, just to name 2, one is this is concerning a Dutch administration and I left the Netherlands in '79, 2nd. I haven't got a home insurance that could help me, and even if I would have had one, that would have been a French one, and they would surely never bother attacking a Dutch administation.



Cross border cases are more expensive and problematic.


Good luck with what you decide.



"Boyes and the Toolbox are my go to places (they understand me.....I feel so sorry for them)"


Boyes is the best, I do miss it now we are in the midlands, nothing quite like it ...........


That's told me to keep my opinions to myself. I'm sitting in the corner now,keeping myself to myself.


I wish you well max, our paths may well cross.


That's told me to keep my opinions to myself. I'm sitting in the corner now,keeping myself to myself.


I wish you well max, our paths may well cross.

Yeah, that'll teach you to offer free & sensible advice. What are you like?


Dear Max,

Please ensure you have some ventilation..widow open..

Ive just been told off here at Horror House for blocking up all the draughty bits..old houses need to breathe apparently....I really don't think myself old houses need the amount of holes this one had.

I'm also sure I don't need the old stone work falling down the old chimney..thats staying blocked cos where stone can fall I'm sure Roland Rat will visit.

I didn't think they would notice..they did and I now have fresh air breezing through..

Take care



I thought it was obvious that the comments were all said good naturedly and weren't to he taken seriously. I mean do people really take everything so literally? You are doing great Miss Max and I truly am hoping you will cruise bear is one day :)


I think!, people are serious when it comes to ventilation and being able to breath fresh air. Cosmetically, I couldn't give two hoots.


Water ingress is also an issue, well it would be to me. Nightwatch, touch wood, is watertight, well nearly.



Posted (edited)

Calm down Max.


People are only concerned about your safety and welfare and are offering you sound advice.


Whether you choose to listen is up to you, but people are only looking out for you on your voyage of discovery.


You have a long way to go yet and and awful lot to learn but you have come a long way in a short space of time and should be proud of that cheers.gif


Edited to change a random nut to a but blink.png

Edited by Naughty Cal
  • Greenie 2
Posted (edited)

If you go seeking advice, don't be surprised when advice comes your way. ALL of the advice on this thread comes out of genuine concern. Boaters are like that. It's unreasonable to follow advice when it suits your plans but object to advice when it doesn't. I couldn't give a hoot what colour you paint your boat, but blocking up vents which are there to potentially save your life is just plain daft.


This forum has been incredibly gentle and helpful with you Max. Many new members have had their ideas torn to shreds in no uncertain terms by the more forthright members.

Edited by Dave_P
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