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Wet coal


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Can someone please explain the following as I can't!


I have a bag of dry smokless fuel

I cut along the top seam about 1/3

Take out 1/3 of the bag into my scuttle

Fold over the top so its weather tight and put a brick on top to keep it closed.

Two days later go to get some more fuel and its soaking wet.

How does so much water get in there........


Puzzled of Berko

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In the days when coal merchants delivered door to door using hundredweight bags, every lorry or cart had a sign that stated - all open sacks on this vehicle contains stones, soil, mud, dust and some occasional lumps of coal. This was some sort of legal dodge to satisfy the weights and measures man. I don't recall any mention of the fact that bags and contents were wet through. This was probably to keep the dust down in fairness, but you can't fault the logic of finding a market for rainwater, and it's very clever keeping it in paper sacks!

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I've seen some bags that are micro perforated, and obviously it's much easier to get water into a nearly airtight bag than for it to dry out, but I must say if it was dry to start and then kept covered as you say that does sound odd. I guess there where enough holes in the bag from them being rehandled it got in through them?


Fortunately coal high energy density and not very absorbant, so unlike burning wet/unseasoned logs burning wet coal is a fairly none issue.



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Ive found this with smokeless I reckon the water drains from top coal through to the stuff underneath as I empty bag and its dry to start with and very drippy as the bag empties..and I can get one 10kg bag in bucket by fire.

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