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Dar Kuma

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Idly reading up on fish breeds trying to come up with a klever pun, I discovered the four eyed fish. Comes in left hand and right hand versions.


A left hand fish can only mate with a right hand fish, and vice versa. Amazing the stuff you find on the interweb innit, never mind the puns!!





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It's OK chaps, I've been paying (far too much) taxes in Finland for the past 24 years, I feel entitled to Kritiscise Finns & Finland.




Kippers? (UKIP-pers?)


It can be lonely out here in Darkest Scandinavia with only canalworld.net forums & Private Eye to keep one informed of events in Britain.


Only 3 weeks to go - and we're back to terrify the southern Oxford Canal! Yay! It's Christmas, Dudes!

(there was a 'Santa' in our food shop this evening dishing out sweeties to customers!!! It's NOVEMBER!)

By the way - surely Finland is the only country to advertise 'sober Father Christmases'?

This is one of the bizarre thingies of the world:-

Many families order (buy) a 'Santa' to come to their door and bring the sack of pressies on 24th (presents get opened on Christmas Eve, yes they're an impatient lot the Finns).

Many 'Santas' turn up completely p////d - which kind of spoils it for little kids (Finns have an alcohol problem)(caused by religious nutters thank you).(yes, I mean YOU, Bible-swinger).

So, there are many adverts advertising a 'sober Father Christmas' ("raitis joulupukki"). And, full credit to those types I say. It's a huge task/skill entertaining children (as a bus driver driving little kids to their schools I should know).


By the way, there are many Brits who fly to Finland to visit 'Santa' and stroke his reindeer! The bus company I now work for (actually, one of the drivers I know also) collects Brits from Ivalo airport for Santa-stuff / Northern Lights / ski-ing nonsense.

As far as the northern lights are concerned, yes, we see them where we live, but there's a really nice Finnish video on Youtube, the link is below. Finland is a really boring country at first (and 300th!) sight, but there are some subtle niceties, one of which being (imagine here - but this is true): drive north, smell smoke from saunas as you go past houses in the middle of nowhere, arrive at destination go to sauna, hosts have prepared a nice Friday evening meal, pop outside to see Northern Lights. Sauna comes with vodka and beer. Finland is a remarkably empty country, I love these traffic-free roads and silence. In fact, most of Norway, Sweden & Finland would shock Brits used to noise, heavy traffic and street lights. I'm sure narrowboat-folk would be fascinated to see Finland, it still is 'new territory', very, very few tourists up here.

I originally thought I'd be teaching Geology in British Universities but ending up as a bus driver in 'Ostrobothnia' has it's advantages - the sunset this evening was so spectacular it's so easy to assign Turner, Picasso & Van Gogh to the dustbin.


Here's the link:


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There are two types of Finnish people. The first type( by far the majority), are quiet, reserved and would never (while sober) break social norms. The second type of Finns are bat shit crazy and have no boundaries in what they say or do. The type two Finns usually find Finland to be too restrictive and move abroad. There is absolutely no middle ground between the two types.

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According to Wiki, here are the fish beginning with K


Kafue pike
Kelp perch
King of the Herrings
Kissing gourami
Kuhli loach


I'm sure there must be more than that!

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It's OK chaps, I've been paying (far too much) taxes in Finland for the past 24 years, I feel entitled to Kritiscise Finns & Finland.




Kippers? (UKIP-pers?)


It can be lonely out here in Darkest Scandinavia with only canalworld.net forums & Private Eye to keep one informed of events in Britain.


You do have some nice canals, though. When I visited Lappeenranta in 1995, the waterway office presented me with a history of Finnish canals. I can read part of the Latin description of a proposed seventeenth century canal, and the dates are sometimes understandable, but the Finnish is a bit more difficult! Below is 3 rise on the original Saimaa Canal. The new canal has centrally-heated bottom mitre gates to extend the season. The upper gates descend below water level and break the ice when raised.


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Yes, we have centrally heated canals in Finland :)


By the way that Saimaa Canal - built by the Finns and in Finland - Russia makes the Finns pay rent (to Russia) to use it!

Well... they have the nukes, and Finns are scared the Russians want to take over again...


Now... why can't CRT run cables along English canals underwater with an element inside them, like a electric kettle, and get them glowing a bit when it's cold to keep the water ice free?

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