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I did not think it was me that was hung up on the rules. Unless there is some sort of penalty I see it as guidance which is only any use if it is sensible and reasoned!


As far as I can tell there is no penalty imposed on the person using a "no SPO".


There is, of course, a penalty imposed on the other users when the facility isn't available, because somebody abused it.


A part of the law of physics is that with more boats there's more crap on the canal and it has to go somewhere. It is fortuitous for BW then that pump-outs came into being to relieve the pressure on it Elsan Points.


You are making a false assumption about the amount of effluent produced.


Elsan users tend to produce a smaller volume of more concentrated sewage, whilst PO users produce a greater volume of dilute sewage.

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As far as I can tell there is no penalty imposed on the person using a "no SPO".


There is, of course, a penalty imposed on the other users when the facility isn't available, because somebody abused it.




You are making a false assumption about the amount of effluent produced.


Elsan users tend to produce a smaller volume of more concentrated sewage, whilst PO users produce a greater volume of dilute sewage.

That is another factor that does not invalidate the assertion. It only mitigates upon and does not negate on the point I was making. Agreed, it does have to be taken into account. Do not know to what extent but have you taken into account all the rinsing out of cassettes that goes on which dilutes concentration since it goes down the same hole!

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That is another factor that does not invalidate the assertion. It only mitigates upon and does not negate on the point I was making. Agreed, it does have to be taken into account. Do not know to what extent but have you taken into account all the rinsing out of cassettes that goes on which dilutes concentration since it goes down the same hole!


Yes, that is taken into account (as far as I know there is washing out on a pump-out as well).


On average, we fill a 17 litre cassette every day and a half. When emptying out I rinse out with about half a cassette of water.


So, two days out of three, I will be disposing of about 25l of sewage.


Let us say 250 litres if we are on board for a fortnight.


Any pump-out users care to estimate how much their equivalent (sewage and wash-out) would be for a fortnight?

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Yes, that is taken into account (as far as I know there is washing out on a pump-out as well).


On average, we fill a 17 litre cassette every day and a half. When emptying out I rinse out with about half a cassette of water.


So, two days out of three, I will be disposing of about 25l of sewage.


Let us say 250 litres if we are on board for a fortnight.


Any pump-out users care to estimate how much their equivalent (sewage and wash-out) would be for a fortnight?


Having a cassette now I tend to rinse 3 times each with half a cassette of water so thats 40 litres each time, or 400L in two weeks

In contrast my pump out tank was 40 gallon (200L) and that lasted two weeks with a rinse 100L max, I couldnt be bothered to wait that long, only comes to 300L less than I now use on cassette.


So IMO the figures that sate that PO produces more waste than cassette are rubbish


The above figures are based on real life on the same boat with the same occupants.

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I did not think it was me that was hung up on the rules. Unless there is some sort of penalty I see it as guidance which is only any use if it is sensible and reasoned!


In suggesting some sort of poll I was hoping to end my involvement in this thread but at least some concencus seems to be emerging from the bias.


A part of the law of physics is that with more boats there's more crap on the canal and it has to go somewhere. It is fortuitous for BW then that pump-outs came into being to relieve the pressure on it Elsan Points. However, if dissatisfaction with pump-outs for whatever reason means more boats reverting to Elsans and in any case it seems the system will eventually have to be overhauled and upgraded.


So, in the interim it seems logical to me and I will be happy provided that SPO is not proscribed where it does not have to be for the practical reasons to do with the inherent limitations of the outdated provision.






I don't agree with that... If pumpouts didn't exist there wouldn't be so many people living on boats in the first place and it is residential use of boats which causes the sewage overload.




Maybe BW should impose a residential license fee with extra charges incorporated to cover the extra load imposed on all infrastructure and systems



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I got a pump out setup on the pure fact I'm not carrying my mates sh*t by hand anywhere EVER. Elsan points, theyre vile and nasty places to be anyway, anyone who chooses use then for SPO must enjoy the smell, I personally wouldnt dream of it, in fact it would be more of a nightmare :lol: :lol:


My 1000 litre waste tank sees me through to my next passing of a marina everytime, its size also helps give you a warning its time to think about pumping out, the sheer weight after 3-4months use has the boat listing somewhat :lol:

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I don't agree with that... If pumpouts didn't exist there wouldn't be so many people living on boats in the first place and it is residential use of boats which causes the sewage overload.




Maybe BW should impose a residential license fee with extra charges incorporated to cover the extra load imposed on all infrastructure and systems



That's an interesting viewpoint but note the smiley.


I do not liveaboard but have kitted out so we could.


Thinking about it extra charges could only be justified if more or better provision were actually made.


Improvements that have been made are usually in the vicinity of BW moorings, shower & washing machine facilities eg, which in effect the moorers are paying for and sharing with passing boats not so equipped.


In some ways I see the residential cc boaters as the remnants of past working boats and the weekend gin palaces as interlopers.


I think then that it might be more appropriate to have pure leisure users shoulder more cost.


Hang on a minute, let's be fair and charge everybody the same and not penalise one fraction of users!

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Do you really fill your cassette 10 times in a fortnight? :lol:


Have you though about cutting down on the All-Bran?


Probably not but took the multiplier from Daves post!

I guess its nearer one every 2.5 days but then I am a vegetarian real ale drinker.

We can just last from Monday morning to Friday night on two cassettes but then they are both full and thats with me not using it unless I have to.

Even allowing for that its still 6-7 cassettes full in two weeks or 280L so thats about the same as the pump out.


Maybe BW should impose a residential license fee with extra charges incorporated to cover the extra load imposed on all infrastructure and systems


Only for those without a home mooring as many of those with a mooring will empty their tanks at their moorings. :lol:

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Is this a real example or a hypothetical one? It sounds like a lot of hard work

I have seen it, can't remember the name of the boat but its easy when you just have to tell a "Galley Slave" to do it. If you have a load of passengers and there is no pump out what do you do.

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I've seen this done at Wellingborough, by a hotel boat crew, where the elsan disposal was to far to pump too.


There are quite a lot of Elsans/Sanitary Stations unsuitable not because of some NOTICE affixed but because the length of hose needed is impracticable.

I have yet to work out how to adapt a SPO kit other than to shorten the hose and have a reducer at the end to discharge into a plastic 25ltr drum to do likewise when need be.

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