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BW enforcement officers using binoculars

casper ghost

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Yeah but is it in his job remit to photograph LEGAL boats when his job is to put boat numbers in his gadgit.I do take photos of peoples art work but I dont go all round their boats taking photos as that would be rude with out asking them if they mind


Maybe it was for his own use and not BW use.


You cant question every individual that photographs your boat.

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Hang on in another topic people are moaning that BW dont enforce and now they are moaning when they do. It cant go both ways.


For what it is worth, if you have a licence in the window what is the problem. They wont stay long.


Depends what he can see :lol:


My Missus hangs around the porthole for hours on end but has never had a stranger looking at her with binoculars, she's most disappointed :lol:

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I caught one taking a photo of my boat and i gave him a mouth full my license was clear for him to see cheeky git
When you gave the patrol a “mouthful”, what did you say to him and what was his reasoning ?
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When you gave the patrol a “mouthful”, what did you say to him and what was his reasoning ?

I said to him what are you doing that for (i was dressed by now )his answer because i can ,so i told him to pee off and annoy someone else if he had said we do it for such and such it would have been ok, not just because we can is not a good enough reason.He could have knocked and said we are taking photos for this or that no probs but to just see someone that close taking photos I dont like it

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I said to him what are you doing that for (i was dressed by now )his answer because i can ,so i told him to pee off and annoy someone else if he had said we do it for such and such it would have been ok, not just because we can is not a good enough reason.He could have knocked and said we are taking photos for this or that no probs but to just see someone that close taking photos I dont like it


So you give the same response to everybody taking photos of your boat?

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Oh come off it.


So if he came back after work it would have been fine?

No it would not if people want to take photos fine but not walking the lenght of the boat so close they are intruding on my space same as if i thought that phyliss has got some nice roses in her garden i will just go up her path and take loads of photos. oh nice window boxes i will get right up to them and take pictures as well would you say carry on or piss off you cheeky git


So you give the same response to everybody taking photos of your boat?

Of couse not that would be silly

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I would certainly inform the police and let them decide on the legality of strangers peering through your windows, with binoculars.


As to them coming onto private land, if BWA 1995 section 5 isn't appropriate then the laws of Trespass certainly are.


I've just had this sudden sense of déja vu.......................

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I said to him what are you doing that for (i was dressed by now )his answer because i can ,so i told him to pee off and annoy someone else if he had said we do it for such and such it would have been ok, not just because we can is not a good enough reason.He could have knocked and said we are taking photos for this or that no probs but to just see someone that close taking photos I dont like it
Maybe be it was the manner in which you asked “what are you doing that for”(?) that made him feel he does not want to communicate with you any further so he gave you the straightest answer possible.


I don’t imagine telling the patrol to P off is going to do you any favours.


No doubt he will now take photos of your boat every time he sees it now, because he can.



No it would not if people want to take photos fine but not walking the lenght of the boat so close they are intruding on my space same as if i thought that phyliss has got some nice roses in her garden i will just go up her path and take loads of photos. oh nice window boxes i will get right up to them and take pictures as well would you say carry on or piss off you cheeky git
The tow path is not your space.
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Just for the record, anyone who wishes to take pictures of my boat is more than welcome, and that includes BW.


My paperwork is all in order so it doesn't bother me in the slightest.


I wonder how all those who object go about their daily lives with all the CCTV cameras & speed cameras we have in this country? Not to mention Google Earth.


I think in part, some people's aversion may be due to an element of paranoia combined with an inflated perception of their own significance.

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Maybe be it was the manner in which you asked “what are you doing that for”(?) that made him feel he does not want to communicate with you any further so he gave you the straightest answer possible.


I don’t imagine telling the patrol to P off is going to do you any favours.


No doubt he will now take photos of your boat every time he sees it now, because he can.



The tow path is not your space.

No i just asked him what are you doing that for and his answer was because i can,as i said if he had said its for this that or the other no probs carry on.And no the towpath is not my space but my boat is and if anyone wants to take photos that close they could be kind enough to ask


Just for the record, anyone who wishes to take pictures of my boat is more than welcome, and that includes BW.


My paperwork is all in order so it doesn't bother me in the slightest.


I wonder how all those who object go about their daily lives with all the CCTV cameras & speed cameras we have in this country? Not to mention Google Earth.


I think in part, some people's aversion may be due to an element of paranoia combined with an inflated perception of their own significance.

Not mine, as i said name licence and boat number all there for anyone to see.Why the need to take photos

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No i just asked him what are you doing that for and his answer was because i can,as i said if he had said its for this that or the other no probs carry on.And no the towpath is not my space but my boat is and if anyone wants to take photos that close they could be kind enough to ask
He may be weary about asking your permission for something he does not need permission from you for in case you simply turn around and say NO!


Then what?


Big debate, argument, whatever?


He has work to do and cannot be pussy footing about asking permissions.

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Romarni 123 tells us the licence and number were plain to see, also tells us "moored miles from anywhere" but no mention of a mooring permit, so is romarni123 a "constant cruiser", if so maybe the photgraphing was to set a time line for that boat moored in that spot to refer to at a later date when checking that particular location,

if romarnie123 has a mooring permit but for another location then the above would still be valid, 14 day limit or maybe less if it was a popular miles from anywhere mooring which are not your official mooring still apply. we have certainly had our licence and number noted when moored away from our permanant mooring site. When you think about it it's just what the parking wardens do, take photo's when cars are parked in time limited places.


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I said to him what are you doing that for (i was dressed by now )his answer because i can ,so i told him to pee off and annoy someone else if he had said we do it for such and such it would have been ok, not just because we can is not a good enough reason.He could have knocked and said we are taking photos for this or that no probs but to just see someone that close taking photos I dont like it


If an officer of British Waterways gave you the answer "because I can" to a question from one of their customers then I believe you should put in a formal complaint about this behaviour.


Whatever the rights and wrongs of his taking photos of your boat a facetious answer from an officer of BW is not acceptable and he should face disciplinary proceedings.

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Not mine, as i said name licence and boat number all there for anyone to see.Why the need to take photos

I don't know, I've never seen any official taking a picture of my boat. Perhaps if asked they would explain?


I still don't fully understand the strength of objection. How does it affect you exactly. Is it some sort of superstition that photos take away the soul of your boat? :lol:

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Romarni 123 tells us the licence and number were plain to see, also tells us "moored miles from anywhere" but no mention of a mooring permit, so is romarni123 a "constant cruiser", if so maybe the photgraphing was to set a time line for that boat moored in that spot to refer to at a later date when checking that particular location,

if romarnie123 has a mooring permit but for another location then the above would still be valid, 14 day limit or maybe less if it was a popular miles from anywhere mooring which are not your official mooring still apply. we have certainly had our licence and number noted when moored away from our permanant mooring site. When you think about it it's just what the parking wardens do, take photo's when cars are parked in time limited places.


A photo does not give a time line they use their little gadgets for that(dont know what they are called)so if he input the info shown then time there last location etc would be plain to see

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I still don't fully understand the strength of objection. How does it affect you exactly. Is it some sort of superstition that photos take away the soul of your boat? :lol:
It’s a British thing.


I am sure the French equivalent has seen many breasts in their natural form with little protest. :lol:

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A photo does not give a time line they use their little gadgets for that(dont know what they are called)so if he input the info shown then time there last location etc would be plain to see


Taking a photo is actually a very good way to record information in a short time and with maximum accuracy.


If I take a photo with my phone camera it has the exact time and date on it because the phone is updated by the network automatically. Digital cameras will have the date although this may not be accurate if dead batteries were left in.


If someone is taking a picture of me or any of my property and I'm not happy about it I will take a picture of them for fututre reference and inform them that I am doing so.


boats sometimes get to those places you'd never expect to see another person but that doesn't mean they won't be there.



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Taking a photo is actually a very good way to record information in a short time and with maximum accuracy.


If I take a photo with my phone camera it has the exact time and date on it because the phone is updated by the network automatically. Digital cameras will have the date although this may not be accurate if dead batteries were left in.


If someone is taking a picture of me or any of my property and I'm not happy about it I will take a picture of them for fututre reference and inform them that I am doing so.


boats sometimes get to those places you'd never expect to see another person but that doesn't mean they won't be there.



Lesson learned check curtains closed first

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I quite often take snaps of boats whilst walking along the towpath. Even whilst I'm working. If someone had come out and spoken to me as it seems you did, I'd tell them where they could jolly well f*** off to.


Maybe the fella just likes boats, and took offence to you having a go at him for doing nothing wrong. Give the bugger a break I say.

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I quite often take snaps of boats whilst walking along the towpath. Even whilst I'm working. If someone had come out and spoken to me as it seems you did, I'd tell them where they could jolly well f*** off to.


Maybe the fella just likes boats, and took offence to you having a go at him for doing nothing wrong. Give the bugger a break I say.

No if that was the case i would have ignored him and ducked.He was BW patrol staff and as i have said the info was on the boat for him to put in his machine.I didnt go out and say piss off I just asked him why he was taking photos he was the one with the attitude not me, if someone when asked a perfectly resonably question is rude to me then they can pee off and be told so

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