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Hudds Lad

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Everything posted by Hudds Lad

  1. i do that too, try to give them as wide a berth as i can as well. have been the poor sod holding on to the ropes as someone barrels past, so do unto others etc.
  2. is that the buzzphrase for euthanize these days?
  3. as a side question, i'd like to know if those passive aggressive "SLOW DOWN" signs taped onto boats actually make people slow down or just think nuts to it. we have noticed this year though that where we'd normally maintain a steady gap with boats in front or behind passing moored ones, this year they'll either gap us more or catch us up more, pretty sure our tick-over speed has not altered.
  4. probably because "Trade order only, minimum order quantity 50-100 pieces. For the latest trade price, please email us." you can try to add just one but it defaults to 100 in the basket
  5. not a surprising twist from the Daily Heil, its only missing “libtard” for those playing gammon bingo
  6. PC = Personal Computer, which a laptop is if you mean the towers with monitor, keyboard & mouse then common parlance is Desktop PC
  7. “i didn’t know it was naked Wednesday?” shouted to a passing boat being steered seemingly by a naked chap leaning out of a window near the front, we assume he had pants on really but you couldn't tell, also it was Wednesday. oddly we always seem to come across naked people on a Wednesday ?
  8. Always up when cruising for us, i've seen someone wedged in one of the locks on heartbreak hill with those rubber pipe fenders. i blame builders who add those eyelets below the gunwales for encouraging this. seen a few folk cruising with pipe fenders balanced on the gunwales too (briefly)
  9. They'd previously lived on a lumpy water boat in a harbour i think, guessing Bristol way? You can tell from previous vids they are a bit naive and take folk at face value, someone probably told him it was normal so he now takes that as gospel. of course, nobody here ever made a daft mistake did they? cut the poor buggers a bit of slack, it's their home that's sinking
  10. i don’t personally believe in voices in the sky, but thought i’d try to cover all the bases for those that do but yes, i’ve seen Dogma
  11. *misty eyed* my original Black Widow, bought from a very posh outdoorsy shop in Edinburgh on a Scout camp in Bonaly, is in landfill somewhere after the local Police sergeant decided I'd get in less bother without it It's successor, bought a month later, lies in a drawer in my desk. Sadly its sticker is long gone but has the same rust patterning. i fondly remember the first time the bands broke and left a lovely welt up my cheek
  12. I think @TheBiscuits has got you covered there, it's five years since we did it so can't really comment on pubs current state of opening or quality, we did go in a few of those and were not disappointed. Simplest thing to do is work out your holiday midpoint timewise, and wherever you've got to by then turn and return, don't be tempted to push too far beyond this. Do get a Nicholson's North West & the Pennines: Waterways Guide 5, i'd personally also recommend THIS Waterways Routes map as it shows where you can definitely moor up but it's not essential. And don't forget, enjoy yourself! The reason i mention time of departure before was i looked back at our old pics from five years ago when we were in the same position as you. We had a week Sat to Sat and it also depended on boat position as to when you could leave, ours was against the dock but had two boats breasted up to us so we additionally had to wait for them to leave before we could go which added about an hour on top, as you're a midweek collection it may not be as bad. we had a 12:30 pickup and at 1:55pm this was the view;
  13. i’d head Skipton way, much prettier, plus Bingley is still on restricted hours isn’t it? with loading up & handover i doubt you'll be away on Tues much before 2pm so factor that in. you can easily get a couple of hours in on the last day as long as you don't suffer from stickyback
  14. the rattling and vibration sounds like when our drive plate and gearbox bearings went. drive plate was about £300 and gearbox about £1700 luckily nothing went whilst cruising ?
  15. can also stand for Honest, honest In My Honest Opinion In My Humble Opinion think Humble was the original version though
  16. first experience of a narrowboat was about 1981ish, a trip boat on the Hudds Broad when i was about 9 that i think ran from Aspley Wharf? nothing much after that, unless you count half-drowning in Elland basin whilst doing my Canoeing badge in scouts (big lad, small kayak, capsize drill) over the years have walked and cycled the Hudds Broad & Narrow countless times and always loved the peace of it. then in 2015 out of the blue my good wife randomly booked a week on the L&L with Silsden Boats for us, our daughter & the inlaws as something different to the usual week abroad. So on August 22nd 2015 i found myself along with my Father-in-law crammed in a small office with lots of other people watching an instructional video on the world's smallest tv, and an hour later we were let loose on the L&L with 56ft Molly's Drum heading for the Bingley Five Rise. We were hooked. July 2016 saw another week on the L&L on 57ft Drummer Boy, and after some searching on Feb 4th 2017 we bought a 12th share in Streamline, and in June 2018 due to serendipity/stupidity we bought another 12th share. for the last year or so we have been looking for a boat to own outright, but i think we are leaning further towards having one built...
  17. actually, now i look at the OP’s profile pic i reckon he already has a channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TravelsWithMartin or do my eyes deceive me?
  18. i did subscribe, cost me nowt. still no content though ?
  19. He/She/It (delete as applicable) could have waited until our roofing was finished (one done, one half done and flapping alarmingly) ? You mean it's washing off?
  20. Caley Cruisers who are on the Caledonian Canal state they DO NOT do one way, not sure if other hirers are available. i've always fancied having a go at it, Loch Ness, Neptune's Staircase etc. but SWMBO says no
  21. Shire Cruisers do one way trips, as you've done the Hudds perhaps L&L or Rochdale? https://www.shirecruisers.co.uk/routes/one-way-canal-routes.php edit: just noticed L&L is out due to Figure of 3 locks ?
  22. Shhhhhh, how do you think she disposes of all the electricians?
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