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who are we all?

Phil Speight

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Jill (or is that Shep :() I rarely read through one of your posts without a smile ....... what bigger compliment can I bestow.


Well, thank you Malc, I take that very kindly ....... as an addenda though to my post you may be amused to hear that Thea loves Ellen so much she brought her a large, half-dead mouse. And put it on her chest as Ellen slumbered gently yesterday morning. The alarm clock was immediately followed by a loud shriek as Ellen found her 'gift'. Still, that was nothing to the scream that emitted when Ellen found her other 'present' when she put her hand into the depths of her bag to find her sandwiches. The hand emerged clutching a very dead and partially dismembered shrew. Still, Ellen was quite stoical about it all - "I knew you needed to replace the lining of my bag" she muttered as she cheerily threw the ex-shrew out of the window of the car. I can't help feeling she's a bit tougher than she used to be when we had to dig little graves and commit the corpses to a better life. .........


I don't know if you've read of my musical (probably should be non musical actually) activity lately, but it's a shame you are not a bit closer, as together with Roy's friends you'd be great to listen to.


Actually listening to me play may well be an acquired taste (the singing certainly is according to the dearest and dearest). I'm at my best when I buried in a band and nobody can hear me!



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I have often wondered what motivated and started all of you to either live on, own or hire the boats we all see and love on the waterways these days. Would make for some interesting reading I'm sure!


Well ...... just for anyone who doesn't know (I can hear the groans already LOL)


About 8 years ago, when my house was paid off, the small monthly building insurance payment was paid to the endowment insurers by mistake after it finished; however because I was still a member, I got a small windfall of shares when they transfered to a mutual company.


In the foot and mouth year I read of a woman who bought a small field for £7000, and asked a friend who agreed to go halves with me. Good investment for him, somewhere to store things, and I could have the use of it.


I put an advert in my friends garage, only for the farmers to poo poo the idea, assuring me I would not get one for that around here, as every had £10grand for a paddock for their kids pony.


Well almost forgotton when I heard of one from my friends Uncle (who died last year) when I visited the garage after a couple of weeks away. I was still a regular visitor then, anyway he didn't ask his nephew for my mobile number, and I waited until I came home. I couldn't contact the owner, who, thinking I was no longer interested had advertised. Well it was a 'bargain' and quickly snapped up.......in fact he was shaking hands with the new owner when I telephoned.


Walking Barney along the riverbank I suddenly had the idea of getting an old boat, as I was passing some. I could lie on a couch as easily as in my house, when necessity called, and Barney was allowed on the riverbank. Walking along the bank for a number of years had desensitized my fear of water, and waterfronts to some extent. Fear of water, as I can't swim, and an irrational fear of waterfronts, with looming cranes and buildings etc.


Well of course it's not as easy as that, however searched the net, found a cheap little cruiser, called at Nationwide boatyard (now a housing estate) and the rest is history, as they say.........which can of course be read on my website :(

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My name's Carl (which someone already has as their moniker on here) 'T' is my favorite letter of the alphabet so it was logical to tack it on the end. If you google me you get a character in a novel, an american basketball player and a rather geeky looking youth in a TKmaxx tshirt (myfaceache or some similar 'yoof' site), none of which are me.


My entry in Friends reunited is 'I'm still alive' and I have no, short term, plans to update it.

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I use zenataomm to identify myself wherever I can. It's only meaningful to me, but I chose it unlike the christian & surname that appear on my birth certificate. They were foistered on me by my parents without any discussion with me, in fact they took advantage of the fact I was very young and unable to enter into any meaningful debate on the issue. An unforgivable liberty so far as I'm concerned.

I vowed never to do the same, as my children Shutup I'mwatchingthetelly and Yousure we'rerelated? will confirm.

Zenataomm is a sort of anagram of the most impressive book I ever read (can anyone work it out?)


There is also a security issue for me using a pseudonym and it's nothing to do with hiding when I want to say something controversial. I have two rules in life

1. If it's on my mind, it's likely to tumble out of my mouth

2. If it itches I'll scratch it, it's what I do.


Experience tells me that my second rule has upset many more people than the first ever has. I once read an advert for TCP ointment it said ......

Do you suffer from personal, embarassing itching? That puzzled me as, far from suffering from it, I've thoroughly enjoyed it over the years, anyway the dangers of being readily identified.

If you know my name it's easy to find out where I live, and to identify my boat. Then if I say which part of the cut I'm enjoying then some little scrote somewhere out there knows my house is empty. Vice versa, if I'm observed boring myself rigid at home then my boat is unattended.

An insurance man once told me that more cars get broken into outside churches and in cinema car parks for the simple reason that not only do they know where the owner is but when they'll return.



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Zenataomm is a sort of anagram of the most impressive book I ever read (can anyone work it out?)




Pirsig? exploration metaphysics of quality and perhaps one of the most read philosophy books?? Am I close?

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My name ought to be easy to work out. As for the 'and Family' bit, I had originally encouraged my family to get on here and ask questions as well since I was already pretty set on moving into a steel tube in the (please, near) future and they would need to raise any objections. Apparently they are quite happy to follow me to life in an enclosed box no questions asked... if only my bank was that way with the money.

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Hi all ,

As you can tell we use our own name,s the numpty that had our boat built called it ZOZAGARDO which seems to mean nothing in any language !

We havent decided on a new name as we carnt agree. i would like BILLY NO MATE,S ,but wife put the kybosh on that so i rightly kyboshed her idea :cheers: .

whenever i pay for anything with my bank card etc i burn the receipt right away have had a few funny looks while doing this at the side of the car ! :( we also burn all our personal mail ! a habit i picked up from my rather odd uncle !! ;)

Greg Jax !

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[ we also burn all our personal mail ! a habit i picked up from my rather odd uncle !! :(

Greg Jax !


Do you open/read it first?


Wotnot was invented by erindoors as I (very, very stupidly) listed my email and other details on a forum connected with my business. I dont want a repeat of the spam and cold calls telling me that either my bank account has been frozen or I should advertise with rubber weekly etc.

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:( I chose "saltyseadog" because thats what I am a dog of the sea - Joined the Merchant Navy as an engineering cadet at the age of 17 & 21 years later I am still there. Still can't swim though!

My surname is Griffiths but then I do live in South Wales - so finding out my full identity will be like trying to find a needle in a hay stack.


Did you know that the Griffiths clan are decendants of the Kings of Wales - theres lovely mun!

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:( I chose "saltyseadog" because thats what I am a dog of the sea - Joined the Merchant Navy as an engineering cadet at the age of 17 & 21 years later I am still there. Still can't swim though!

My surname is Griffiths but then I do live in South Wales - so finding out my full identity will be like trying to find a needle in a hay stack.


Did you know that the Griffiths clan are decendants of the Kings of Wales - theres lovely mun!

Interesting, I'm apparently related to two of Henry VIII's wives... you'd think this'd make my wife nervous but then we learned she's a descendent of the MacLeans of Duart who are apparently famous for going on a three day killing spree and wiping out a neighboring clan.. all over a soured relationship. ;)

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My alter ego, Callunna Vulgaris, emerged when I was an art student in the punk era. It's the posh latin name for the moorland, or common, shrub aka Heather. Which by coincidence is my first name. Actually it should only have one 'n' but I mistyped it on the first forum I joined, years ago, and it just stayed that way.


I try to limit the amount of spam I get so I don't give away any unnecessary personal details for the robots & spiders to harvest, and after having my identity nicked a couple of years ago (offline) I'm just a tad wary about revealing all, so to speak.


However, it seems I have some things in common with other CWDF members - I play guitar and sing folk and sometimes write my own stuff.


We're getting closer to living on a boat on the L&L, the driving force being that I'm fed up working hard (self employed graphic designer) and want to sack a few of the peskier clients so's I can concentrate on doing more of what I love - making music.

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Who am I? :P


*Checks in mirror - ah , yes. :) ME. B) Phew...... :D


Seriously or not so seriously -


Linty is my nickname, real name Lynne, surname begins with T, and the two were put together to differentiate me and number of other Lynne's amongst the same group of friends.


Simple as that.

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My name stems from the ammount of it I do :D

Then comes "Black Bottom Princess".

Could it then be "Top Coat Duchess" :P



Black Bottom Girl is the name of my boat! My real name is irrelevant on here, Djuwenda is the forum name I have always used as well as my email at yahoo dot com, so clearly not a disguise but just a a simple forum handle.

Using it is not about not taking responsability for what I say, more about not letting other people use the information I may let out.


I work in IT, enjoy running, boxing and most other non-team and contact sports, riding motorbikes and drinking real ale.

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These are my gawjussss doggies. We're in for a challenge, living aboard! they are real water babies. me, hubby and boat to follow.

there are 5 in there.

Nice Cockers, can I also spot a Wocker in there, we have a Wocker and its a great dog.


No, all show type, but think theyre wockers. Clipped down to the wood, and Cleo is quite athletic, she is the one who is most wocker like.



Awful neighbours here spurred us on too. Been thinking about living on a boat for a while, but had enough of thinking.

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I guess that people do not always wish to use their real names as this might seem boring.


As you can see I am REALLY boring and can not fink of nowt else.


You would have thought that with my surname, you'd be able to put forward a better name!.




Nothing wrong with your surname! I regularly see gigantic cement tankers with that very name emblazoned along their flanks. Any relation?




ps. My name is John, I used to moor on the Wey. I now don't, but I have about a couple of dozen internet accounts in that name and can't be bottomed changing 'em.

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A rose by any other...


Like many people I have travelled under a number of aliases. To my old university chums I'm Nonny, to my work colleagues I'm Cap'n Jack, to my girls I'm Daddy and my girlfriend refers to me as either Moo Cow or Northern Tw*t

depending on her mood. My neighbours call me by their various interpretations of the boat's name.


Why is it perceived that should I post something contentious like "Some of my best friends are bridge-hoppers", this

is braver under the name my parents gave me than some ridiculous moniker I have given myself? Everyone still knows it

was I who said it. Knowing my given name won't help. If you google it you get loads of hits, only one of which is me

(that I've found). Attached to a rant that I e-mailed to the Metro about his popiness the hole. Ahem. :P

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