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rgreg last won the day on February 8 2018

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  1. It's always a music night when I'm in there. In fact, a few weekends ago we had two sessions going: one in each room, taking turns to play. Some of the regulars play and sing as well as visiting musicians.
  2. I've had many great musical nights in the Anchor, High Offley, one only last weekend. It's a cracking pub in my opinion.
  3. Having been a very welcomed guest here I can confirm that it is an excellent club.
  4. And the gap on the handle is too small to get your hand in.
  5. To be fair and compare like for like, the Black Country one is inclusive of p & p whereas the Charlies' postage is only free if you spend over £75. I've just bought the Black Country one and searched high and low without success to find the country of origin when I received it.
  6. My CraftInsure policy only requires a survey when over 30 years old. Is it 20 years for sea-going vessels?
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  8. Most people moor on the pound above the lock behind you or on the pontoon at the far end of your photo. The L&L is even quieter than usual at the moment. The stoppage at Burscough won't be helping, preventing travel to/ from Liverpool.
  9. We just need Swing-Bridge 191 (Silsden) fixing next then we have a through route; apparently a part has to go to/ come from Germany. Update due on Monday.
  10. I don't know if this has been posted elsewhere, but it's copied from the CRT update: a simple link to email your MP regarding the funding concerns. It only takes a minute and can't do any harm even if it doesn't do any good. The email is pre-written with the option to add your own comments if you wish. It even automatically finds your MP's email. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/canalrivertrust.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=936676c6b0ead7474e5c5ff70&id=cacc4272d9&e=94452b00af__;!!LHav0979W1rwZ6kzRg!6oO3ONEygijWq3Oe_b30s3NZ2IxC5cvCwaUdzJOKMDUJBE3fZo8bFEHnltHt1aixcb-Zoz28GCr3wVnS0A1rdk9SCOIw%24
  11. I'm watching progress with this and the other issues on the L&L as I'm currently on the east side heading west (hopefully!).
  12. Not a good position in the North:48221-june-2023-reservoir-watch.pdf
  13. I carry my windlass firmly tucked into a belt; this works for me.
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