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frangar last won the day on April 10 2022

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  1. I’ve been to a few over the years. Newark town lock on the Trent was very interesting as was foxton….haven’t done one at Hatton tho so will be interesting to look at the construction.
  2. Thanks for that. Might try and get to the Hatton one.
  3. I did see that….couldn’t decide who was more incompetent in the reporting…the beeb or plod!! Loll
  4. They are suggesting it’s the larger ones that are used in a travelling cradle so probably much larger and rated for 20 tons or so.
  5. Saw this on the BBC news site…..I’m rather amazed they then used a car rather than a truck or similar but considering the cost of a set of lifting strops it might be worth taking care of them. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvg7gpl83gzo
  6. I wish I could share your confidence…..in the peel scheme of things it really won’t affect their business model if it’s repaired or not…..and apart from some fed up boaters and a few related businesses who will it affect in the area if it’s not restored to full navigation? Any water supply Issues could be dealt with by a pipe….the nice flats still get a waterside view….peel still has money in the bank….. I really hope I’m proved wrong but so far the response from those actually holding the big purse strings has not been pro active.
  7. That’s quite worrying but sort of what I expect of how peel in run.
  8. But they are providing more updates than peel seem able to….
  9. Still leads back to Peel….you only have to look at the state of the rest of swing bridges on the MSC and how often shipping is delayed due to failure of the infrastructure.
  10. The lack of maintenance on the Bridgewater by Peel is coming home to roost it seems
  11. Shouldn’t this be in the waterway news section together with a reference for the source?? Or do we just cut and paste now to up our post count for some reason?
  12. I will have a further fiddle but as you say once the MPPT stops charging and goes into Off mode then the IP43 takes over...its really annoying as you dont seem to be able to tun off synchronised charging....I would have thought I cant be the only one who would want the MPPT to take priority.
  13. I have noticed that in a recent firmware update my Victron IP43 Phoenix mains charger and the Smart Solar controller now seem to have synchronised charging....which sounds a good thing but in reality it seems that the mains charger is the Master meaning that whereas before due to how Id set the float voltages the Solar would float the loads during the day when there was enough sun now the mains charger tells the solar charger to shut down...and you cant choose what is the master controller...meaning while the mains charger is on I wont be getting any benefit from the solar.... I have checked the Victron website in case I've missed anything but there seems to be no way to choose that the solar should prioritise. I have tried switching the mains charger off....and indeed the solar does then take over even when the mains charger is back on...but once there isnt any sun it all resets.... If anyone has found a workaround Id be quite interested!
  14. Building costs have vastly increased since then…as an owner of a 200 year old cottage getting rebuild costs for insurance has been a bit of an eye opener….the rebuild cost is well in excess of the market value of the property and it’s not even listed.
  15. I think when you live aboard you are a lot more aware of weather…so fill and empty tanks…make sure you have fuel etc. People now have hermetically sealed houses with all services on tap…cars which have every safety aid…they expect all roads to be gritted and the power never to fail….and when things don’t quite happen like that they panic and somehow manage to injure themselves or others.
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