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Mike Todd

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Mike Todd last won the day on November 1 2017

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  1. That is a political issue, the water contracts purely commercial .
  2. And remember that this was one of the good things CRT did quite early in, they recognised how badly under charging BW had been and quickly remedied that.
  3. He said that he has stepped back from blog etc as his time is busy. He runs a hotel boat, often think single handed and I think is very committed to maintaining his standard of holiday for his guests. But he does miss the chances for personal social interactions.
  4. It all goes to 'good deeds' but it depends on what you think us needed to organise those deeds effectively and/or efficiently.
  5. But at least there is a traceable record for HMRC and others to peruse. Again there will be a 'paper ' trail
  6. He didn't mention that when we chatted, passing on Llangollen!
  7. And here was me thinking that buying scrap metal for unrecorded cash was now illegal. Am I wrong?
  8. I thought that only a few bits of towpath were rights of way for walking. Mostly I understood it to be permissive use and permission can ge withdrawn. Thus can be seen when stoppages clise towpaths without the procedures for doing so with PROWs
  9. But it still comes from current taxation. Contrary to many assumptions, pensioners as a whole gave been less affected by inflation than any other age group, especially if you focus on those wholly dependent on state pension. Nobody else has had increaes at least commensurate with inflation.
  10. Looking at google, Baltimore does not have an entrance.
  11. But the stare pension is current funded, not really an insurance scheme any longer - nor for a long time.
  12. It will double the amount taken out, or thrown away over weirs, so that the level change is more extreme.
  13. In difficult cases, the Waterways Chaplains may often be able to find help. see https://www.waterwayschaplaincy.org.uk/
  14. Burslem canal went northwards from a junction to north of Etruria. Junction is still marked with just a little indication if where it ran
  15. Methinks you perhaps dont follow the issues of freight traffic, it is one of those matters that falls below red top radar. But it has a lot to do with HS2.
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