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IanM last won the day on December 2 2016

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About IanM

  • Birthday 27/04/1978

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    Manningtree, Essex
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Community Answers

  1. Thank you. A couple of my pictures had date stamps on them but they contradicted each other. Your date is between the two so that will do.
  2. Does any one recall what dates the exhibition at the National Indoor Arena (as it was called then) in Birmingham was held in 2001? It's not desperately important, I just want to add some dates to some photos.
  3. When I read things like that in adverts I always think "why don't you finish the easy bits then?". It's like car adverts which say "Easy fix to pass an MOT" which leads to the question why didn't they do it if it was that easy? 😄
  4. That wasn’t that aqueduct. The leak was into the old railway tunnel that also runs under the canal nearby.
  5. I push with my back against the beam. I can't really see how bringing your arms into play makes it any easier, it is still your legs doing the pushing without putting strain on your back.
  6. There's an increasing number of people who just use short statements rather than a questions. Facebook Marketplace is full of them who will just type "give 50" rather than "Will you accept £50 for it?". I reckon the OP just wants to to know an answer to a question in their own head and is using the forum as a bit of a search engine rather than giving some context that humans can reply to.
  7. Don’t try and overthink or over plan it, it’s not that hard really 😀
  8. That may well have been a tangent I ended going off on 😂
  9. Those maps are very familiar to me 😀 Knowing my fascination with maps and plans in general, before we started the job my work told me that I could only go off on tangents in my own time 😂
  10. We're doing a job at work at Tilbury Docks at the moment. It's very interesting with the original entrance lock and two double ended dry docks.
  11. Whilst it's all great to be talking about moorings in Birmingham and the surrounding area, I did notice that the OP has not been back to check on any answers to his question yet! @RobertT has the last two pages answered the concerns you have?
  12. If they set off late and get to Hopwas on the first evening I would think they were doing unbelievably well! I think you meant Hopwood 😁
  13. We moored near the mailbox a few years back. We talked to the people begging, gave them a packet of crisps, a light for their cigarette, etc and they were no problem at all. I thought of them as onsite security for the boat when we’d popped out for a bit.
  14. As far as I am aware there are no bookable moorings, unless Sherbourne Street Wharf have any. There are plenty of CRT moorings of varying time limits so you'll be very unlucky not to find anywhere.
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