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John Brightley

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  1. Another BCN day boat conversion on eBay, but seems expensive at £70k: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/145905853225
  2. Most of the time advice from a council's planning department will be correct, but I have known them give incorrect advice. I would recommend asking an independent planning consultant.
  3. Thanks Ray. But to be pedantic, it's Russell Newbery. (though my spell checker tried to change this !)
  4. What appears to be a BCN day boat conversion- £49k, moored at Hertford. https://www.apolloduck.co.uk/boat/narrow-boats-traditional-for-sale/760094
  5. Coincidentally there's some 'blue tops' for boats like Ure for sale on eBay at the moment - £500 for 18. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276548997452
  6. One river you haven't got on the map yet is the River Derwent at Derby, where the trip boat runs from the city centre up to Darley Abbey. https://derbycanal.org.uk/derby-riverboat/ Though I suppose that it is debatable whether it is a navigation, as no navigation features have been added. There are other similar rivers across the country which aren't connected to the main system, but where there are small pleasure boats.
  7. Woops, missed that ! Could a moderator merge the two threads please?
  8. Today (11 July) is the 60th anniversary of the official reopening of the South Stratford Canal by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother on 11th July 1964. I don't think there are any events planned to celebrate this date, unfortunately. Does anyone have any personal memories of the event ( or the canal restoration) which they would like to share with us ?
  9. As Emm has said, most of the history of your boat is in the book "Precious Cargo", but briefly, 'Dusk' was built as 'Minstrel' in 1974 by Malcolm Braine.
  10. The advert says freehold. Good point. It's a listed building which they have the obligation to keep in good condition. Unfortunately at the moment CRT are asset rich, cash poor, so I can totally understand why they have no option but to sell some property to finance maintenance work on the waterways. Having said that, you would have thought there was scope to let out some properties like this as holiday lets, rather like National Trust Cottages.
  11. Offices at Brentford: https://bidx1.com/en/en-gb/auction/property/98789
  12. Dusty's phone number is 01608 661274 should you want to contact him. Yes, he was at the Braunston show.
  13. The stern of Achilles, £69,500 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285936477684 Although only a small part is 'historic', it's still a nice boat.
  14. From what I can recall, the vast majority of all narrowboats in the 1970's and early '80's had either Lister engines or BMC's. It was rare to find one which had something else. Robbie's boat dates from 1981, and yes it was a Starline hire boat originally.
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