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David Schweizer

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David Schweizer last won the day on August 15 2016

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About David Schweizer

  • Birthday 29/09/1946

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Winsley, Nr. Bradford on Avon
  • Interests
    General Joinery, Cabinet Work, and Restoring Antique Furniture.
    Collecting and researching the history. of old Woodworking Tools,
    Agricultural, Social, and Industrial History. Model Railways.
    Canal History
    Genealogical Research.
  • Occupation
  • Boat Name
    Formerly Helvetia, Sadly now with new owners

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Veteran II

Veteran II (12/12)



  1. I did monitor the batteries on a regular basis, but rather than install an expensive monitoring system, relied upon good old fashioned voltmeters and ammeters, together with a Sterling Advanced Battery Regulator. I had a battery charger on board, but cannot remember ever using it on my batteries. We tended to move every day which ensured that the batteries were always being re-charged.. The US batteries we had on the boat were desisigned to power golf buggies, small fork lift trucks etc and would tolerate being heavily discharged, without any damage occuring.
  2. In my many past years of boating I have heard various reports of LA batteries leaking acid or gas, and someimes exploding, but have never had any experience of this happening in my boat, or indeed on any boat owned by friends. All this leads me to ask whether this is good fortune or better quality equipment and installation.
  3. My first set of extra deep cycle batteries lasted 13 years before I passed them on to another boater. They were beginning to loose charge when I left the boat for several weeks, and needed a top up charge every few days, AFAIK they lasted at least another five years before they did not want to hold charge for more than a day. Not knowing how much an equivalent bank of Lithium batteries would cost, I do not know whether there would be any cost advantage.
  4. At the risk of hi-jacking this thread, may I please ask what are the benefits of replacing LA batteries with Lithium ones. We had two heavy duty Deep cycle US batteries in Helvetia, and they went on trouble free for years. They never ran down during usage and kept their charge consistently, they did not even require the electrolyte topping up for the first five or six years, and then it was only every few months (or more) when a small amount of de-ionised water was needed.
  5. I removed all the "blacking" from the top planks on Helvetia. and found that White Spirit was the best solvent. That was a traditional Bitumen. based product, and it may not work on more modern coatings, which may not contain bitumen, even though the term bitumen still seems to be the generic description used by most people.
  6. Precisely, and that is what I used to make replacement catches on the Severn Yacht windows on Helvetia. From recollection I bought the box section from B&Q. I drilled the original rivets out, filed a section of box section off the ends to create flat sections, and and replaced the original rivets with pop rivets of suitable length, using a thick piece of leather between the glass and one of the flat sections.
  7. Correct!
  8. Back in the 1960's, we used to take Pisces through thick ice without a murmour of complaint from other boats. There were several Glass fibre boats moored above the lock where we moored, they were always lifted out onto the bank every winter, except for one which did get sliced in half by a passing working boat, it took about 5 seconds to sink! I can still remember the name of the working boat and it's captain, both still with us today.
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  11. I have found that the "Submit Reply" button sometimes fails to respond when pressed, even though the post has usually has been loaded. Persistant pressing of the button usually fails to give any response, but can result in numerous reply postings. The unwanted replies can usually be deleted by editing, if you do that within the first hour or so.
  12. Back in the 1960's, the older working boatmen that I knew, referred to the non towpath side as the outside, and the towpath side as the inside. Probably originating from the days when narrowboats were hauled by Horses or Mules.
  13. An issue I rarely ever have when using my own name as a user name on websites. 😀
  14. I agree that a profiled edge would enhance the trim, but would advocate a square ovalo profile which will throw the light better, and can be matched up, either way round. I used mahogany ovalo trim against pine on Helvetia and it looked really good after it had weathered a bit.
  15. Not really, just scroll back over a few pages, count the posted pictures and all will be revealed. You appear to be the only person consistently asking me to name the prolifically posting person, it would appear everyone else knows who it is, including the person themself. I will not be tricked into naming them.
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