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Everything posted by IanM

  1. You hold the tiller and steer it with whichever hand you want to. You look at the scenery and only need to worry about hitting anything when you need to. You only need to touch the engine controls when you want to do something different. It really doesn’t need that much thinking about. If you think that you’re constantly steering with something 2ft away all the time you are mistaken.
  2. That made me think of this...
  3. The offside is the non-towpath side. However not necessarily helpful in this case as the main line was built with towpaths on each side (although it is normally just one in use now).
  4. @MtB Have you got his signature on your ignore list? If you go to ignored users you can set different preferences such as Posts or just Signatures for each user.
  5. That was always my favourite bit
  6. I'm pretty sure that bit is rubbish. Not what you typed, what you were told. In my experience if you don't renew it badgers you constantly to renew and certainly doesn't remove itself. I seem to recall that there is a dedicated uninstall program and even then you have to do some of the hard work yourself. I don't miss working in an IT support roll at all and that sort of thing was the least of my worries!
  7. Working fine for me.
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  9. Warwickshire Narrowboat Hire is the company running out of the old Kate Boats yard in Warwick and Lyons boatyard on the Stratford. Rose Narrowboats are a different company on the North Oxford https://www.rose-narrowboats.co.uk/.
  10. This. I'm certainly not forum old guard or one of the top 10 posters he keeps referring to but I'm certainly beginning to get annoyed now with the way he constantly writes as though he's an expert and everyone else should listen to him as though he's the only one who talks sense and everyone else has misinterpreted what the OP wants. I hope also that the OP realises that Gybe Ho hasn't owned a narrow boat, bought a narrow boat or as far as I know set foot on one let alone had any kind of survey done on one.
  11. I seem to recall the next boatyard along towards Tesco do diesel if that's what you're after.
  12. Yes. I'm sure I've seen an advert for that system but I can't lay my hands on it right now.
  13. Common sense dictates that you put the pump out tank on the same side as the beer fridge. When you empty one you fill the other and the boat stays perfectly trim.
  14. In our house any large items like sofas, dining tables, etc involves removing the glass out of the dining room window. We're getting quite good at it now!
  15. Is that the guy who has or did have a German shepherd which had walking difficulties? We met him in Tipton a few years ago.
  16. The forum Elite30 earlier...
  17. Your comment made me think of this video...
  18. I agree. However the canal would still have been in a cutting there so assuming there was a bridge there before it too would have been at a higher level and not the low level one the OP imagined it could have been.
  19. Have a look back through his posts https://www.canalworld.net/forums/index.php?/profile/5000-laurence-hogg/content/&all_activity=1 I did start but couldn't find anything quickly. I do remember it though. Actually, this might be it Seems the image has gone though
  20. There was also this project which was intended to replace Camp Hill Locks in Birmingham.
  21. Because apparently he was so satisfied with Mr Ho's explanation he didn't need to!
  22. My parents have lived in Norfolk for nearly 30 years and only found out about it this year. It’s not the easiest place to find but definitely worth it when you get there. Norfolk does seem to have a lot of hidden museum gems. One place I noticed while looking at directions for the steam museum is the Norfolk Tank Museum which is situated just down then road.
  23. On another topic there was a post from @Pluto with a picture of a large stationary steam engine at the brewery museum in Burton on Trent. I recognised it as I'd seen it's pair recently on my visit to a small museum in Norfolk and I posted a few pictures. @ditchcrawler replied that he lived not too far away and had never heard of this museum so I thought I'd share a few more pictures. I had come across the Forncett Industrial Steam Museum several years ago while browsing the internet but had forgotten all about it. My parents visited on a private tour earlier in the year and I went back with them a month ago on one of their steam days. It started as private collection belonging to an ex surgeon who still gives the guided tours and one who you can listen to for hours. He has a team of volunteers who look after the engines and it really is an amazing place with some impressive and unique engines. The twin of the engine mentioned in the other topic is a 1904 Robey engine from Sleaford Maltings. In the same part of the building there is a Hunter & English engine from Poplar gas works In the other part of the building is the engine which stated the collection, a 1897 Jessop & Appleby engine originally in the Crosse & Blackwell factory then later Sarsons vinegar. Next to that is a 1873 Hick Hargreaves from a lace factory in Nottingham. The big surprise is a Vickers Armstrong engine of 1941 which was the installed to supplement the original 1898 engines at Tower Bridge. It was removed and given to the museum when the bridge was converted to electric power in 1974. Through a door you find a Grimson & Co beam engine from the Hopwas Water Works. A separate building houses another beam engine made by Easton Anderson from the Roall pumping station in Eggborough. The last big engine is a Worthington Simpson engine built in 1937 from Dover Waterworks. There are other smaller engines and exhibits including a Soame Steam Cart All the engines in my pictures were in steam when I visited as well as a few others. I recommend anyone interested in that kind of thing to pay it a visit if you're in the area. https://www.forncettsteammuseum.co.uk/ I have no connection with the museum, only a very happy visitor.
  24. Looking at the BBC article, it's a racing one. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce8dpye4p02o
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