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Everything posted by IanM

  1. A quick Google suggests that all of the shots in the film were filmed at Shepperton Studios. Even the bits where people think it’s the Royal Crescent in Bath were just sets.
  2. Looking on Google maps and the image taken on top of the bridge, it’s not been used for a long time.
  3. Can't see anything major planned before the end of October apart from the summit being closed overnight from 8pm to 6am until 21st September. https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/notices?page=1&tab=0&start=2024-08-28&end=2024-12-31&types=1&waterways=OX
  4. I reckon you’re thinking too much about this. Surely you meet people with different accents all the time in every day life or do you actually just watch TV and YouTube all the time as your posts suggest and don’t actually talk to people?
  5. My experiences of 12v hairdryers are that it's quicker to let your hair dry naturally!
  6. There has been a website called River Severn Tales (https://www.severntales.co.uk/) around for a long time with a mix off all things River Severn and G&S Canal. There is also a YouTube channel with a whole load of quite interesting videos about the river, canal and the boat movements, etc. as well as bits and pieces from the surrounding area. https://youtube.com/@chriswitts?si=akHuhOsUqsM6K_gV Just thought I'd bring it to people's attention as you can lose a lot of time if you're not careful!
  7. Indeed. I was going to start a separate thread to highlight his channel.
  8. I seem to recall that the gravel barges weren't running when the grain ones were as the ones now being used for gravel were part of BW's dredging fleet which were definitely still being used in 1996 when I passed them up the canal. Tirley, one of the grain barges, went past me when I was on a college visit to Gloucester a year or so before that. The first section of the video was made about the barges being sold off before another section of film gets added for when the two larger ones were recommissioned and run on their own for a bit.
  9. A bit of a thread revival but this video was posted to YouTube over the weekend. It's quite long but worth a look.
  10. We have a toilet to the rear of the bedroom with a cassette in it and a bathroom to the front with a dump through pump out toilet. I use one, my partner uses the other. It also means I can join whatever side I fancy in the which is best, pump out or cassette argument 😝
  11. A bit more info from the BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1epn5ezx9go Seems it isn't as far-spread as they'd thought and there are various ways of dealing with it.
  12. This post from a few pages back suggests it's the new owner selling it due to health reasons.
  13. Every time the speeding boats topic comes up it's either speeding boats at fault or those who don't tie their boats up properly which are to blame. However a sign on a boat moored at the end of Puddle Banks in Braunston says "Beware. Loose Boat. Slow Down". So there we go, it seems you can tell people to slow down having knowingly not tied your boat up properly which is some sort of weird middle ground 😁
  14. I used to always know I had had a good Friday night when I was walking home and they would be setting up the market stalls on Saturday morning 😁
  15. The tiller bar made from a post from an old horse carrousel certainly adds to the look. I think it looks great in those colours too.
  16. 5318008 works better 😂
  17. The Stroudwater Navigation certainly had donkeys towing boats. Photo source https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/vessels-and-owners/
  18. Image 10 I believe is Lapworth Top Lock. It's not just the deck of the swing bridge that has gone, the whole thing has.
  19. They normally use Rothens for that sort of thing now.
  20. You never know what goes through the minds of people. It could be that one boat removed them after going through the lock for "sh*ts and giggles" to slow down 'mates' of theirs following behind who they figured would notice them and have to replace them and they all would have a jolly good laugh about it when they met up at a pub that evening.
  21. You can add your boat name to your profile and it is displayed below your post count.
  22. Thank you. A couple of my pictures had date stamps on them but they contradicted each other. Your date is between the two so that will do.
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