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Anyone have an alarm?


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a shed alarm from the pound shop would to it I expect.

or a pressure mat

or an infrared beam break detector setup mounted on the mooring pins

or a trip wire (cotton thread with a shed alarm at the end of it) along the edge of the boat?


the possibilities are almost endless.

A shed alarm is a loud alarm which has to have a magnet beside it to keep quiet - as soon as the magnet is removed it will shriek loudly, so you can rig up the magnet to anything an intruder might move, or a door or a window or whatever.

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Hi ya

Yep I've got 3 Independent systems, One is my External and internal CCTV system, that automatically uploads, One is my External system covering Hatches & seats etc, and One is my Internal Fog Cannon and smart water marker system that I set if out with the dog, people with camera phones tend to take more notice of smoke, than sound ! .

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Do we really need electronic alarms? I just have a couple of decent brass bolts on the inside so that I don't wake up with someone standing over me.


Surely you would hear someone walking on the deck and then trying to force the doors. They're not going to be able to do that quietly. Isn't that noise a sufficient alarm?

Edited by blackrose
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Hi ya

Yep I've got 3 Independent systems, One is my External and internal CCTV system, that automatically uploads, One is my External system covering Hatches & seats etc, and One is my Internal Fog Cannon and smart water marker system that I set if out with the dog, people with camera phones tend to take more notice of smoke, than sound ! .

And does that wake you up when they break in at night

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But that was the OP's question and what the topic was about.


No it isn't. The OP asks

"I want an alarm on the back doors to alert me in case anyone tries to break in the boat while I'm in bed and wondered if there's anything I could use other than a dog?

I asked how many are broken into. Totally different question.

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No it isn't. The OP asks

"I want an alarm on the back doors to alert me in case anyone tries to break in the boat while I'm in bed and wondered if there's anything I could use other than a dog?

I asked how many are broken into. Totally different question.


In that case I'd say a trip wire of cotton thread linked to the mousetrap or a pound shop shed alarm would do it. That way you know if someone has invaded the "secured perimeter" of the vessel BEFORE they actually get on the boat and start to make an attempt to enter. Or the beam break detector mounted on the mooring pins or other similarly positioned items. Or you could use a motion sensor PIR but it'd be difficult to distinguish between innocent towpath walkers and invaders unless you had some sort of adjustable setup.


I rather like the idea of the mooring pin mounted beam break detector. I've actually ordered a cheap 20m one from china recently as some little bugger attempted to nick my dinghy the other day which was a bit rude...

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Wont help during the day of course but PIR lights are handy......Anyone approaching my boat has to walk along quite a long jetty and I have a row of PIR lamps on the telegraph poles that line one edge......B&Q are selling a battery one that is neat, bright and cheap (Uses 4 "D" cells) about £14



eta....of course you then have to worry about someone nicking your lights angry.png

Edited by John V
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Or a 12v PIR switch direct from china for £3.30. Will switch up to 8 amps.


I buy a few cheap n nasty pieces of electronic crap from China on ebay and they do in fact all arrive and do what they say they will do. Quite impressive really. Very good for experimenting !!



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For an intruder alert I think a PIR switch rigged to a low volume buzzer or maybe a phone vibrate switch under the pillow would be the thing. that way it doesn't light up the intruder or other passers by but would be able to subtly inform the person on the boat that there may, or may not, be an individual about to board. I don't think the cheap ones are adjustable for proximity but I suppose if you mounted it away from the towpath side of the boat it would only switch on if someone got really close to the boat. this could probably be tested out.


I'm going to try it as I am quite intrigued now :)

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I take it by the sarcasm no one has ever experienced someone trying their back or front doors in the middle of the night then?

I'm not sure I would hear someone on the back deck 50 foot away from my sofa bed at the front.

The cheap shed alarms sound like an alright idea cheers.

Hi ya

Yep I've got 3 Independent systems, One is my External and internal CCTV system, that automatically uploads, One is my External system covering Hatches & seats etc, and One is my Internal Fog Cannon and smart water marker system that I set if out with the dog, people with camera phones tend to take more notice of smoke, than sound ! .

Wowgot any pics of your setup?
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Another approach, which a friend of mine tried with great success, would be a pressure mat under an ordinary door mat, on the towpath beside each end of the boat. If someone steps on the mat it can be wired to trigger a low level buzzer, a lamp or phone vibrate or whatever.

The only thing is it might go off with animals but you might want to know amyway :)


maplin pressure mat £7.20



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Fishing line attached to a saucepan in kitchen - door opens, pulls saucepan into sink/onto floor.


Fishing line at edge of boat where you step on to the 'counter' - also attached to something loud and clattery.


An axe is useful - intruder-body-parts go down the weed hatch.

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