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stagedamager last won the day on May 3 2013

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About stagedamager

  • Birthday 09/06/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Langley Mill
  • Occupation
    Company Director @ Langley Mill Boatyard
  • Boat Name
    Oak, Ash & BCN 1645
  • Boat Location
    Langley Mill

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  1. Greenlaw https://www.abnb.co.uk/boat?BoatID=4063
  2. you would be better going down the industrial airless sprayer route, or air compressor.
  3. I mean....... I 'could' build another one, but given the non standard hull construction, this would easily be a 6 figure hull. but, she'll swim beautifully and I hope I do the knobstick lines justice.
  4. As I understood it, no boats were moored on water points, or in areas which there were no mooring signs, to the point where the poster deleted his post when many told him the weren't moored incorrectly. It would have been interesting to see if he has posted the same critical musings if it wasn't all historic boats. Happy to be proved wrong........
  5. Corvus is in the CRT disposals
  6. what they go for and what they should go for is very different ..... I'd say a motor would be around 60k and a butty 20 to 25k, 'stars' tend to price slightly higher than 'towns'. having said that for the right boat woth the right work done..... maybe double that estimate? some have been on the market a while, and whilst needing work, at the right price could be seen as a good deal. Butties come and go but most of these sales seem to be snapped up by coal operators before anyone knows they would be coming on the market.
  7. in certain circumstances, if the millscale is not removed from the steel, you can wash with Hydrochloric acid, (brick cleaner) to dissolve the millscale. We had to do this recently with good effect, maybe this is what they are meaning...... Kind regards Dan
  8. it's definitely a butty, small Ricky. they have done work on it, and had work done at Bates' boatyard. 45k is about 30k too much for a wooden boat that is up and down like a yo-yo....... regardless how good most of it is, you only need one bad bit, but then again, the same goes for metal boats.....
  9. i'm still trying to find more information out about the Anderton company, with the amount of information not available in the public archives i'm convinced the information or some of it is in a private collection somewhere waiting to be found.
  10. Hi Anna, No worries in the delay and i did wonder if there was cross talk with the FMC butty, not a problem, i shall persevere! The boat is coming on nicely although i'm now away for a month working on a show so it will have to wait! The photos i have sourced from various places, the CRT archive being one but mainly through staffordshire online photo archives, i've never made it to the Stoke archive in person yet! As for the back deck, originally she had a dropped deck which is something we are putting back in as i don't believe any motors show this feature these days. We will however be having a standard height deck that can drop in if needed, the best of both worlds! Kind regards Dan
  11. Hi @Anna123 i hope you're well, i don't suppose you had any joy with where you possibly saw Norway's fleet number did you??
  12. it won't be on that long, I've got a photo of it now!!
  13. it's only a little job. and only chalk pen. but. this makes me quite happy......work on her is about to slow due to starting a slow in Chichester next week but, it certainly makes a difference,and we've saved a fortune in signwriting...
  14. we did well. we had a lovely 1 day of summer and now we've been rained off again..... we did however make the Swans Neck/Ram's head/ Z iron *(delete as appropriate) which involved an awful lot of oxygen propane to bend the 50mm solid round bar to the right shape. it will need a final tweak to get the rake of it correct now it is fitted and welded to the boss. we've also got some counter guards on which is helping it look more boat like each day. we need to drop the lower guard, originally it sat above the uxter plate, but the positioning looks wrong in this configuration as we want to put a guard all the way round, which she originally never had.
  15. hi Anna that's great to hear, I'd love to see anything you having relating to Norway's fleet number, and yes the video is Millicent not Spain but I mentioned it more as a point of fact of historical inaccuracies of republished information not being correct. I'm happy to talk to Ian about our project, either through phone or email, if he wishes to I can provide Contact details. here's the latest photo of progress... kind regards Dan
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