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stagedamager last won the day on May 3 2013

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About stagedamager

  • Birthday 09/06/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Langley Mill
  • Occupation
    Company Director @ Langley Mill Boatyard
  • Boat Name
    Oak, Ash & BCN 1645
  • Boat Location
    Langley Mill

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  1. hi Junior, yep a Kelvin K2, originally she had a Bolinder, but, we have a K2 and we can install it to the original manufacturers specifications as we have a blank canvas for engine beds etc as they are transverse. And, it saves on ballast!!
  2. it is still around, on the Leicester Line i believe. she docked at Langley Mill earlier in the year.
  3. you know.... in the snow... she almost looks finished.....🤣
  4. Middle Northwich Kestrel/Triagulum.
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  6. so here's a thing........ Anderton boats are renowned for their steep tumblehome on the cabin sides. When Norway was built she was built without gunwhales, which leads us to the issue of what is more important, gunwhales or a wider cabin top. obviously, we opted for gunwhales, this is the only compromise i was willing to accept. Given the dimensions in the Anderton Notebook this makes for a narrow cabin doors bulkhead, and the knock on for a chimney collar. We knew this would be very tight, a 6" collar is a non starter, a 4 1/2" chimney would look wrong, and therefore we opted for a 5" one. We still can't fit a full collar in, so will be welding in a 5" pipe through the cabin top, with a 1 degree turned taper so at least it looks like a collar. This will be sleeved inside the cabin so it resembles a 6" collar. Because of the this the slide runners will be slightly narrower, but overall, I think we will manage to fit it all in just about!
  7. its where i learnt all my boating innit...........
  8. it was much easier to borrow or hire them.
  9. An unexpected extra day off from Mary Poppins allowed me to crack on with a job ive wanted to do for a while. As i sit in our boat, Norway looms out of the car park and I'm keen to make it look like a boat when i look at it, psychologically its a good thing for me, so ive cracked on with the rear bulkhead to fill the gaps in. i know theres alot of welding to do, which we slowly plod through, but this is a small definite win!
  10. .............but still had a relatively short life for such a thick bottom.......
  11. looking good, keep it up, I'm enjoying seeing the progress.
  12. absolutely..... a week between welds should give it time for the heat to dissipate........🤣🤣
  13. been quiet hasn't it..... I'm currently in Bristol opening the UK tour of Mary Poppins but it hasn't stop work progressing at a snails pace....... not much to report other than welding is progressing and I put some lighting down the top plank as its the end of BST.. 1 hours welding a week ticks it off slowly, and it's better than not doing any!
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