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Everything posted by cuthound

  1. My last shareboat "failed" a BSS examination because it had two vents with fans in. The examiner simply excluded them from the calculations, despite my protestations that common sense said to look at the area taken up by the blades and deduct that from the area of that mushroom. He got really upset when I told him it was advisory as the boat was licenced as a private boat rather than a hire boat and stormed off. Sadly he came back when the next co-owner was on board and persuaded him that a 8" square vent was needed at vast expense. I'm sure he was receiving a backhander from the boatyard we were based at that year. The vent resulted in such a draft that most people blocked it up when on board.
  2. I painted mine red so that others could easily identify it and stop the engine if it failed.
  3. If the boat is a similar length to mine, I have been known to suggest that we raft them together so that the single hander can help with the gates and paddles, whilst I steer both boats into the locks.
  4. overlords or overloads?
  5. Doh, another case of phat phingers, now corrected.
  6. My boat has dolly's mounted at the front of the well deck, just behind the cratch board, one oer side. I find them useful for attaching spring lines as well as attaching a long line to control the boat in wide locks with a strong flow, such as Newbury.
  7. It also works with boats of 60 foot and over in locks known to have a strong pull, such as some on the T&M.
  8. I don't think it is the real Athy. I think he has been replaced by Officer Crabtree from 'Allo 'Allo
  9. It must come in very handy when you can get close to the bank and most of us have to use a gang plank. @IanD can just walk down the mooring line...
  10. I bought that book when I first tried going single handed and found it full of the blindingly obvious, possibly because having boated for many years before trying single handed I had already subconsciously worked out what I thought would work.
  11. My youngest son bought me one of these T shirts. Pretty much sums up labradors.
  12. I never realised just how much of the world is edible until I got a lab...
  13. My last shareboat had the pumpout points on the roof. I never experienced any issues on the 10 years I had a share in it.
  14. Do I hear the patter of tiny coils or did autocorrect intervene?
  15. Judging by the number of new posters with battery problems, I don't think we are there for lead acids yet, and they have been around since Noah had his Ark (almost).
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  17. Only until the morale improves...
  18. Maybe they could stretch to a lift bridge... 🤣
  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  20. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  21. They have nested at the nearest marina for the last few years. I guess they like the attention. However soon after the cygnets are hatched and able to swim, the parents take them on a trip on the cut, presumably to point out the houses which will feed them.
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  23. Wot no battered Mars bar? 🤣😂
  24. Since we lost Zeus, my rescue GSD we already get quite a bit of duck excrement.
  25. I thought that was a rear facing cannon. Ideal for dealing with boats that get too close when you slow down past moored boats...
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