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I am so excited so I want to tell everyone!! I have just received my unconditional offer from Northampton UNI to study for a joint honors in Psychology/sociology. Off course I will be accepting immediately, because I just can't wait to be hard up and live off pasta and baked beans, Hubs (bless his heart) will off course be supporting me during this time and when I get my degree - I'm going the be RICH, RICH, RICH and then I am going to TAKE OVER THE WORLD he he!!! - ( whoops, just got a bit over excited).

Not bad for an old lady eh!! :lol:

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I am so excited so I want to tell everyone!! I have just received my unconditional offer from Northampton UNI to study for a joint honors in Psychology/sociology. Off course I will be accepting immediately, because I just can't wait to be hard up and live off pasta and baked beans, Hubs (bless his heart) will off course be supporting me during this time and when I get my degree - I'm going the be RICH, RICH, RICH and then I am going to TAKE OVER THE WORLD he he!!! - ( whoops, just got a bit over excited).

Not bad for an old lady eh!! :lol:




I've just signed up for my second year in Rogerian Counselling at Warwick. It's a part-time degree course that happens to take up nearly all of your free time.


So you will be rich and take over the world?



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I've just signed up for my second year in Rogerian Counselling at Warwick. It's a part-time degree course that happens to take up nearly all of your free time.


So you will be rich and take over the world?




Sounds like you've got the Rogerian stuff sorted, Richard! :lol:


I've just finished my psychology degree (with a first and top of the class [yep, I want to show off]) but am still an unemployed bum after lots of job applications. But hey, I can reflect on the time spent and enjoy the journey :lol:

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I've just signed up for my second year in Rogerian Counselling at Warwick.



UoW, Richard?


T'is where I'm working for the foreseeable, in the black-ops dept of the Network Team - you know, all the 3am raids on users plugging their toaster into the campus lan... :lol:



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I am so excited so I want to tell everyone!! I have just received my unconditional offer from Northampton UNI to study for a joint honors in Psychology/sociology. Off course I will be accepting immediately, because I just can't wait to be hard up and live off pasta and baked beans, Hubs (bless his heart) will off course be supporting me during this time and when I get my degree - I'm going the be RICH, RICH, RICH and then I am going to TAKE OVER THE WORLD he he!!! - ( whoops, just got a bit over excited).

Not bad for an old lady eh!! :lol:


Well done indeed! Hope you have a fantastic time!


(Feel free to PM me if you ever need advice on SPSS/general stats/research methods etc.)

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I've just finished my psychology degree (with a first and top of the class [yep, I want to show off]) but am still an unemployed bum after lots of job applications. But hey, I can reflect on the time spent and enjoy the journey :lol:

Whereas I dropped out of my degree course after rwo years, found a job 3 days later, and haven't been out of work since.


Go figure.

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I am so excited so I want to tell everyone!! I have just received my unconditional offer from Northampton UNI to study for a joint honors in Psychology/sociology. Off course I will be accepting immediately, because I just can't wait to be hard up and live off pasta and baked beans, Hubs (bless his heart) will off course be supporting me during this time and when I get my degree - I'm going the be RICH, RICH, RICH and then I am going to TAKE OVER THE WORLD he he!!! - ( whoops, just got a bit over excited).

Not bad for an old lady eh!! :lol:


Congrats! I know how good it feels - this time last year I was in the same position, accepted to uni at 29 years old.


Do you live aboard? Student life suits boating very well indeed, I find. Cos I'm single and poor, I get full loans, grant and bursary, and not having to pay £100 a week to live on campus and be regularly woken up at 3am by fire alarms cos some drunken teenager wanted toast is pretty damn good. Lots of lovely free money of the government for very little work.


Also, 10 hours a week of lessons leaves plenty of daylight hours in the winter to cruise and get things done on the boat.


When you take over the world, can you abolish horseflies? Thanks!

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Good on yer!


Getting a job at the end is only part of the attraction. Being at Uni is the best bit! I loved it so much I did it twice.

Savour every minute cos working for a living isn't half as much fun :lol:


Being a student and living on a boat...sounds like an excellent plan.


When you rule the world please can you get rid of all the damn wasps as well.

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I promise I will do my best with the horseflys, wasps and even have a go at the weather. As my subjects will be psychology and sociology, I will probably just start by 'having a little chat about it' first.

Just really excited about going back into education at the grand age of 48, worried about being the eldest one there - but what the heck!!!

I think it will fit in really well with my boating lifestyle, plenty of peace and quite to study and I don't really fit in with partying all hours - the arthritus plays up and the new hip takes a while to get going.

Hubs says that my multi-coloured kaftans, silly hats and odd earings will deffinately look the part, so I have my student wardrobe sorted already!!!! Just got to concentrate on the dreadlocks and ring in the nose!! :lol:

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Whereas I dropped out of my degree course after rwo years, found a job 3 days later, and haven't been out of work since.


Go figure.


Yep, that's what I did first time round. Two years of a mathematical engineering degree was enough, dropped out and worked until I became ill. As I was too ill to work I decided to do something useful with my time and get a degree. So fortunately, for me, it's not been time wasted but time to concentrate on getting better and getting a degree at the same time. See, I can reflect and make it sound good, must've learnededed sumfink!



I promise I will do my best with the horseflys, wasps and even have a go at the weather. As my subjects will be psychology and sociology, I will probably just start by 'having a little chat about it' first.

Just really excited about going back into education at the grand age of 48, worried about being the eldest one there - but what the heck!!!

I think it will fit in really well with my boating lifestyle, plenty of peace and quite to study and I don't really fit in with partying all hours - the arthritus plays up and the new hip takes a while to get going.

Hubs says that my multi-coloured kaftans, silly hats and odd earings will deffinately look the part, so I have my student wardrobe sorted already!!!! Just got to concentrate on the dreadlocks and ring in the nose!! :lol:


You sound like you'll fit in a treat! Good luck, I'm sure you'll love it

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Got one years ago - they don't work! :lol:



Me too... however I've found that being devious so-and-so is far more effective.


If you're like my friend Jessica, she got her job by answering the question in her interview: "Where do you see yourself in five years time?" with "As Empress of the Universe".


Now that's setting your goals high! :lol:

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I am so excited so I want to tell everyone!! I have just received my unconditional offer from Northampton UNI to study for a joint honors in Psychology/sociology. Off course I will be accepting immediately, because I just can't wait to be hard up and live off pasta and baked beans, Hubs (bless his heart) will off course be supporting me during this time and when I get my degree - I'm going the be RICH, RICH, RICH and then I am going to TAKE OVER THE WORLD he he!!! - ( whoops, just got a bit over excited).

Not bad for an old lady eh!! :lol:



I have a BSc and a MSc from UMIST, The money does not roll in, Degrees are nowadays 10 a penny. To many around to mean anything.




Middle Levels

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I dropped out at 16, to change the square world rather than take it over, made it round, retired from that at 17 into a subsistance existance(the nature of boating); never been out of work, people always need stuff done, or is it that there are always people who are stuffed! I assume one needs 360 degrees to watch your back effectively. :lol:

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