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Everything posted by TheBiscuits

  1. The brass ones are only adding to the cost, as the cheap plastic ones from the pound shop are slightly quicker release mechanisms. Deploy anchor ... and released!
  2. So are you suggesting we Komplain (k) when(=) the A***hole eejits (Ae) remove the Environment Agency (-Ea) and the River Trust goes under (1/RT)?
  3. Sad yes, but bad business savvy. Last year on the Caldon we saw lots of Andersen boats, but only one Claymore boat. At least some of it is down to how you manage customer expectations - suggesting an alternate route rather than telling people they can't have their holiday they wanted. All the Andersen boaters we spoke to said they had never heard of the Caldon until it was suggested to them as a nice canal they could do instead of the Cheshire Ring, and they all enjoyed it. They were all in the Black Lion at Consall Forge though. When the Rochdale and the Calder & Hebble flooded and breached a few years ago all the Shire Cruisers boats were craned out at Sowerby Bridge and moved to other canals and boatyards, which must have cost a pretty penny in both transport and agreements with other hire bases, but kept the boats in operation during the extended stoppages.
  4. I did my high school work experience with the TV detector vans, they worked well back then. Favourite story in the office was a visit to a house where a woman was just dashing out on the school run, and told the chap in the van "Sorry I'm running late, but my husband will be back in half an hour, and our TV licence is in the top left hand drawer in the desk in the lounge." TV bloke goes back 40 minutes later. TV bloke: "Hello, TV licencing, I believe your licence is in the top left hand drawer in the desk in your lounge, may I see it please?" Husband: "F***ing Hell! I didn't know your vans were that accurate!"
  5. No, the problem with that lock was the drunken eejits trying and failing to cross the head gates (which are in a direct line from one path to another) instead of walking to the curvy bridge 80 feet away. It's a shallow lock (boat deep). Jump across the roof of the boat if you don't think you have time to go round the head gates.
  6. Thanks for the clarification Nigel. I knew they didn't report them, but not that didn't bother with them!
  7. Technically it's a breach of the bylaws, and carries a criminal conviction and a £100 fine. It's not something CRT report the way they do Section 8 court cases and seizures.
  8. Or indeed marker pens and a bit of paper and stick them in a window. There is a requirement to display the number, not the official plates or stickers.
  9. If you have never vacuumed before, it's no wonder you need a new carpet!
  10. Looks like a roll-flat hosepipe to me, just next to the anchor. Unless the hozelock couplings are a new method of attaching the rode ...
  11. Until we can't buy red diesel anymore and then you'll be paying £1.50 per litre for diesel ...
  12. Consider a tarp or a rubber sheet to cover the entire deck. Easy to remove when you need to get to the engine bay, and stops water flooding your deck.
  13. It's being identifiable and having to buy a licence that upsets most of the stealth boats ...
  14. Agreed. That's what mine has, and it came with a full set of spares. I'm still on the original set after two years, but check they are all fully inserted and haven't come loose in transit. The courier's van that brought it to you was probably harder on it than the ship that brought it halfway round the planet!
  15. Duck noodles to load, that sort of thing?
  16. It's a bit annoying, but as you haven't launched your boat yet it's no biggie. The day you get there if it's still there that would be very annoying. I'd untie it and then retie it securely in a place not accessible from either bank, but I'm nice like that.
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  18. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  19. That is the origin of the "London Whiteout" look - paint everything with white paint so it looks like a flat on a property development programme. I detest the look, but do understand why people go for it. I use magnolia ...
  20. Hmm. Does that mean you would suggest a larger fuse than the expected load, for example a 350A fuse on a circuit that might surge to 300A occasionally? Like I did a page back (Obviously the cables need to be able to carry more current than the fuse, but for an inverter installation you want thick cable to avoid voltage drop efficiency problems.)
  21. Added: Crossed posts with @dmr. I think we are both saying the same thing - you will fit if you are both clever and patient! The critical technique is being able to tuck behind a closed gate going up, as that gives you an extra 2 feet or so, but all the Rufford locks are wide so it's fine. You will get wet going down though - make sure you don't let too much water in the back of your boat! Going down, just take your time. The cills are rounded not straight, so you need to to have the bow in a corner and the stern in the middle, but without snagging on anything. If in doubt, close the paddles! For what it's worth, I would do it in a 63ft boat, and if you are doing it before the middle of May drop me a PM and I will come and help if needed.
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