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Everything posted by TheBiscuits

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  2. I know. So are we - in fact we are currently in first place - Sue said so - but I suspect it will be the only time we are in first place once the challenge begins! In fact, I am bidding 3 boats for the noodles, Python, yours and mine. All these lot talk a good fight, but they won't turn up and do a few locks while carrying the noodles. They will just bicker from the sidelines.
  3. Are you sure it wasn't some Claymore 30's?
  4. https://www.rustins.ltd/bonda/our-products/anti-rust-and-corrosion/bonda-rust-primer-
  5. I assumed he meant tail current in Amps - that would be about right for a nominal 440Ah bank.
  6. Well they have just shut the Leigh Branch of the L&L this morning at Plank Lane bridge ...
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  8. Are you suggesting they suffered a reversal? That would be a first for Axiom ....
  9. It was mostly spin anyway! (propeller joke)
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  12. We would have to come up with a "greenwash" marketing strategy first though. Maybe we could pretend that putting them on top of coal fired stoves was in some way eco-friendly.
  13. It's a shame nobody makes a type of fan that spins faster the hotter it gets ...
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  15. Things I consider a boat. Canoes, rafts and catamarans count, floating a mop bucket and pretending it's a boat does not. One hah hah, two hah hah ... Yes, and yes. Yes thanks. The boat has to move with the specific duck noodles on board. There is no specific mileage requirement, but I would consider just going from your mooring to the service jetty 20 yards away would not be in the spirit of the game. I hope so - the easiest handover point is going to be at the end of the BCN marathon challenge, which by definition is going round in circles for 24 hours. Me too, that's why I haven't said how much per boat I will donate!
  16. "The bridge has been safely lowered and the deck is now lying flat across the canal on the abutments." Sounds like it did fail open to me. The quick fix was to lower it back down so it can't fall down.
  17. I'm willing to carry them for a bit, but it would seem pointless to pass them on to another boat afterwards!
  18. Yes, but it only encourages the pundits ... How is Graham?
  19. That's some bright work right there More scrolls and less castles I say ...
  20. I know, but it was far too good a feeder line to ignore!
  21. We don't call her Socks on this side ...
  22. That'll be why you use a bin full of concrete instead of an actual anchor. Mind you the anchor looks like a Danforth knockoff, so the bin might bite your bottom better.
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