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Dear Gibbo

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That's a popular myth, electrons don't flow upwards.


I've always kept the batteries upright with the caps on. No electrons appear to have collected in the bilges, so I think I'm all right with this



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I've always kept the batteries upright with the caps on. No electrons appear to have collected in the bilges, so I think I'm all right with this




Have you considered galvanic isolation? I have heard opinions voiced on the subject . . .

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The French have done a lot of research into bilge electrons.


They also eat squiggly stuff in garlic sauces and call it sophisticated, what's your point?



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Slightly off topic but did any of you older posters remember when The Lone Ranger got stuck in some quick sands and he got High ho Silver to pull him out, well he was covered in all sorts of shit and corruption but in the next shot as he rode after the baddies he was immaculate, looked like he had just come out of the tailors shop. I've never been able to figure that one out.... :wacko:


Another thing, why did the wind never blow in Sherwood Forest when The Adventures of Robin Hood was on telly?


ETA: Apologies if this has been covered extensively in previous threads.

Edited by nb Innisfree
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Erm, 1' 10". We were gauged at Walsall on Sunday




I am trying to be helpful




Self raising? Look, those magazines were in the garage when we moved in here, and I don't know the girls in them were not wearing their vests :blush:




1'10"? Yeah right ... bet you say that to all the girls ...

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Compressor or convector?


It makes a buzzing noise and hot air convects off the radiator on the back


pump-out or cassette?










coat or jacket?



:lol: vintage stuff, I'm off to clean the keyboard...


Pump-out, and yes, this is your coat. I like the way the sleeves can be strapped up at the back



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