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Everything posted by WotEver

  1. I had to have a very urgent conversation with someone in the Middle East via a teletype in the early 70’s. I had someone from the typing pool do the typing at my end...
  2. How about these? https://seamarknunn.com/acatalog/emergency-battery-navigation-lights-7531.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwttbWBRDyARIsAN8zhbIV67GND4AcdJefZc53pr1Sy_l92srekLHFiIZyvFzhKQS0nxX5Y3kaAkeGEALw_wcB
  3. It’s like the old adage from a publishing house... Trainee: What did we used to do before fax machines were invented? Old hand: We used to do things on time, son.
  4. As for bending, a length of 3x2, cut slightly longer than the floor to ceiling height, should easily push the 38x25 into place. It’s not like it usually much of a radius.
  5. How would the computer know where I might decide to go in the morning? I might have to make an emergency long distance trip, so I need the battery full, not half-depleted because I made some custard.
  6. I suspect he was referring to the (currently) floating stop tap on the water heater feed.
  7. I can believe it. I’ve used gallons of the stuff in my youth.
  8. Hmmm... this listing on Screwfix reckons it’s Up to 100% more effective than the old stuff. https://www.screwfix.com/p/nitromors-all-purpose-paint-varnish-remover-4ltr/48440?cm_sp=landingpage-_-azbrands-_-nitromors&_requestid=406393
  9. WotEver


    Yep, off the missus.
  10. It only has very light surface rust. Unfortunately I don’t have any acetone or ATF in the workshop but do have both derv and white spirit so they’re gonna be my first stop. Thanks anyway
  11. Summer is this Thursday folks. Enjoy it when it arrives. It’ll be gone by the weekend.
  12. WotEver


    Two pieces of white toast with proper butter and champagne(!!?) marmalade. I didn’t buy the marmalade...
  13. Ooh now, where’s GrahamM when you need him so we can have an argument about his favourite subject.
  14. Some good advice here guys. Thanks. I’ll let you know how I get on.
  15. Thanks all for the advice No idea really.
  16. That’s what it feels like someone’s done
  17. All I was saying is to leave the women’s work to the wimmin
  18. Not quite the same. They drop the extra aluminium syllable in their spelling too - aluminum.
  19. If the engine just spins the prop round and round and makes no progress it would be well named.
  20. WotEver


    No no, just a box box
  21. WotEver


    We had haddock fish finger sandwiches only yesterday.
  22. And Dungraftin... Here we go again
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