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CRT - Frying pan to fire?

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In the ongoing discussions over CRT, I do wonder if we should be seriously worried. I'm not aiming at the change of funding model that has been adopted, but aspects of the changed outlook.


Jenlyn posted yesterday about a lifeless canal, with very few boats moored. This morning I walked along the K&A from Dundas noting the variety of craft towards Limpley Stoke, and was reminded of a figure I often quote professionally: at least 30% of bankside visitor spend is generated by the canal being active, not just it's presence. (Originally Coopers and Lybrand, K&A study 1990, supported by subsequent studies). It is also generally true that spend by bankside visitors outstrips spend by boaters by between 2 and 3 to 1. Or put it another way, CRT might be shooting local economic benefits in the foot.


Further on my walk I noticed a sign prohibiting mooring between Limpley Stoke Bridge and Winsley Bridge, I hadn't noticed this before and felt it more honoured in the breach than in the observance, but seeing a second sign that was clearly a new CRT one, with the added words "risk of falling trees" had me thinking. Risk Assessment? Others will know better than I but having known this length on and off for forty years the only tree I recall falling fell at Dundas, outside the area identified.


And on risk assessment, I know this next issue has been raised before, but Tudor Cruising Club want to put a bench up at Marple Locks in memory of mum. Very fitting given her love of canals and the locks, and around half the locals walking past would know who Joan Moss was. There are already 3 or 4 such benches that Tudor Cruising Club have paid for, placed in BW days. TCC got a shock when CRT quoted £2,500, among the requirements being a risk assessment.


Presumably, given CRT's apparent appetite for risk assessments, the existing benches have been assessed and their locations declared safe? And in this move from BW, have we gone from the frying pan into the fire?


Regarding the last issue, Val says anyone standing in the way of a memorial bench for my mother needs to be prepared for a fight!

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I think there are 2 factions within CRT those that have embraced the change and want to move forward and those that fear change and actually seem to want to go backwards. I hope that the appointment of Richard Parry will help CRT move forward but I guess time will tell.

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Presumably, given CRT's apparent appetite for risk assessments, the existing benches have been assessed and their locations declared safe? And in this move from BW, have we gone from the frying pan into the fire?


Regarding the last issue, Val says anyone standing in the way of a memorial bench for my mother needs to be prepared for a fight!

Magpie, I was with our local CRT maintenance man yesterday, discussing the benches at Greenberfield. They had had to remove one of the memorial benches there because it was in very poor condition. I certainly would not have used it as it was close to collapse. He would like to see any memorial seats being of a suitable high standard, to reduce maintenance problems, and such seats are expensive, as you will know from your canal environmental work. There also needs to be money available for maintenance, as often such seats seem to lack any longterm care, though some families are better at this than others. Given you expertise, perhaps you should develop a strategy for CRT to follow which would cover the requirements of all parties. There may well be one, but you know how poor communications can be regarding such policies.

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The Shropshire union Canal Society used to I stall good quality benches,and maintain them, using their volunteer workers for £500. C&RT still seem to expect SUCS to do the work, but charge directly £2,500.


You would think they wouLd encourage the placing of benches to give all their millions of visitors somewhere to rest.

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CaRT do not seem to have a clue and are just plain greedy,not a pretty performance for a charity. I am not optimistic and I think boaters need to bury their differences and start shouting very loud and making a fuss. Without us and our boats the canals are dead.

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I am puzzled by the way this thread is going. To me it appears most (everybody?) want the canals to be at the very least kept at the standard they are and preferably improved. However everybody seems totally against CRT raising money to do this.


You cant have it both ways folks.

  • Greenie 2
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I am puzzled by the way this thread is going. To me it appears most (everybody?) want the canals to be at the very least kept at the standard they are and preferably improved. However everybody seems totally against CRT raising money to do this.


You cant have it both ways folks.


Stopping people mooring as per Jenlyn's thread is not raising money


Putting up signs warning of tree fall risk is not raising money, nor, given they don't cover all wooded lengths of cutting, is it avoiding an expensive liability.


I am gathering the facts regarding memorial benches, and will admit to a vested interest, but the charge suggested doesn't seem to be to cover costs and will lose far more in goodwill than it will gain in finance.

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Near me there is a bench that some locals put on the towpath so when they walk there dogs they can sit for a while and chat. No one has ever moaned or moved the bench and it's been about for years. The chaps even did a bit of repair work to it and when it finally started to collapse they replaced it with 2 chairs, which are still there ..


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