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Minor Forum Software Update - June 2019


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We have updated the forum software to Invision 4.4.3 and subsequently 4.4.4 to apply a bug fix release. This is not a feature release and as such the overall look, feel and functionality of the site remains unchanged. Should you encounter any oddities or have any questions, do let me know.

For anyone who is interested, the release notes as provided by Invision are as follows:

Technical Details


  • Fixed an XSS concern deleting members in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed an XSS concern managing Downloads versions from the changelog view.
  • Fixed a minor XXE possibility in blog RSS imports.


  • Added support for [Emoji 11](https://emojipedia.org/emoji-11.0/) emojis
  • Added logging for errors communicating with Spam Defense.
  • Added a pre-installed Giphy key that can be used for all Invision Community installations.
  • Improved usability and display of date-based member filters.
  • Improved account validation process to prevent accounts being inadvertently validated by scrapers and bots, and to improve the user experience when following a validation link that is no longer valid.
  • Improved the opcache comments check on the REST API Reference page.
  • Improved sending bulk emails via SendGrid.
  • Improved post before register permissions when allowing guests to create content, but not members.
  • Clarified the registration completed email when no local password has been set.
  • Fixed an issue where members may not be marked as complete, and thus will not show within the community, in some circumstances.
  • Fixed the Posts Per Day group setting not applying consistently to all content.
  • Fixed an issue where click tracking may not be applied to all links in emails sent.
  • Fixed the email statistics charts in the AdminCP showing incorrect data when viewing weekly charts.
  • Fixed an issue where the inbox list may be stuck showing a spinner when canceling a search in the personal messenger.
  • Fixed an issue where folder counts may show NaN after deleting a folder in the personal messenger.
  • Fixed an issue that may occur when deleting/moving login handler related images.
  • Fixed 'post before register' content submissions not incrementing the user's post count if pre-moderation is not required.
  • Fixed an issue related to 'post before register' where 'next unread' item links may show when there isn't any new content.
  • Fixed the digest task looping on a follow attached to a deleted member.
  • Fixed the `PruneMembers` background task from endlessly looping in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed disabling password changes in the AdminCP settings not removing the link to change your password on the Account Settings overview page.
  • Fixed issue where lazy-loaded images in warn reasons would prevent warn reason from automatically updating when new reason was selected due to incorrect editor 'dirty' status.
  • Fixed a niche issue where promoting an item may show an auto scheduled time from the past.
  • Fixed an issue where the button to change a members profile photo would still show on their profile when they do not have permission to upload profile photos.
  • Fixed an issue where public clubs would show the member count in several locations.
  • Fixed an edge-case issue with redirecting old non-rewrite FURLs after enabling rewrites.
  • Fixed issue checking signature image dimensions when using 'insert existing attachment' when using Amazon S3.
  • Fixed an issue where the frontend upgrade notice wouldn't disappear once dismissed.
  • Fixed an issue where cover photos might disappear shortly after displaying.
  • Fixed an issue with lazy load placeholders when added to existing content.
  • Fixed a layout issue with the mobile pagination buttons.
  • Fixed an unnecessary redirect when viewing a club.
  • Fixed a potential timeout running the cleanup task.
  • Fixed Elasticsearch being able to be set up with version 7 (which is not yet supported). Trying to do that will now show an error message.
  • Fixed an issue where moved links may show in the topic widget.
  • Fixed an issue where a member registering with an auto-detected language would revert back to the default language after registration.
  • Fixed an issue where the latest activity tooltip would state "online now" when the member was offline.
  • Fixed broken login form.
  • Fixed status pagination loading a full page instead of comments only.
  • Fixed non-latin characters in the URL showing incorrectly when moving between pages.
  • Fixed an issue where the approval queue may show content in the wrong order.
  • Fixed an issue where the guest signup block title and text was reversed in vertical view.
  • Fixed an issue where custom friendly URLs would not use the newer `/page/2/` pagination format.
  • Fixed an issue where club pagination in user profiles was showing the wrong number of pages.
  • Fixed an issue where a Redis failure caused an uncaught exception.
  • Fixed an issue where the Clubs REST API would throw an error if commerce isn't installed.
  • Fixed an issue where online user lists may be empty following a Redis crash.
  • Fixed an issue where incomplete member registrations were not cleared correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where Post Before Register Followups were sent out immediately rather than delayed.
  • Fixed an exception that prevents storage handler changes from being saved properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Failed Emails' AdminCP notification may not be removed properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Anonymous login" checkbox was incorrectly checked.
  • Fixed an issue where PBR content would be left in the database for uninstalled applications.
  • Fixed a rare issue where a template disk cache could corrupt and affect templates loading.
  • Fixed an issue where members created via the ACP weren't marked as completed.
  • Fixed an issue with Flickr video embeds showing as photos.
  • Fixed an issue with notifications not showing as unread.
  • Fixed an issue where the exact profile field search option had no affect.
  • Fixed an issue where the default country was not correctly set in address form inputs.
  • Fixed an issue where the guest teaser would not show on the comment form in some circumstances.
  • Disabled Grammarly from checking editor fields to prevent Grammarly from breaking HTML and causing broken posts.
  • Disabled preloading of notification sound to speed up initial page load.
  • Disabled concurrent comment merging in status replies.
  • Removed post content from Post Before Register reminder emails to prevent spam.
  • Upgraded CKEditor to 4.11.4.
  • Updated LinkedIn login handler to use the LinkedIn v2 API.
  • Improved performance when merging two comments with duplicated member reactions for large sites.
  • Improved performance when working with edit history logs.
  • Improved security of how passwords are handled in the code to decrease the likelihood of a password being included in an error log.
  • Improved the display of the upgrader confirmation page.
  • Improved performance of the latest activity stream shown on user profiles.
  • Improved anonymous log in tracking to resolve an issue with "Since my last visit" activity streams
  • Improved the UX configuring moderator permissions for clubs, including the ability to disable club-level moderators.
  • Improved database error reporting in certain error situations.
  • Improved performance of a 4.1.8 upgrader step.
  • Changed AdminCP notifications for "A new member has completed registration" and "A member is flagged as a spammer" to show all applicable members grouped into a single notification, rather than a separate notification for each member. This change gives a significant performance improvement for sites which have lots of new registrations.
  • Fixed multiple formatting concerns with custom profile fields.
  • Fixed an issue where restoring soft-deleted content would throw an exception under specific circumstances ( e.g. when there was no record in the soft deletion log ).
  • Fixed an issue where the member group restriction to require one piece of approved content before users can bypass content moderation was not correctly applied to posts made before registering.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a member's content and then deleting the member may result in the content not being removed.
  • Fixed SVG images breaking when served through the built in image proxy.
  • Fixed an issue with profile completion if you choose not to upload a profile photo.
  • Fixed third party processor information not showing when users are forced to reaccept an updated privacy policy.
  • Fixed the "Remove followers from uncommented content" setting not working.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking to delete a member twice might result in all status updates being removed from the search index.
  • Fixed an issue where copying content from one area with an attached image and pasting into another area may result in a broken image.
  • Fixed an issue where allowing a user to moderate comments, but not items, would result in an error when using the multi-moderation menu.
  • Fixed inability to edit profile fields by members if the field was not displayed on the profile.
  • Fixed invalid HTML in the quick search form.
  • Fixed an issue where a comment or post made before registering which requires moderator approval after the registration is completed may not update the container flag to indicate that comments within the container require approval.
  • Fixed an error where the member view in the AdminCP may become broken if the member history for the user includes an old subscription group change and Commerce is not installed.
  • Fixed an issue where broken letter photos may be displayed in emails.
  • Fixed an issue with clean up tasks where they may try to delete a member that doesn't exist.
  • Fixed an error that can occur if you double click the "unfollow" button quickly.
  • Fixed autosaved content in the editor not clearing out when it was deleted within the editor.
  • Fixed an issue where MFA while the login would send 3 'new device' emails to the member instead of only one.
  • Fixed an issue where attachment links inserted into content may have a hard coded URL.
  • Fixed an upgrade issue where custom file storage configurations in 3.x may not be preserved correctly when upgrading to 4.x.
  • Fixed an uncaught exception when visiting a specifically malformed follow link.
  • Fixed attachment bbcode tags not converting correctly when upgrading from version 2.0 or older.
  • Fixed the About Me default custom field not showing on new installs.
  • Fixed email statistic charts so they report more accurately.
  • Fixed issues with performing advanced member searches in the AdminCP when multi-select custom profile fields are present.
  • Fixed a minor inconsistency with group name formatting.
  • Fixed an issue rebuilding certain meta data in Elasticsearch.
  • Fixed an issue where items and comments queued for deletion or submitted by a guest prior to registration are returned via the REST API.
  • Fixed an error when searching a specific search string.
  • Fixed a possible error that can occur during login when using the post before register feature.
  • Fixed the Notification Settings form in the Admin CP so that it can save properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Login Handlers were shown out of order.
  • Fixed an issue where the canonical link HTML tag may include unnecessary query string parameters (i.e. filters).
  • Fixed an issue where AdminCP settings search results were not always highlighted when clicked on.
  • Fixed an issue where the pagination for comment and review areas wouldn't link directly to the comments area when Javascript is disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where content item and comment widgets would show content from not specified categories.
  • Fixed an issue where editor auto saved content may not be removed.
  • Fixed an issue where some content may not show a report link.
  • Removed the hide signatures toggles from guests when they are able to see signatures.
  • Prevented search engine spiders from following the cookie notice dismissal link.
  • Removed poll votes from showing in the All Activity stream.
  • Removed ability to copy theme settings.
  • Removed the unread indicator in several widgets because it can't be used there because of the widget cache.
  • Removed the ability to toggle cover photos in clubs list when no image was uploaded.
  • Fixed an issue where the support tool could incorrectly report undiagnosed problems.
  • Fixed missing images when lazy loading is enabled in several areas.
  • Fixed an HTML validation issue with mini-pagination next to multi-page content item titles.
  • Fixed an uncaught exception which is thrown by the Admin Notification System.
  • Fixed member validation display issue in ACP notifications page while mobile.
  • Fixed attachments being added to an editor which has attachments disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where a display name sync error may be displayed on the AdminCP member profile.
  • Fixed two language strings where countries have changed their names: Macedonia is now North Macedonia and Swaziland is now Eswatini.
  • Fixed some broken messenger related links.


  • Fixed a niche issue where the 'Delete Legacy Posts/Topics' background task may not work when ran via CRON.
  • Fixed an error when moving topics in fluid view.
  • Fixed a database error that could occur when archiving old posts.
  • Fixed a duplicated error code in the topics REST API endpoints.
  • Fixed images used in forum rules not displaying when image lazy loading is enabled.
  • Fixed a potential upgrade error when reformatting forum rules during the 4.0.0 upgrade routine.
  • Fixed a duplicated error code in the topics REST API endpoints.
  • Fixed images used in forum rules not displaying when image lazy loading is enabled.
  • Fixed a potential upgrade error when reformatting forum rules during the 4.0.0 upgrade routine.


  • Fixed an issue where past reputation for image comments and reviews no longer displayed.
  • Fixed browser scrollbar disappearing while editing Gallery image details in some cases.
  • Fixed image carousel widgets not displaying correctly in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where uploading on small screens caused the status to overflow outside of its box.
  • Fixed an issue where images may show as unread incorrectly in streams.
  • Changed the reputation type flag for album comments and reviews to resolve bugs where the reputation may be mistakingly treated as if it belongs to an image comment or review.
  • Fixed an issue submitting images to an album if the category requires moderator approval.
  • Fixed an error that can occur when downloading the original image in Gallery if the original image is missing on disk by forcing the largest available size to download instead.
  • Fixed image lazy loading not working correctly in category rules, descriptions and custom error messages.
  • Fixed the submission dialog box potentially showing an incorrect dialog title.
  • Fixed an issue where uploaded videos could not be played in the lightbox.
  • Fixed editor showing twice for each image during submission.


  • Fixed an issue where recurring events may show on the wrong day in Calendar.
  • Fixed an issue where all day events specified an incorrect start and end time in search engine markup
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42 minutes ago, cuthound said:

Aboslutely rivetting. Most interesting post for ages RichM ?

I thought as much though we have a select few who complain if we do anything without announcing it, so here we are...

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2 minutes ago, RichM said:

I thought as much though we have a select few who complain if we do anything without announcing it, so here we are...


Never mind, some of us appreciate your behind the scenes efforts to give us our regular CWDF fix.

  • Greenie 1
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36 minutes ago, Señor Chris said:

Shame they couldn't fix the bug which causes multiple repetitions of the same topic appearing in my activity stream.


The Brexit thread?

This has happened a few times and it's something to do with the size of the thread, which is why it has been closed and new ones started.

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42 minutes ago, tree monkey said:

The Brexit thread?

This has happened a few times and it's something to do with the size of the thread, which is why it has been closed and new ones started.


For a minute thought you said the Brexit thread was like a bug and should be fixed. ?

  • Greenie 2
  • Haha 1
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@RichM May I ask about the anonymous thing. I and lots* of other are signed in anonymously but we are only partially anonymous. Our activity doesn't seem to be showing but we are showing up on the members online list. If you hover over a name that is not singed in anonymously you can see when they were last active and what thread they are viewing, the people signed in anonymously are there on the list too but you can't see when they last singed in or what they are viewing. 


*There are less people now but there were quite a few earlier.



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54 minutes ago, tree monkey said:

The Brexit thread?

This has happened a few times and it's something to do with the size of the thread, which is why it has been closed and new ones started.

No, I have that filtered out. One entry for each new post by the look of it. It's a custom activity stream which I might have set up incorrectly but can't see how to fix it. Brexit is supposed to fix everything, so maybe I should try unblocking it?






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7 minutes ago, Tumshie said:

@RichM May I ask about the anonymous thing. I and lots* of other are signed in anonymously but we are only partially anonymous. Our activity doesn't seem to be showing but we are showing up on the members online list. If you hover over a name that is not singed in anonymously you can see when they were last active and what thread they are viewing, the people signed in anonymously are there on the list too but you can't see when they last singed in or what they are viewing. 


*There are less people now but there were quite a few earlier.



No idea. Will look into it.

6 minutes ago, Señor Chris said:

No, I have that filtered out. One entry for each new post by the look of it. It's a custom activity stream which I might have set up incorrectly but can't see how to fix it. Brexit is supposed to fix everything, so maybe I should try unblocking it?






They are not duplicates, each entry is posted by a different member. - Appreciate that it may seem unnecessary for a topic to be listed more than once irrespective of how many people have posted in the topic recently but on the other hand it gives indication of any topics which have been very active within the last hour.  That said we will see if we can remove this behaviour as we've received a fair amount of negative feedback about it. 

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17 minutes ago, RichM said:

They are not duplicates, each entry is posted by a different member.

They are duplicates in the sense that they all link to the same content - there is an option to force clicks on unread topics to go to the first unread post which is obviously the same one in all cases. Only the previously read topics link to a post by the member referred to.


Thanks for taking the time to look into it.


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