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Everything posted by mrsmelly

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  2. Why is it these days that bikes dont come with mudguards, hence the rider getting covered in crap? Is it just a scam so they can sell them to bikelists as an " Extra? "
  3. My suggestion is " Dont bother " lol. Things of the devil and you will be turn into an eejut that forgets everything about road safety, road sense and the highway code!! Better go on longer walks in sensible location than putting yourself on a road on a pre victorian mode of transport.
  4. No problems. If you want me to come just ask on here or send me a pm ?
  5. If you use the modern ( crap ) water based paints it will not matter.
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  7. My mates daughter is called Kizzie. I named one of my Caffs after her a few years ago. Correct and we are all different. Widebeams are by far much nicer to live on as we both know. I am back n sewer tubes now but I couldnt possibly live on less than at the very least a 60 footer and that would be pushing it. Thats a pretty looking little boat that looks in fine fettle for the money though.
  8. Oy you I can take it and yes, there will still be 450 deaths from cancer alone each day though not published daily when this flu has bitten the dust. More importantly will Pubs survive!!!!!
  9. Lets hope world wide tourism remains stuffed. The obscene amounts of polluting air travel the planet has endured whilst one or two people buy an electric car to be " Green " lol. Yes airlines will go bust which is crap for staff but long term its much better for all concerned. No one knows yet anyway wether NZ or Japan or whoever has got it right or wrong. There is a long way to go before a vaccine or eradication so lets wait and see. It will be ten years before all the data has been number crunched and with a large injection of hindsight the figures for all countries will be revealed.
  10. We were obvuously typing at the same time ? What was 52% / 48%
  11. Be fair you cannot even start to compare NZ with a country of our size. Things are much easier to put into place for your lot than ours. Why do you think the headteacher of a small village school in the UK and elsewhere I expect gets paid ten times less than the headteacher of a huge comprehensive.
  12. Theres nowt better than a hurricane inside the arctic circle to understand what lumpy water is. There are others on the forum who know what I mean. Bloody loved it when I was young and foolish, now I am old and foolish so may think twice about it lol.
  13. Now where exactly did I put that axiom prop?
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  15. What makes you think 2.5 mm has disappeared in such a short time? Did someone measure the exact parts of the base plate or is this two different people and their findings? Sounds like a big mistake somewhere to me?
  16. I think you are correct in that its useage that is the problem. In 31 years I have never bought any form of fuel additive and I never will. I have never had any diesel bug or virus lol. I reckon this is mainly due to keeping using the stuff rather than just a few visits with pink gin in the summer. I havnt used much for the last 5 months now however so will now find I have problems ?
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  18. As you can see the response is conflicting. I have an all singing and dancing combi that does it all including boosting the mains from the batteries if I wasnt careful what I was doing with the load. However would I fit one? the answer is no I wouldnt. Seperates every time a perfect example of KISS if ever there was one. Turning stuff off and on takes less than seconds and becomes second nature.
  19. I would moor it on the Selby canal, a lovely littles stretch and drop down thro Knottla onto the Aire and Calder. The A and C itself is fairly boring but big so no need to worry about winding holes to turn and go home and big easy locks that are electric. Do a right turn and go onto the river at Ferrybridge through to Castleford as thats a lovely stretch. Or go down the New Junction onto the Stainforth and Keadby, several marinas and moorings along there. Bramwith has some nice moorings just as a for instance. You will need eyes in the back of your head with kids that age but you know that already ? Even a mooring on the A and C at say Pollington when they come up, all very short journeys by car from where you are.
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  21. It certainly is. Complete nonsense for the gulible and minority.
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