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Everything posted by mrsmelly

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  2. Nevertheless we absolutely must have an economy or we will have no NHS not even a stressed out one. There are only so many billions to be had to keep people at home.
  3. I think some on here want lock down for months more. Those same people woul then moan as we would no longer have an NHS or indeed anything else.
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  10. Nobody lives there. Hardly anybody lives there either.
  11. This is actualy probably how it will pan out. Even though the restrictions are lifting I am not forced to do anything any different, many of us who are retired are in that position. Dont have to go and mix and if you stay at home there is little chance of catching covid. We are still only doing safe shopping and going nowhere near any beaches or tourist spots and we will not be for many weeks. I accept working people have less options but they still dont have to join the muppets on a beach in the sun.
  12. Yep, its quiet as a mouse down here, people are still adhering to government advice and not cruising. Lots of people been to the takeaway caff today again though.
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  15. Aint that the truth. Narrowboats are not comfy even if you pay 200K. The only reason to buy one is because of the poxy narrow locks we have been gifted by our ancestors. If you dont intend extensive cruising and need the ability at the drop of a hat to move between the north and the south on the inland system then a widey is the way to go. Cost more to licence and often nowadays to moor but the space is worth it.
  16. Everyday or most of it. If not Ive got keys and will be here so can always open for you ?
  17. Ive done it on a colecraft that I owned. It was old and I know hadnt been touched since new so about twenty years. I got the cover off in the well deck and hung inside ( twenty years ago ) I couldnt do that now lol. It was a bit manky and a bit rusty so I washed it down and left it to dry for a day or two in very hot weather then banged a couple of coats of bog standard black bitumen on it and let it dry. Bit of discloration in the water for a day or so after but was fine and dandy. We always drink from the tank.
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  20. Blue sea are exellent. I have some Blue sea kit, my three battery isolaters are BEP, also very good and only about twenty five quid a pop. Those things with the plastic key I have had on some boats but when you have had proper stuff the difference is quite marked.
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  22. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
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  24. Widebeams are superb and way way better than sewer tubes but you have to pay more. You may get a sailaway that someone has lost interest in at that price but will need to fit it out. They do come up at 50k on occasion and sometimes are ok at that price but as others have said 35k for a finished boat it will be in sh one T order.
  25. Its now 7 viewings. They may try to take the piss but they will lose as we will just keep it. In fairness its a one off built in 1626 stone cottage so anyone wanting a dooer upper like this they are rare as rocking horse droppings, not a standard 3 bed semi or whatever. Just goes to show how much interest there is out there though. I reckon some of the buyers will cry off when they see what needs doing but hey ho. Prices are obscene and we need a crash anyway realy somewhere along the line. We have the bill of sale from my dads purchase in 1953 and it is now valued over a THOUSAND times more than he paid for it, bloomin ridiculous.
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