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Everything posted by tosher

  1. Thanks Mike & WotEver. Mine stabilse at about 12 amps. They were 810a/h when new but I recon they are down to about 400a/h now so the tail current is in the right ball park.
  2. A quick question please --- Am I right in thinking that the tail current of a fully charged battery should be approx 1 to 2 percent of the current capacity of the battery and not the capacity of the battery when new??
  3. Giving that trip some thought myself, sounds interesting.
  4. Recently after 9 years in service I thought it about time I did something with the antifreeze in my engine and central heating. I decided to replace the lot with like for like blue glycol. I drained 30 Ltrs from the engine cooling system and 12 Ltrs central heating. Having mixed the new antifreeze to refill the systems I compared it with the old I had removed and could not tell the slightest difference between them. The colour and clarity were just the same. The old mixture had passed the freezer test earlier with no problem so I think next time I will just add new inhibitor & save a lot of work.
  5. Moved mine 9 years ago to the above deck locker exactly as you describe. Used one piece of plastic pipe the whole length. Never been a minutes bother summer or winter.
  6. A friend had the same problem with CO alarm going off a couple of months ago. Found two of his bank of four services batteries very hot, casings split and leaking acid. Replaced all four and no more alarms.
  7. Sorry, had a senoir moment and slipped one too many zero's in. Should of course be 3600 hours. I was hoping someone with an Izusu 42 with a 110amp Alternator might check theirs and give me a clue. Thanks for all your help anyway. Cheers.
  8. Help please. one of the two alternators (70amp &110amp) on my Izusu 42 engine is overcharging up to 15.3 volts causing the Alternator to Battery charger to trip out on "High input Voltage" . I have removed the 110 amp alternator and everything works ok with normal voltages. I want to change the regulator (or fit a new alternator) on this one but cannot find any manufacturer or model details on it to be able to source a new one. Could anyone help with identification or an alternative 110amp alternator that fits. The alternators came new with the engine 10 years and 36000 hours ago.
  9. Wonder where Peel Holdings get the water from for the Bridgewater canal? Plenty of cart water flows into it, maybe they should for it.
  10. We were moored at Dunham Massey on the Bridgewater last week when we were approached by the said Sonny Smith who said he was the "enforcement officer of the Bridgewater canal". He knocked on the side of our boat and informed us he was taking our details and went on to give us a long speel about the time we could spend on the Bridgewater and payments after our allotted time was up. No photo's were involved as far as I am aware. He was reasonably polite but quite forceful and very definately anti CART boats. He had a chip on his shoulder the size of a football which seemed to match his ego. Prior to arriving on the Bridgewater we moored on Billinge Green flash next to a Bridgewater boat who told me about this chap and he said he was the manager of Preston Brook Marina where he kept his boat. His opion was that he was doing a really good job!!!!!
  11. Did they make a good job & how long does their warranty last. I ask because I am looking to have mine replaced. Thanks.
  12. The motor is series wound and should not be run uncoupled from it's load. This would lead to the motor overspeeding and serious damage. Occasionally I have run mine uncoupled but only for a fraction of a second and even then the brushgear and commutator lights up like a Catherine wheel and the speed rockets. Your problem sounds like the main contactors.
  13. On my 9 year old model which looks a bit different to yours (mine has only four brushes) I just undo the four Allen screws in the lower flange and the motor just lifts off. It is connected to the gearbox by a rubber coupling which is splined onto the gearbox shaft and the coupling just comes off the spines with the motor, it's not fastened in any way it just lifts off. I disconnect the motor cables first and beware the motor is very heavy. I have done this many times to service the motor.
  14. Has anyone purchased new brushers for a Vetus 55KG thruster motor recently? I think they are BP1132 according to the installation manual. I need a set of 4 brushes each one being 9x 20x 28mm tall and have two tails going into opposite sides of a connector. I have tried a search but only get posts several years old. I will not pay silly money and wondered if any one had found a good cheap supplier. Here's hoping. Thanks
  15. When I bought my new prop from Crowthers they provided a new key, nut & split pin but not a washer. I asked about this and they said they do not recommend fitting a washer so do not provide one. I fitted the new prop without a washer and it's never moved or given a problem in 6 years.
  16. Yes they are free for first 24 hours. Stayed there 2 nights ago.
  17. I had some welding work done at Aqueduct some 6 years ago --- very poor and expensive!! Had some done recently by Danny at Swanley - Very good, first class engineer and reasonable prices. No affiliations to either, just my experiences.
  18. My Numax 644 engine start battery has finally died after 9 years. I was thinking of replacing it with another Numax or Varta but Tayna Batteries seem to be promoting Enduroline at the moment. It is a little cheaper and slightly better specification than Numax or Varta. Never having heard of Enduroline batteries has anyone any experience of them to recommend or otherwise. Thanks.
  19. tosher


    Seem to remember Gibbo saying some where that the self discharge rate of batteries is less in cold winter weather than in the warm summer which is opposite to what you might think. Is that correct????
  20. Very upsetting for the OP but the funniest thread for a long time.
  21. Do you have to empty the acid out of them before they weigh them in???
  22. Couldn't agree more. Two boats near our marina berth sound like jet engines, one exhaust is only 5 feet from our bedroom window and wakes us up most mornings at 7am. Most inconsiderate and anti-social III
  23. Many thanks for all your replies. WIll wait for January sales and see whats on offer. A friend has a 12v Avtex tv which he highly recommends but they look very expensive.
  24. Our tv has broken & needs replacing. "Cello" have a new model on the market that apparently is specially made for caravans, boats, HGV's etc. It is a 12v all singing all dancing set that seems just the job (model C22EFF) but how does it perform? I would be very grateful for anyone experiences with these TV's. Thanks
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