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Everything posted by magnetman

  1. I don't mind. My relatives have a habit of killing themselves which can help avoid too many old people so we are doing our bit. In my mum's case she was 71 and physically perfect. Not something which would have lasted forever. And I only produced two kids. So I don't feel too bad. Nobody in my family uses a car. We travel on trains or buses. Very low energy consumers. As for air quality in general I much prefer wood smoke to traffic fumes. My kids live in inner east London. That is their mum's choice. If I get a horrible disease from wood smoke or drown in the River or they get killed by traffic pollution or run over by an idiot in a BMW then so what? We're just humans. There are plenty of them about. Some would say far too many for a sustainable future on this planet. Increasing life expectancy is no good. The result is you block up land, housing, financial markets, food supplies, medical services etc etc with old people who should have shuffled off ages ago.
  2. Oh right so the aim here is to keep everyone alive as long as possible then. What a bloody good idea that is in an already overpopulated country with no money for public services. Clever strategy.
  3. I'm not a climate change denier. I know perfectly well what is happening. What I mean is all of a sudden wood burning is dangerous. Its always been dangerous and killed people but only now does it become an issue. Anyone with a brain can work out that breathing in smoke is a basically bad idea which is why there are chimneys on fires. However there are still lots of people who smoke. I did also think perhaps erroneously that burning things caused carbon dioxide emissions. Maybe it doesn't. Anyway policies enacted on this tiny island will make no difference to the outcome in terms of climate change so that as you say is not the subject. What I was getting at was more subtle but perhaps this is not the best place to discuss the seriousness of climate change. This is a wood burner thread.
  4. Charge the bow thruster batteries with a charger (set to the right voltage) running off the inverter. I know what the problem is as you wrote it down. I am suggesting a way to solve it.
  5. Clean air zones will get bigger and bigger until the whole country is covered. Then there will be bans on barbecues (good) and bonfires (good). Thats what will actually happen over time. All this net zero BS and climate change is an ideal opportunity to reduce the number and type of things people are allowed to do in the name of saving the planet. There is another side to this which is a gradual removal of basic freedoms. I suppose in reality very few people actually do rely on wood as their only heating fuel. We can probably be counted in the hundreds so yes the 'lifestyle wood burners' are a problem. I can't burn authorised coal products on my fire because I have an allergy to the dust which causes my ears to block up. Wood doesn't do that as there is no artificial binder product. Also mental health. Its too depressing heating the Boat with Diesel or gas or electric. I can get a doctors note about it. It all reeks a bit of the covids. By burning things you are killing other people's grannies. How come this has only been noticed now when people have been burning wood for thousands of yars?
  6. Charge the bowthruster batteries using a mains charger running off the inverter. Presumably the engine will be running when bowthruster is needed so there will be enough charge into the batteries supplying the inverter. Also means thinner wire can be used.
  7. If a kid dies from air pollution they must have something basically wrong with them. Millions of other kids in the same situation have perfectly healthy lives despite the air pollution. Had this kid not died they may well have had a shit life dominated by medical intervention then die anyway. Who would want that ? PM 2.5. Has Wimbledon finished ? https://deframedia.blog.gov.uk/2019/07/11/air-pollution-from-tyres-and-brakes/ What people may not realise is that the shift to electric cars is making car use much more convenient while the cars are also heavier. There will be more miles traveled in cars and therefore more PM2.5 from the tyres. A car is a convenience product so if you make it more convenient it will get used more. Land will be gobbled up to build roads and car parks.
  8. What about car tyres ? Cars are not a basic survival need like heat in the winter. If you have no car you will have to alter your lifestyle but you won't die of hypothermia. Why should people have to rely on massive profit driven corporations with shareholders just to warm their living space in winter ? Why do you always bring up this Ella character? Has she got a particularly scary mum? Is she a black lady? It isn"t relevant. People die all the time. Ella's mum presumably chose to live somewhere with high pollution levels. My kids live in inner east London (Stepney) if they die from air pollution am I going to moan? No. Because it was a choice to live there (eta the choice of a parent that is). Its a bullshit argument.
  9. There are far too many people in this country and the population is going up. Fast. Yes people die. Some die young some die old some have pleasant deaths others have horrible deaths. Some old and some young. Trying to stop that happening is a worthless task and will just lead to massive over population and wars based on land use and resources. Too many people is the wrong thing. You want plenty of them to clear off otherwise Bad Things happen.
  10. All part of the impeding collapse of society. Policy makers are completely blind to the effects of removing the building blocks of human civilisation. Its going to be spectacular.
  11. Of course it is. I am considering one myself and my launch is only 40x9ft. The difference with mine is it will be a 360 so can also be used to drive the Boat along.
  12. All of this can be avoided by not having a bow thruster.
  13. I had a volunteer lock keeper at Limehouse once who was explaining that narrow Boats are 6ft wide.
  14. You mean it doesn't have horizontal valves? This is the only sectional cutaway I can find of a Gleniffer and it is a larger unit (V8) but the image does show exactly the same arrangement as a Russell Newbery. A cone shaped piston with a 'pip' on the end, a clerestory combustion chamber and horizontal valves (in relation to the piston). I do think they used this for the DB range of engines as well but may be mistaken. Does your DB2 have ordinary vertical valves like most other engines? edit to add the cutaway.
  15. There was a single cylinder National on eBay recently. National were licensed to produce similar units to Russell Newbery when they (RN) had too many orders. Most of my canal Boating was done with a DM2. Nice engines they are but mine was in a rear engine room so was rather loud. interesting design with the cone topped pistons and the 'clerestory' combustion chamber. Horizontal valve gear. This RN patent was also licensed to Gleniffer who built a range of Diesel engines mostly for the fishing Boats. Its actually rather an interesting design.
  16. Infamy, infamy they've all got it infamy.
  17. Its interesting that it appeared to be such a revolutionary product yet virtually all low speed Boats are currently screw driven. Might it have been because Mr Hotchkiss was very plausible the product was in fact no good? Too many parts and a big hole in the Boat maybe. One of those things which in theory is amazing and does work. Cuts the weed but not the mustard.
  18. The generator is locked up with a big chain. This may have been the target for the hose. Maybe nobody had bolt croppers on the towpath so it could not be quickly moved far when the fire started. The burnt narrow Boat seems to be in a completely different place. In the fire video there is a steel narrow Boat with its back end visible but the other is burnt at the front. Two separate incidents ?
  19. 80 grit flap discs. As for base plates thick is good. Just not too thick. I'd have 15mm base and if possible 8mm sides. Not many narrow Boats have been built with extra thick sides. I only know of one. COMET which belongs to a forum member. No such thing as a submerged 6mm plate on that Boat. My saloon launch has 15mm base, 8mm chines but only 6mm on the sides which is where the waterline is and hence all the corrosion.
  20. So when did the PD2 get swapped for the JP2. I remember this Boat around Ricky when teacher Paul had it. A very nice conversion indeed. It is rare to see such well executed examples. The only moan I have is I would like to see a bit more lift at the starn end of the cabin. It seems a bit flat.
  21. could be MIC Microbial corrosion on steel Microbial corrosion, also known as microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), is a type of corrosion that occurs when microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, or archaea, interact with a metal surface, leading to the degradation of the metal. In the case of steel, microbial corrosion can cause significant economic losses and safety hazards.
  22. Does that also apply if it is not connected to the propeller? Can one have vintage generating sets or are they also banned.
  23. When I use a coin operated shopping trolley I always return it then throw the pound coin violently into the water. I feel like such a rebel.
  24. It would make quite a nice generator set for an electric Boat. Two big alternators on the side and some nice copper shields with ventilation holes. Electric and hot water.
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