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Puffer Parts

nb Innisfree

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Bizzard is right about the motor trade, I for my sins was in it for a while and we did get the odd person coming with a carrier bag or two of cash and expected a discount "for cash" they were hard to convince that we got the full price for the car even if it was by credit because the finance company paid us in full. Also can you imagine counting out several thousands of pounds in used notes, of course you can't do that today.


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I've been a PufferParts customer since I got my boat 16 years ago. Very handy for me as I live in Wakefield, so I can pick up by car or as we chug on by.

Just want to say happy retirement, and thanks.

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All the best to Iain and Elaine in their retirement. It is a shame that no other chandler matches their friendly customer care, support and most importantly, ability to supply parts (from stock) and to provide solutions.


Thanks, you have been excellent over the past 19 years that I've been a customer.




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Bizzard is right about the motor trade, I for my sins was in it for a while and we did get the odd person coming with a carrier bag or two of cash and expected a discount "for cash" they were hard to convince that we got the full price for the car even if it was by credit because the finance company paid us in full. Also can you imagine counting out several thousands of pounds in used notes, of course you can't do that today.



I get this constantly. It amuses me that certain people expect a discount as a reward for choosing a particularly awkward method of paying their bill. I genrally explain I'd far rather they used their debit or credit card to pay as it means I don't have to go to the bank to pay in their cash, and that I'm thinking of charging extra in future for people wanting to pay by cash!





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Puffer Parts Yorkshire warehouse will close on 29th August and Elaine and I will retire at long last the business will continue under new ownership from another location to be announced meanwhile we are open till Friday with an awful lot of bargains to clear.

Sincere Thanks to all our customers over the last 23 and a wee bit years clapping.gif

We might mange to use our boat now judge.gif

Iain And Elaine Sutherland


All the best, Iain And Elaine. We've only been boating (on the canals) for a few months, but since you have been local (we live in Keighley) we've called in several times.


Lately, we've suffered from your 'closing down sale' but appreciated your value-for-money approach.


I know it's 'no skin off your nose', but if the new owners conform to your philosophy we'd be very, very glad to know their location and contact details. We'd like to buy locally.


Thanks anyway,



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