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Smart Gauge battery Monitor


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I'm looking to buy the Smartgauge battery monitor, but seem to remember Gibbo mentioning that he was developing an improved version of the original. Does anyone know if it is available yet?



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I'm looking to buy the Smartgauge battery monitor, but seem to remember Gibbo mentioning that he was developing an improved version of the original. Does anyone know if it is available yet?






I've not seen or heard anything about the 'new model' yet . .


You could always give Merlin a call: Linky and ask them d'rectly

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I'm looking to buy the Smartgauge battery monitor, but seem to remember Gibbo mentioning that he was developing an improved version of the original. Does anyone know if it is available yet?




Last time I read anything about it he had not overcome the necessity of fitting shunts. that was something that he did not want to do because of the likelihood of installers making a Horlicks of it.





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I'll take your advice (the obvious route of enquiry) and contact Merlin direct. Just wondered if any member had either bought the new model if it was available, or, heard when it was due to come on the market.


Had to laugh at the term 'Horlicks' when referring to installers. Far too many of them tend to drink the stuff prior to setting off to work! :P

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  • 1 year later...

Looks good and I would be interested to know whether they will allow an IPad to be used in conjunction with the monitor instead of a PC/Laptop. I currently adjust our Victron Phoenix Multi-Plus inverter/charger parameters with a Laptop, but would much prefer to use the IPad instead.

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I don't think it would talk to an ipad....it needs a USB socket and from what I can see the software is PC only.....very annoying I agree....the software for victron and mastervolt is the only reason I have to use parallels on my mac!






Ps....is escapingpoole linked to Merlin perchance?....

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I don't think it would talk to an ipad....it needs a USB socket and from what I can see the software is PC only.....very annoying I agree....the software for victron and mastervolt is the only reason I have to use parallels on my mac!



Ps....is escapingpoole linked to Merlin perchance?....

We have a musician friend who uses a USB adapter on his iPad to upload photo's from his camera, so it appears that there is a solution in that direction but as you suggest, as yet they don't talk to iPads. You would think that as their popularity increases, the hardware companies would develop compatible software.


We are certainly leaning away from using our PC anymore because of the ease and speed of the iPad far surpassing that of the cumbersome PC. Certainly interested in this new Merlin product though and wondering what price we might get on Ebay for the older version Smargauge.

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That adaptor is just for that....camera to ipad I'm afraid....it might be USB but it will only talk to a camera....and not all cameras at that! It would need to be either Bluetooth or wifi to talk to an ipad...I can control some digital audio mixers using my ipad but they have to be on the same network.



I agree it's much easier to do some stuff on the ipad....my mac only gets taken when I need to connect on a wired network or do some high end editing. Hopefully it won't be long before wifi interfaces are made for boat related kit so iPads can be used.






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After I Gibboed my wiring I too fooked up what I assume must be the shunt on my battery monitor. It reads voltage and amps-out perfectly fine. But it can't read amps coming in - charging (neither from the engine or the solar). I suspect it's shunt related or to do with how the solar panels are wired in causing something to bypass the shunt that shouldnt. B*ggered if I know. Wish I could get that bit to work because I'd love to know what my solar panels are putting into the batteries. rolleyes.gif

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I had a Merlin Smartgauge but I have now upgraded to their latest battery Monitor Merlin Datacell II. It shows Volts. SoC, Amps, SoH, Amps & battery temp.


Click on link below. I think they have a new catalogue too!!




Looking at the way its wired I suspect that datacell is the new smartgauge.

DC1 is an SG that will do 3 battery banks

DC2 is the same plus the elusive shunts.

If it is its only a year late :)

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Yes the DC1 seems to be a Smartgauge with a few bells and whistles. The DC2 must be the device Gibbo was talking about, combining SG with AH counting to give what I suspect will be a pretty good system. Good that it's got a CANBUS interface but I wonder whether the protocols will work with either the Masterbus or Empirbus that we have on our boat. My Christmas list needs updating!


I guess mr Escapingpoole works for Merlin and has posted an advert, but I don't really mind (though honesty would be nice!)


ETA actually I decided to report the post since the attempt at deception annoys me. I asked the Mods to consider whether at least a note that this was in fact an advert would be appropriate, not necessarily deleting it since many of us are interested in son of SG.

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My Christmas list needs updating!


And Jeff's Christmas bonus increasing in order to afford it! :-)


If Mr Escapingpoole is connected to Merlin then he should have had the decency to reveal the price too.

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If Mr Leavingpoole is connected to Merlin then he should have had the decency to reveal the price too.

He doesn't have decency, otherwise he would not have attempted the deception.


Anyway, whenever I want to buy something for the boat Jeff says "It's for the boat, you shall have it". This is why our relationship works so well!

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I see mr LeavingofLiverpool has made an identical post on another thread. Definitely a deceiving spammer. And how stupid, when honesty would most definitely have been the best policy! Makes one not want to do business with Merlin.


Merlin is of course based in Poole, so he was trying to tell us but just didn't quite have the gumption. Silly man (or woman, I suppose)

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I see mr LeavingofLiverpool has made an identical post on another thread. Definitely a deceiving spammer. And how stupid, when honesty would most definitely have been the best policy! Makes one not want to do business with Merlin.



How very appropriate, Lol

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Honesty is always the best policy. There is nothing that irritates more than an attempt to have wool pulled over my eyes!



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Theo, on 07 Dec 2013 - 3:21 PM, said:Theo, on 07 Dec 2013 - 3:21 PM, said:

Honesty is always the best policy. There is nothing that irritates more than an attempt to have wool pulled over my eyes!




Be very selective if ever looking for a suitable boat brokerage in that case then. :-)

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