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Coventry Basin

Chris J W

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BW come along about every 6 months (and thats about all we get from BW :huh: ) to move the overstayers on - but they are all back in a couple of days - so yes , I could imagine they are a bit 'cliquey'


The Greyhound DONT WANT KIDS - they openly say that, but we still find it cosey in there (without the kids) in the winter. Saying that - we havent been there for a while as we are skint !


Yes, just after we filled up with water a chap came over to ask us if we had done. He said he had been on the same 7 day mooring for 4 weeks so he thought he should move a few feet and back again. Beggars belief!!

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BW officers David Griffiths and Margaret Smith seem to be office based nowadays. Rob Pring who moved down from the Shroppie to take over the patrols I believe has been unwell and absent from work. I believe the current situation has arisen from this and the work undertaken to upgrade the towpath to a cycle path which closed a large stretch of the vistor moorings. Now the work has been completed hopefully the situation will improve. Some boaters antics do beggar belief, they make me smile, not so much a clique more a bunch of people with nowhere better to go and nothing better to do.

Tusses back in a bit, got to do some paid employment.

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Thanks for that, everyone! Much to mull over and plans to, er, plan!


Very much a positive bias there, so I'll make my mind up when I get to the Junction and the (unknown when I posted) kink in the plan that a friend wants to join me for a few days and timing doesn't look like we can fit in the basin around her plans.

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Thanks for that, everyone! Much to mull over and plans to, er, plan!


Very much a positive bias there, so I'll make my mind up when I get to the Junction and the (unknown when I posted) kink in the plan that a friend wants to join me for a few days and timing doesn't look like we can fit in the basin around her plans.



Thats a shame chris coz i did the basin back in the 80's before it was re-vamped and apart from a wire strung across the canal just after hawkesbury we had no probs at all... shopping trip into town which is a very short walk and plenty of history....no worse than paddington or little venice which is 1 min walk from Notting hill!!!


Edited to add.........now tell us more of your female freind :huh:

Edited by saltysplash
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BW officers David Griffiths seem to be office based nowadays.

Must severely restrict his goose-stepping activities ("You ever come on my effing patch again and I'll crane that effing lump of s**t out, without notice!").


Lovely man! Reacted most strangely when he looked my boat up on the pooter and was disappointed to note that it was all legal.


He'll be sorely missed on the towpath.

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Sorry following Chris's lead I met a lovely lady...

Zen, yes we have chatted before on my way past, next time I throw some rocks at you, prob tonight :hug: Damn a man with a rattier boat than mine, least you have some windows to put the bars on I just have a padded cell atm.

Carl, ah you have met Herr Griffiths too. Your meeting with him makes me feel that at least it was not just personal to me. Does this man have an allergy to canvas?

Tusses, after working off the towpath I really appreciate the other side now. Charity means I can get on with the boat without spending half the day talking to passing bods, You are right Charity is fascinating with quite a history, I love the place, From the cut you see only a small glimpse of its treasures one day I may post some pics, my words would never do it justice.

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Tusses, after working off the towpath I really appreciate the other side now. Charity means I can get on with the boat without spending half the day talking to passing bods, You are right Charity is fascinating with quite a history, I love the place, From the cut you see only a small glimpse of its treasures one day I may post some pics, my words would never do it justice.


Yeah? Looks a hell of a mess from the outside! Nice to hear that it's not, though. (If you see what I mean)

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Tusses, after working off the towpath I really appreciate the other side now. Charity means I can get on with the boat without spending half the day talking to passing bods, You are right Charity is fascinating with quite a history, I love the place, From the cut you see only a small glimpse of its treasures one day I may post some pics, my words would never do it justice.

When I was working there I always found Denis Wain and Paddy could distract you for hours!


This Youtube video is best watched minus the sound to miss the ignorant, bigotted remarks of the narrators:



Their other videos are equally ignorant (they've blocked me from commenting, now). It's a pity about their attitude because some of the shots are quite interesting.

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When I was working there I always found Denis Wain and Paddy could distract you for hours!


This Youtube video is best watched minus the sound to miss the ignorant, bigotted remarks of the narrators:



Their other videos are equally ignorant (they've blocked me from commenting, now). It's a pity about their attitude because some of the shots are quite interesting.



it didnt start off very well when i heard the womens accent, in my experience most people from the north american continet do ignorant, insular, bigotted, narrow minded (insert any adjective that suits!) extremley well


that was difficult to write without being vaguely one of the above............ :hug:

Edited by gazza
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  • 4 weeks later...
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When I was working there I always found Denis Wain and Paddy could distract you for hours!

I dont know if you know Carl but Dennis passed away a couple of years ago now. I was lucky to meet Dennis he was one of the first people I met on the cut, well before I got my boat, he was very friendly, he give me some good advice, he could chat for england, I miss him.


The basin gives good access to the centre plus if you get there in the day time a warden usually comes out with information leaflets.

good access - if you are not disabled.

usually - see post #23


I hear there is a boating event happening at the Basin June 28th I will post some details in the Events section when I find out some more.

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I dont know if you know Carl but Dennis passed away a couple of years ago now. I was lucky to meet Dennis he was one of the first people I met on the cut, well before I got my boat, he was very friendly, he give me some good advice, he could chat for england, I miss him.

Yes, he had an obit in Waterways World (exclusive, apparently).


A proper character who had more tales than I, sadly, had time for.

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