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A little bit more about Cones and narrowboats

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4 hours ago, MtB said:


Well it would wouldn't it, as a Mobius wosname only HAS one side! 



Yes it's got one "side" topologically speaking, but at any point along it it has two surfaces, an inner and an outer, and -- unlike the prop -- these switch places as you go around the loop.


Topologically speaking, the Sharrow prop (ignoring the hole in the boss for the shaft) is a pretzel -- like a doughnut is the same as a coffee mug, which is why they go well together 🙂 

Edited by IanD
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42 minutes ago, davidwheeler said:

I cannot get the hang of this site at all. I have completely lost the plot. So I've finished.

That's a shame, I was really interested in this system, you explained it well, I could see the benefits of it and clearly so did the people that ordered the boats

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1 hour ago, davidwheeler said:

I cannot get the hang of this site at all. I have completely lost the plot. So I've finished.


That's unfortunate. It's a bit like a pub here. Conversation wanders off topic easily, and just as easily returns. IanD and I were just messing about with one such diversion, about how the Sharrow prop is another novel method of propulsion and the photo shows it appears to share some of the features of a Mobius Strip. Your contributions here are greatly appreciated. 

  • Greenie 1
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Yes please do. 


Its brilliant to have this sort of information recorded. 

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4 hours ago, davidwheeler said:

I cannot get the hang of this site at all. I have completely lost the plot. So I've finished.


What is the stumbling block David? If it's logging in I would suggest saving the History & Heritage section as a 'Favourite' or 'Bookmark', then go from there.

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1 hour ago, davidwheeler said:

Coming soon to this channel, the Hotchkiss Hydraulic Propeller and the Hunt for Torfrida....watch this space. Or more likely, a new one.


Brilliant. We've lured you back!! 


Have a greenie...




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