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Tim Lewis

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Everything posted by Tim Lewis

  1. I think you need to get out more! Tim
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  3. The limehouse cut has not been semi tidal since Bow locks were rebuilt to keep out the tide. Tim
  4. A bit of advice, check your insurance policy. Our insurance has a couple of clauses that affect boating on this stretch in that we have to be in company with another boat also that if single handed you must wear a life jacket.. The lock keepers at Limehouse will normally help with ropes but I personally would be wary about single handing on the tideway. I have known of a few people break down on narrowboats on this stretch. It is a scary experience, having to use your anchor or have to breast up/tie up on tidal water whilst single handed is not something I would want to do. Tim
  5. I'm afraid you can: Tim In case you cannot read the attachment: http://www.pbase.com/image/99308932 Tim
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  7. I for one think completely disagree with your statement. The time that you find out that not working hard leads to crap jobs is when you have a crap job. I now realise that I worked well below my ability at school and looking back I wish that I had been monitored/assessed much more and that my teachers were assessed on their results. As it turns out I haven't done too badly but I do know now that I could have done better. Tim
  8. It's much more interesting to go by boat! Tim
  9. Re Canal Boat - I think you and me must be reading different magazines - by your calculation there there must be a couple of hundred errors in each magazine - can you point me out a couple of dozen in the current edition? Tim
  10. I don't know the exact dates but when I moved to London in 1980 the fact that the regents canal was closed to the public was still fresh in peoples minds. Tim
  11. One of our owners looked into this a few years ago and not only agreed but noticed that spelling mistakes in the Bradshaw railway directory had been carried over to town class boat names - we think that this is why (the boat) Fulbourne is spelt with an E whereas the town (village!) is not. BTW the main claim to fame for the town Fulbourn was its large lunatic asylum - no change here then! Tim
  12. Hopefully Fulbourne was still where we left it on the south side of town adjacent to the winding hole beyond the long term morrings! Tim
  13. I heard a very similar story from one of the diesel supplying boats whereas many suppliers will no longer load boats due to the risk of spilliage. Tim
  14. Hopefully Fulbourne was still there as well. Tim
  15. We bought ours from the Chandlery next to the junction at Middewich (the name escapes me) but it was a few years ago. Tim
  16. Came across these pictures which may be of interest: http://www.pbase.com/beppuu/ast_canal Tim
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  18. My ex girlfriends boat has T & G boarding in the shower, its been there 17 years with no problems. Tim
  19. Puppis is conveted and is (Or was a couple of years ago) on the Arm at Leicester by the National Space Centre - will post picture when I get time. Tim
  20. Maybe he was concerned about mowing next to wet paint! Tim
  21. Canals don't chamge that much - you don't not buy a Nicholsons because the publisher doesn't do updates on their web site! Tim
  22. Advisable possibly but we have cruised the non tidal Thames numerous times and we have never considered it necessary to get the anchor out (a pig of a job on Fulbourne!) Tim
  23. I was thinking that you would go back via Oxford but if you were to go back up the GU from Brentford it would be a day or so shorter, it does of course mean going out onto the tidal Thames for a short stretch for which an anchor is essentail. VHF radio is not required on the Teddington to Brentord stretch but is if you carry on to Limehouse (Thorouhjly recommended) and you are over 13.7m. Enjoy your trip whatever you do Tim PS Mooring on the canal in Oxford is problematic - our favorite Oxford mooring is outside the Watermans Arms on the Thames - you can get away without a Thames licesnse to get to it as you do not need to pass through any Thames locks (But thinking about it I'm not sure where you would turn!)
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