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Hudds Lad

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Everything posted by Hudds Lad

  1. to add a bit of balance to this, here’s a comment from the latest video, DinoGirl being the young lady who posted the vids
  2. my mistake then, i'd watched that a few days ago and was going from memory, i'd assumed being on bollards it was the lock landing as i don't know the area and all towpath moorings i've ever seen are rings
  3. on a lock landing below a lock, hence its the lockies fault as he emptied the lock to stabilise the levels is what she said i think
  4. a towel and natural air temp
  5. James and the giant pulse?
  6. it's the long winter months combined with covid, there's much less snark when it's possible to go boating for non-liveaboards
  7. find a local firm with a CNC router and you should get a fair few out of a sheet of ply or two, imagine the painting would take all the time and labour though.
  8. OMG yes hun, they totes need to get away to recharge
  9. have you tried espares or partmaster or ukwhitegoods?
  10. it's what i was thinking, but didn't like to speculate too far. with the increase in people wanting staycations i can imagine there's been a boom in the purchase of so-called shepherds huts and yurts as well for those looking to cash in on the rise of feckless holidaymakers who don't mind paying through the nose for a "quirky" holiday let.
  11. Have a google for "navvies ark", not sure if they did a build blog or anything but several interviews with various publications, might be a way to get in touch with them. Passed it on the Leeds & Liverpool in 2015 and is probably the best lifeboat conversion i've ever seen on the canals. personally i can't imagine living in one, but would make a good weekender or AirBNB i suppose, if it had its own mooring
  12. thats not the target audience of these vlogs though, its for those dreamers with disposable income who love the idea of a cosy boat all shabby chic’d with Farrow & Ball and dripping with Laura Ashley and willing to sign up to their patreon scheme
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  15. watch your fingers when lining the legs up to put back or you’ll be doing the “desmo dance” (consists of hopping about alternating from madly waving hand and hand jammed under armpit whilst chanting the ancient incantation “sheetfeck sheetfeck huw b’staaaaard!”) in conjuction with a raised dinette this can also be combined with the ritual of “head the light fitting”, you can guess how i know this
  16. made this today, very tasty but i feel it was let down by the chorizo i could get hold of from Asda (no picante left), but i curbed the spices due to daughter (fussy teen) so 1/2 tsp chilli and 1/2 tsp mild curry. turned out she didn’t like the “texture” anyway ? myself and the wife enjoyed it though, will make again
  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  18. they’ll not lose it in the snow, thats for sure
  19. we’re following this one because they’ve painted the boat with Dulux Weathershield and we want to see what happens further down the line
  20. we have one of these, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0030VQJGA , pointed upwards (other retailers are available) also tend to turn all cabin lights on and open all curtains in longer tunnels.
  21. sigh, you don’t watch a podcast, you listen to it. other youtube types are starting to venture into this now, particularly those who don’t know how to behave with cows and their dogs in the countryside and got a lot of negative comments about it.
  22. i’d rather go right across and wind in front of the tunnel, otherwise it’s a tricky reverse of about a mile to the next one ?
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