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Everything posted by Jak

  1. Jak

    to short?

    Hi Nick. Ok unsurprisingly they are narrow. But going up to 40 to 50' will give a permanent bed and decent living space. I also work in IT and sometimes from the boat instead of my office. I've a 12v 4G wifi hub I'm really happy with and if you are using a laptop you should be able to source a 12v power adaptor easily enough. I am off grid with no 240v shoreline or even an inverter so there are other options as ever Hope you find the boat of your dreams, or one close enough at least...
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  3. Jak

    Bed wetting?

    Thanks guys. And I'm my case it's torrential rain. Im off to BnQ at the weekend to get a couple of heavy plant pots. Will drill them round the sides so the air still gets in. This sounds like a very workable fix. I've read all the advice, but sounds like a better option than hanging something inside
  4. Jak

    to short?

    Hi Nick. Great that you are deciding what you need. I've yet to butt in so: - if you are looking to put up a tall pram hood think where you will be boating. On the Aylesbury Arm you wouldn't get under some bridges!! - Central heating? I've a 50 footer and a multi fuel stove keeps it very warm and runs overnight no problems. Just saying Edited for stupid auto correct.
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  6. Jak

    Bed wetting?

    I had thought about this as until Saturday's downpour not seen a problem. But the vent over the bed was much worse with continuous dripping whereas the others just occasional when rain at its worst.
  7. So I'm getting a MissMax style bed wetting! A coupe of the mshrooms are dripping though TBF rain has been torrential and this is the first time I've seen an issue. Was about to buy 6 tubes of interior bathroom sealant and plug em up. But seriously can I assume my best bet is to remove them, apply some decent sealant and bolt em back down? And please don't worry. I'm not expecting anyone to drop their knickers as payment for advice!!
  8. You need another quote. Don't pay anyone 6K to lift and black the boat! You may also find problems. Remember whilst it's out of water and subject to survey it's not your boat yet.
  9. Agree with TC. I'm leaving knackered batteries in over winter and putting the new ones in next season when they will be properly used and monitored.
  10. My first winter. But the previous owner had the boat 15 years and recons there's no need to drain the calorifier (inside boat in a wardrobe).
  11. Sorry to hear this. I think all the advice given was most u will get online. But it's worked for many a boater. So let us know when ur sorted
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  13. What's going to happen? Unless flying an English flag is actually treason (punishable by death) I'll not be bothered!
  14. Nor me. Let's have a bit of a laugh and watch someone over bid for some cheap washers. Money is going to the RNLI. If it's all to take the piss out of NN I recon he's thick skinned enough to get over it!!
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  16. Lol. I want those fake rivets! Maybe I'll get some respect around here if Ajax is mistaken for a Hudson?
  17. Today I have been mostly replacing broken 12v kit, new LED tunnel light and new horn. Lol, little things but got to start somewhere
  18. Nice on CaRT. On my way to try it out.
  19. Whatever they go for on eBay is going to the RNLI....
  20. We do all realise the proceeds are going to charity, right?
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  23. Hi. Herbert Woods and the other hirers will tell you which of their boats can't get under (in my experience). And you need to use the Pilot too. I've only hired the old style sliding roof boats which a pretty low and go under ok. Cross-posted with you there. Agree completely.
  24. Very funny "These are genuine fake artificial fake rivets and no liability can be held if other fake rivetted boats laugh at you on the cut"
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