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Everything posted by Jon57

  1. The batteries were backups batteries so will have to ask that question? He also gets out of date batteries which are new . At the moment, not listed yet Fiamm 12FLB 450p year of manufacture 2017 4 batteries £445 delivered. Seems like a good buy to me. Would they be a better buy. And with being stood for possibly 15 months max still ok? And suitable for the boat. Thanks
  2. Hi. What’s the panels view about these batteries on eBay they have 87% capacity left . 112880690212 thanks
  3. Gone pop. Club house condemned and closed. New temp management in place. Boaters!
  4. This boat just been listed on the duck. Not a lot of details but looks interesting. http://narrowboats.apolloduck.co.uk/boat.phtml?id=554195
  5. This looks as it could be of interest to some of you guys. Not a lot of detail in the add. http://narrowboats.apolloduck.co.uk/boat.phtml?id=554195
  6. Has it got a hole in it, you need a bilge pump lol
  7. Mines fixed to a piece of lead flashing ad sits nice and flat.
  8. While I agree about the raw material cost of lithium (supply and demand) competition will have an overhaul effect on the final cost of the batteries
  9. That is with the original cost of 2 x 100 amp batteries £1400 divide by 4000 cycles = 35pence. No need to worry about recharge/ look after worrying if they are fully charged. Or pay £380 for 4 x 100 amp lead acid batteries ,fart about watching them all the time .then replace every 2 to 3 years . Life is to short for all that. Like all new technology how long do we wait till it gets cheaper. My first mobile phone was silly money compared with today’s phones but wouldn’t have waited till the price came down
  10. Shush don’t tell them Trojan’s they were having a sleep
  11. Working on 4000 cycles of the batteries they should cost about 36pence a day plus the cost to recharge (time and diesel) looks good to me
  12. Not a live aboard ,but just weighing up best battery set up. Nice tug , don’t want solar to spoil the look. Old thumper engine don’t want to run forever charging lead acid batteries or a noisy generator.
  13. Have you got a link to a cheaper supplier please Nick
  14. So as a safe guard a battery to battery charger will do the job then
  15. Thought you were a monster!! Go on upset them lovely Trojan’s
  16. Go on then nick contact them and ask the question. We know how you like a challenge. LOL
  17. Battery to battery. They come with a 240 volt charger
  18. How about these batteries https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F112354016924
  19. Hi. Fitting solar panels is quit easy. The hardest part is getting the cables from the out side to the inside.Did mine myself,and only took a day. I’m moored on the north Stratford ,PM me when you get to your boat and can have a look and give you some advice/ guidance foc
  20. Hi. Try this guy done some work to my cratch cover did a great job for not a lot of money. Came to the boat took cratch cover away replaced three zips , and returned within a week for under £100 Johns canopies 07837489632 no connection only a satisfied customer
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