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Status Updates posted by BlueStringPudding

  1. In this weather, this isn't so much a boat as it is a George Forman lean mean fat reducing grilling machine. Except without the fat reducing.

  2. Happy birthday, ape boy

  3. Me again... Alternatively log in to the chat room on here one evening. I'm in there talking rubbish most nights and it's very friendly. ;)

  4. Hi Kitsto,

    Thanks for your message! Daisy is a great boat, congrats! I had typed you a long ole message telling you about her, but then saw that because you're a new member, you can't send or receive Private Message emails yet. I think if you post a number of times on the main forum it will unlock the messaging system for you, in which case I'll send it again.

  5. Happy birthday, kiwi!

  6. Happy birthday, Mike. Also from the Monkey man!

  7. Hey Bazza, your inbox is full!

  8. nice to meet you today, Alan!

  9. Aha! Found you. Thought I'd say hello online although I'm sure we'll see you the Nav again soon!

  10. I wanted to e-mail you a question about Amtico flooring but just received a message that your PM inbox is full!

  11. So now you've met the Pink Panther, the rinky dink panther, and it's as plain as your nose. He's the one and only truly original Panther Pink Panther from head to toe.

  12. Happy 100th birthday!!!!!! ;)

  13. What's that "Cat's got your tongue comment?" in aid of? There's no need for it. It's antagonistic and quite frankly unpleasant. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll now be reviewing all comments before they are posted on my profile. I shouldn't have to, because every one else on this forum is civil. You're not doing this forum any favours at all.

  14. The "Clanger In A Calorifier" was the greatest work of art this century! Hope you don't mind me 'arf 'inching it!?

  15. We're on board finally and staying in the Hatton Warwick area for a couple of weeks, before moving down to Stratford and the surrounding villages. If anyone happens past a slightly faded ex-Black Prince hire boat with a turbine on the roof, that's us! Come and say hello.

  16. That is a very very scary photo!

  17. All bought and paid for. Just sorting out insurance and having the floors fixed as I type this, no doubt. Hopefully bringing it back w/c 4th June. Yay!

  18. Cool. Although admittedly my webiste is going through a partial refit - hence the opening pages are animated and funky and then lower down in the navigation tree it looks a bit more basic. I really ought to spend a few weekends tidying it up and updating it!

  19. It does when I click it...!

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