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Everything posted by GoodGurl

  1. this is a GU10 240v bulb, you need to be looking at 12v fittings that take MR16 or MR 11 bulbs, otherwise you will have to run 240v cable to the inverter (i think im right?)
  2. this is it http://www.thelightingsuperstore.co.uk/products/983955-acura-led-wall-light
  3. Matty40s if he's not busy
  4. awesome thanks rich for listening to the community
  5. 10 here on the forum page but only 3 on the main page, can you not reverse this? better still give us the option to "hide" the galley on the forum page.
  6. i doubt they will be removed whether we like them there or not
  7. we cant post pics on the forum for some reason or in PMs for that matter
  8. nope still dont work cant send files in PMs either There was a problem processing the uploaded file. Please contact us for assistance.
  9. theres a brand new 30ft come up at Oundle Marina Village at £19,950 with a 20hp honda outboard if that helps
  10. you can read the real story here- http://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/news/canal-cruise-firm-set-to-quit-falkirk-over-soaring-charges-1-4397084
  11. is there any way to hide the gallery its annoying as its always there and makes the screen smaller
  12. why are the galley pictures now down the right hand side of the main forum? can i remove then as it makes the screen small, anyone else have this?
  13. not sure you will get a good match tbh as the cover will have sun damage but you could try allan - Cratch and Boat Cover Repairs (GU) Restitching / Patch Repairs / PVC Windows / Fasteners / Zips Excellent Finish Mob: 07835 228 283 (New Covers Too!) or if you have facebook https://www.facebook.com/Cratch-Repairs-Boat-Covers-1417429728510830/?fref=ts
  14. also full of ad's which use data if on limited data allowance.
  15. Description: 'Catkin' - 30ft steel narrowboat - more info to follow Stolen Boats ID: 6241
  16. i have no idea,maybe email them and ask?
  17. they have a stolen boat ID and were only put on the site 10th march, btw the submit button don't work when you try to make a report.
  18. if it were a dispute with the receivers why would they be on a stolen boat site? http://stolenboats.org.uk/
  19. if you cant get on the tesco moorings goto the next bridge theres plenty of moorings there, i hope they have dredged the tesco mooring as i reported it last year.
  20. yep it was always the 10th
  21. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 10 posts to view.
  22. did the outage also remove Ange from her post?
  23. the site was down around 2am so i gave up and went to bed
  24. They are living in the back of a van with 3 dogs
  25. so so sad nicky has just said this Thanks everyone very very much appreciated you've all been so so kind ... She will probably not be salvageable we'll just have to see what quotes we can get for a total refit & rebuild of the JP2 & boatman's cabin & engine room ... If anyone's around & can help with quotes this would be very much appreciated. .. Thanks again xXx
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